Current repertory of materia medica agricultura
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CapillaryThirstIncreasedBut worse watering Afternoon and evening General Frequent Diminished Engorged Disturbed Congestion Collapse RootsDamaged Vesicles Swelling Smell Slimy Short and brown Pale Mouldy Lumpy ExudateViscid Frothy DryTips Under epidermis General DiscolourationWhitish Red SpotsWhite On potato tubers White Black patches Yellow Small Cankers Crack Shrivelled Loose skin Stems and barkSwollen LodgingFrom waterlogging General Reduced tendency TilleringSterile Poor Numerous Distorted Rot Chalky BarkDry and harsh Loose Cracks Brittle Spots Scars Weak LeavesWrinkled WiltingAfter transplanting Slow Rapid Morning Hot weather General SwellingsHard red Broad and shiny General SpotsRed General GreenSmall oval Yellow surrounds Brown General Sourrounded by 'halo' Circular elongating to streaks Dark and oblong Yellow RustOval pustules Both sides of leaves UnfurlFail Rolled Leathery Fall early Dry Droopy DiscolourationMargins InterveinalYellow-brown with green edges and veins Yellow orange or pale yellow Red Pink Crimson pink Yellow Purple Mottling Crimson pink TipsYellow Purple RedAfter injury General Orange Buff centres Grey streaks Bronzing From injury White Red Pink Orange Light green Brown Black Blue Chalky Burn Blistering StreaksAlong and across leaves Reddish brown Pale Yellow Split Twisted EvaporationImpaired Deficient ExcessiveDay General PhotosynthesisImpaired RespirationDeficient Bruise easily Brittle Thin FlowersPetalsMalformed Discoloured Absent Blisters Pale Dry CollapseBarley florets die General Small Shrivelled Shortlasting SecretionSlimy Sticky shiny droplets Premature Hot Late Abundant Delayed Drooping Absent Mouldy Fall off GenerativePollinationSterile General problems Premature Impaired Excessive Defective At Night Absent StamenLong Swollen Excess Immature Shrivelled Absent OvariesSterile Immature Shrivelled FruitSpongey Small SkinSoft Black spotsTurning corky Brown spots Pink spots in rings Tough Set RottingBrown rot Avocados With Blossom end rot With maggots With caterpillars General Apex of fruit RipeningSlow Red fruits look pale Fall early Diminished Absent UnhealthyWith maggots With blossom end rot With caterpillars General Deformed Tasteless EpidermisRough Split Large and watery SeedGrainSeed galls Small heads Distorted heads ('crazy top') Fungal strands Partially bleached head Grey brown bunts Smutted heads Oat glumes darken Purple horns Sterile Spongey Absent Seed bath Pinkish Shrivelled Premature - 'bolting' ModalitiesBetter from:WateringMorning Warmth Dry Wind Worse from:Morning Warmth Rain Light Manuring Watering WeatherCloudy Cold dry nights Cold air Heat Warm turning cold Wet Wind Stormy Night Evening SpeedRapid Named diseasesDieback Blotch General Spot blotch Net blotch Septoria blotch Glume blotch Crazy top Withertip Windrowing VirusBarley yellow dwarf virus Mosaic Tobacco mosaic Potato Alfalfa StripeHalo-stripe Bacterial Black Rust SpotEye spot Tan spot Black spot Angular leaf spot Bacterial brown spot Leaf spot Halo Ring spot Brown SpeckGrey speck ScabApple scab aka black spot Head scab Potato scab Violet scab Rhizoctonia scab Powdery scab Citrus scab RustSnapdragon Rose Poplar Pelargonium Chrysanthemum General Stripe rust Leaf rust Bean rust Marigold rust Iris rust Banana rust Stem rust Carnation rust Fuschia rust Peach rust Raspberry rust Juniper-pear rust RotSoft Root Dry Crown Blossom end Bitter General Brown rot Slimy rot Wet rot General Shrivelled With patches Slimy Foamy Engorged Stem rot Bacterial rots Potato rot Black bulb rot Strawberry blossom end rot Armillaria root rot Collar rot Leather rot Fruit rot White pine blister rot Black Oedema MouldWet Sooty Dry Black General Grey Slimy Blue Mildew General Downy mildew Powdery mildew GallFungus gall General Root gall