Arnica Montana

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Arnica Montana
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Natural Order
Common Name
Leopard's bane
Mother tincture made
Tincture - whole plant
General description
"Grows in the Alps and other mountains. Arnica is a first aid remedy par excellence; trauma in all forms and varieties, pests, pruning. Transplants and mechanical injury will be met by Arnica as by no other remedy. Arnica may not be sprayed onto open wounds as it will cause inflammation and suppuration. Arnica has been used extensively for the indications with good results. Tumours on trees as a result of wrong pruning, even cancerous growths can be healed, provided they are the result of some form of injury. Pruning wounds that ooze sap. Root damage after transplants, after hail, when damaged leaves become yellow or red as in deciduous trees in autumn. "

Effect on Plants -

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