Helix Tosta

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Helix Tosta
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Natural Order
Common Name
Toasted snail
Mother tincture made
General description
Snails have traditional virtue in curing consumption (TBC). Homoeopaths have put the remedy to the test by potentising it. As plants, when consumed by snails and slugs, present a perfect picture of excessive respiratory deficiency, the analogy is obvious. This remedy has had extensive clinical verification in the field. It was found to protect plants from snail attack when watered in or sprayed, so that the plant takes up the remedy. Helix 6X protects plants to the degree that snails will pass previously sprayed plants, to eat only untreated plants. No other preparation works four months after one single dose, even in heavy rain. Helix was tested extensively at herb farms and backyard gardens. Helix does not affect the small native (Australian) snail, but only the so called Italian snail and the slug.

Effect on Plants -

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