Considera - Introduction

Considera was started by one programmer from Tallinn enabling the vision of a BD-curious individual from the UK. The 'I' on this site is this second person - Mark. Hi! Email me if you like.

The rest of the team are people who want to join in from wherever they happen to be in the world. They are gardeners and farmers, and independent researchers and thinkers like you folk. Yes it's you! Everyone is invited to empower themselves to join in the search for a safe and effective agriculture.

'Considera' comes from two latin words and means 'with the stars'. Lurking in the English language is this clue that, in times of old, to give something one's consideration was to observe the stars' positions before initiating a task or making a decision, so that disaster (dys & aster) might be avoided. These starry 'influences' (that which flows inwards) are now usually considered pre-scientific.

It may be that all the cultures across the world and through history gave credence to an organised bunch of con-artists spouting the same astrological garbage, to feel comfort in the face of the unpredictable, harsh and varied world not yet blessed with Science. Considera considers that this conjecture is not yet scientifically proven.

Considera & Biodynamic Agriculture

For decades I've been fascinated by one approach to tending the land.

Biodynamic agriculture and horticulture, also known as biodynamics or BD, has a strong foundation of organic husbandry and the results are increasingly valued both ecologically and gastronomically. But the defining biodynamic techniques are currently off the scientific map: 'preparations' are potentised and spread on the land or put in compost, planting is done after considering the position of the Moon Sun and planets, and weed or pest peppers are created to mitigate damage! Hmmmm....

Over this time I have been caught in a tension between feeling in my gut that something was 'right', but not finding it easy to use my rational filters to evaluate the means to these ends. I assume I am not alone in having this dilemma.

I recognise the limited nature of statistics but those same rational filters crave carefully analysed experimental data as a 'reality check'. Unfortunately, BD researchers have not, yet, come to unanimous conclusions. For this reason I considered it a reasonable idea to collate and bring structure to the results that growers have had when applying biodynamic techniques.

Few of us can and will devote ourselves to sufficient diligent experimentation like Lilly Kolisko or Maria Thun. However, we might each be able to share a little as part of a bigger team. In this way we might achieve conviction ourselves and perhaps be convincing for others.

Considera was originally created to collate and evaluate star-plant experiences, and then pest and weed peppering but these two initiatives seem to have attracted little interest. However, Considera has collected existing and uncovered a lot of interesting new work concerning the use of preparations. This more recent initiative embraces but has now strayed beyond the current boundaries of biodynamic agriculture into the discipline known as agrohomeopathy and has attracted activity. From 2017 onwards Considera will be focusing its energy here.

All of this is presumptuous since no one has asked for this and I am no one's expert. But I fancied the challenge, gave myself permission, and now think something good may come of it. I even dare to hope that Dr Steiner might approve:

"In all these matters, I can only give indications, but as you see, these indications are capable of direct practical application. And as there is still the prevailing judgment - I will not call in prejudice - that all things must subsequently be verified, good and well! Set to work and verify them. If you do the experiments rightly, you will soon see them confirmed."  Dr Rudolf Steiner, Lecture 6 on Agriculture.

"For this reason I believe — and I want this to be expressly stated — that nobody can attain true knowledge of the spirit who has not acquired scientific discipline, who has not learned to investigate and think in the laboratories according to the modern scientific method. Those who pursue spiritual science have less cause to undervalue modern science than anyone."  R. Steiner, The Boundaries of Natural Science. Lecture 3. September 29, 1920.

"Naturally, you must take what is presented in these lectures and use it as you do the letters of the alphabet, because only in bringing things together will you find what you are expecting."  R. Steiner, Address to members of the Agricultural Experimental Circle, Koberwitz, Wednesday, June 11, 1924

"It would be a bad thing for Anthroposophy if one who cannot yet see into the spiritual world were obliged to accept in blind faith what is being said. I beg of you now, as I did in Berlin, to accept nothing I have ever said or ever shall say, on authority or in blind faith. I beseech you to disaccustom yourselves from the principle of authority, for that principle would be an evil one for us."   R. Steiner 17 June 1910, Oslo