Crown gall Dollar dead spot General Chlorosis General Gangrene General Potato BlightWith:Virus Nematode Fungus Bacterium Late Early Halo blight Stripe blight General ErgotEarly stage General Take all Anthracnose Bitter pit Damping off Lodging Waterlogging Sunburn Windburn Fruit drop Abscission - early Fungus Peach leaf curl Black point Black leg Cancers - trees Scald Salination Pseudomonas infections Leaf roll Leather leaf Smut Leaf scorch WiltFusarium wilt Spotted wilt PhytopthoraCrown Collar Septoria Curly top ThirstIncreased Regularly Reduced PestsLeaf roller Cats Rabbits Possums Mites General Rust mite Spider mite Citrus mite Tomato mite Red legged earth mite Two spotted mite Russet mite Vine mite Blister mites Scale General Hard Honeydew Soft Aphids General Black peach aphid With yellow dwarf virus Woolly aphid Thrips General Bean blossom thrips Banana rust thrips CaterpillarsCabbage moth Cluster caterpillar General Procession moth Loopers Spitfire Bud worm Army worm Web worm Cut worm Pine caterpillar Sawfly larvae Nematodes General Stem nematode Seed gall nematode Root nematode Turf nematodes Root knot Moths General Fruit piercing moth Grapevine moth Hawk moth Diamondback moth Potato moth Cluster caterpillar Coddling moth Winter moth European grape berry moth Leak/onion moth Cereal tortrix moth Cabbage moth Procession moth Cockroaches Ants General White Termites Snails Slugs Cabbage butterfly Slaters aka pill or sow bugs Pod borer Ermines Leaf miner General BeetlesFlea beetle Bean beetle Fruit General Asparagus beetle Blister beetles Dried fruit beetle Mexican bean beetle Japanese beetle Potato beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) Bugs General Acacia spotting bug Bronze orange bug Squash bugs Mealy bugs Fruit-spotting bug Crickets Flies General Onion fly Carrot fly Couchtip maggot fly White fly Fruit fly Cabbage fly Sawfly Bean fly Vinegar fly Crane fly Sciarid fly Gnat Stable fly Blow fly Katydids LeafhoppersApple leaf hopper General Maggots Mosquitoes Vermin Wasps Weevils General Fullers rose weevil Elephant weevil Woodworm Birds Passion vine hopper Cicada Rats Wireworm (Agriotes lineatus) Badgers Squirrels (grey) NutrientsNutrient deficiency:Nitrogen Ammonium Boron Calcium Carbon Copper Iron Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Phosphorus Potassium Silica Sulphur Zinc Sodium Nutrient excess: Crave Poor uptake Increased uptakePhosphorus CauseSalination Waterlogging General Salination Disease General Herbicides FertiliserBurning from fertiliser Deficiency Excess Injury General Fire Insects Mechanical Storm Grafts / cuttings Transplantation Nematodes Open wounds / lacerations Sunburn Wind damage Pesticides Sunburn Wind damage Heavy metal poisoning Drought Frost Fungal Viral Bacterial Shocks AppearanceEpidermisLoose Dry Wet Cracks Eruptions Engorged Foamy Mouldy Shrivelled Slimy Soft Sunken General With patches Thin DiscolourationBlack Blue Blue-green Light green Orange Purple Red Yellow Brown White DeformedEngorged Shrivelled With ...Pest activity Nematodes Fungal disease Capillary disease Bacterial disease Capillary paralysis InternodesShort ShrivelledEquisetum HyemaleSiliceaWith Bacterial disease With capillary paralysis With fungal disease With nematodes With pest activity Brittle CongestionOf single parts Flabby Straggly Thin Failure to thrive Stronger/greener Upright Slow growing 'Constitutionals'Apple Trees Tomatoes PalatabilityAfter slurry Nutrition AnalysisSugarsIncreased Dry Matter Essential OilsIncreased StarchIncreased ProteinHigher quality PhenolsIncreased AntioxidantsIncreased Storage durationIncreased GABAIncreased TanninsIncreased AnthocyaninsIncreased YieldIncreased Decreased Soil
WormsAttracts Weeds Organic matterLack Unstable Nutrients Compost and manure
OdourAnaerobic Ammoniacal Inefficient decomposition Leachate Rat infestation Water Climate |