Peppers - Introduction

My neighbour has just looked over my shoulder and asked if peppers are particularly responsive to lunar planting, so I'd better clarify that right away: the 'peppers' referred to here are the ashes which remain after burning weed seeds, insects or the hide of animal pests. (For this reason the issue of the rightness, not the effectiveness, of this method has been raised.)

Rudolf Steiner gave suggestions for when these should be burnt and how the ashes should be applied to limit the occurence of those same weeds and pests. He also gave a rationale for why these ashes or peppers should have an inhibitory effect on pest populations.

My hope is that we can identify successful peppers, and the crucial aspects of their creation, and then make them available to each other. A forum has been set up to try and realise this particular hope and if we can create and share peppers then this can be done through the site created for the sharing of homoeopathic preparations.

The success of using these peppers is another aspect of biodynamics which should be susceptible to analysis (Ext pdf link!).