Star Planting - Citizen Science experiment: 2021

2005-2008 / 2013 / 2014 / 2021

The implicit assertion of a planting calendar is that it makes a difference where the Moon and Sun and planets are when we sow our seeds and plant our seedlings: a greater yield, healthier plants or perhaps a better flavour in our crops. Some of these assertions come from old traditions whilst others come from more recent considerations, perhaps with a little support from experiments.

To check this out dates have been selected which promise a contrast to the crops planted on nearby days. Keeping it simple for 2021 we're going back to a (single) solar eclipse.

The hope is that readers (plus their friends and even their sceptical associates) will be inspired to plant before, on and after this date and take note of the harvest.

June 2021
  June 10th 11:52 (UK time - NB BST**)

** to adjust this to your local time. To be really 'on it' you may need to make slight adjustments for your exact location.


The planets gathering on June 10th, 2021