
From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Natural Order
Common Name
deadly nightshade
Latin Name
Atroppa belladonna
Mother tincture made
Tincture - whole plant when flowering
General description
"Grows in dry soil on the slopes of hills. In plants, it has been used with very good results on rust in fruit trees. Bell. acts on all parts of the organism. Sensitivity to light (Acon.) is a leading feature, making for leaves that either do not open, or burn. Sensitivity to changes from warm to cold in damp weather and draughts of air. Belladonna, like Aconite, is fast acting, consequently for symptoms that develop rapidly. Heat, redness and burning. Darker red than Acon. Red with orange margins (Acon. red and yellow). Purple red, orangey yellow. Red parts such as flowers and fruit look pale. Blistering from heat. Swelling and bluish redness. Sunburn. Windburn. Bell. has been used for the dark rusts with excellent results."

Effect on Plants -

Effects on Compost and Manure -

Notes and Academic Papers

A good compost starter as it generates heat in the compost accelerating decomposition (337)

Effects on Climate -

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