Herbal Drought Remedy

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Drought remedy - herbal
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Manufacturer's name
Natural Science Organics
Natural Order
Herbal mix
Common Name
Mother tincture made
Other .... see below
General description
A sack of herbs were placed in a 'Schauberger in ground Fermentation vessel'. The herbs were placed in a plastic five gallon pail that has holes drilled in the side and bottom and a lid placed on the top. It sat under an evergreen cedar tree for the fall, winter and part of the spring. It turned into a dark beautiful, very strong smelling [from the herbs] humic remedy. The water was applied to the land. My first impression was that it would relieve drought stress.

Effect on Plants -

Effects on Climate -

Visual symptoms

The day following application a nice cloud cover set in and it rained lighly for three days. This was not called for by the weather service. (40)

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