Biodynamic Agriculture
Public domain preparation(Double click section-headings below to reveal/hide data)
About the Preparation -
Effect on Plants -
Effect on Soil -
Here, we analysed the impact of the main farming systems on soil biodiversity and functioning, reported in about 100 scientific publications. We found that conventional, organic, and biodynamic systems are the most widely studied, whereas soil conservation farming is poorly documented. Soil biological indicators are improved by ca. 70% in organic farming and biodynamic farming relative to conventional farming. 43% of soil bioindicators are improved in biodynamic farming relatively to organic farming. Soil conservation farming scores better than conventional farming for 57% of the indicators. Therefore, biodynamic farming displays the highest soil ecological quality, followed by organic farming, soil conservation farming and, last, conventional farming. Organic fertilisation and longer crop rotations are the most favourable practices, whereas pesticides and soil tillage are the most deleterious ones. (1593)
Bo Petterson was able to show, after 20 years, that not only the humus content increased in the biodynamic section of the trial, but the fertile layer of the soil profile has deepened considerably. (1871)
We measured no effects resulting from the biodynamic preparations, neither on crop yield nor on soil fertility indicators (1877)
... the soil changes we've seen over the last ten years are speeding up. Sometimes in a matter of weeks, we can see extraordinary soil evolutions. (1896)
Ever since the 1920s the dark coloration of the soil has been taken as a significant visible and measurable effect of the preparations. Our scientific long-term trial in Darmstadt also shows that biodynamic soil has a darker colour. There is no difference between the organic and conventional plots in this regard. The darker colour must therefore be connected with the preparations and not the cow manure with which the organic variant was also treated. This is a very clear effect of the preparations – and other trials confirm this! (1906)
When I took on the plot last March, ‘Roundup’ had been used over most of the area leaving large bare patches of ground with a lot of moss growing here and there. The grass was completely gone in many places and the only things that seemed to do well were the Docks, Thistles and Queen Anne’s lace (all the deep rooted pioneer plants), exactly what the owner wanted to get rid of! I have applied 500 about three times so far and 501 twice. I have also used hay mulches (with sea-weed and horse manure on the beds). It is amazing how different the plot looks and how much healthier it feels now. The grass has re-established itself and the soil on the beds is actually looking like soil rather than compact clayey sub soil. (1907)
The stable organic matter content of the soil increases. Soil structure rapidly improves and the roots penetrate more deeply. Within six months of a vineyard being treated (18th April – 11th December) with preparation 500P (horn manure to which the six compost preparations have been added), the soil became darker, more crumbly, was less sticky ... our results have been steady and reliable. (1908)
.. W. Goldstein's (1986) three years of experimental work on dry land wheat production in Washington State [showed that] when compared to soils in untreated [with preparations] organic plots, the soils which received biodynamic treatment contained 18% higher root density in the 150 mm top layer. In the biodynamic plots, release of CO2 was 7-10% higher, the microbial biomass was 7% greater, and organic matter was 2-4% greater. (29)
1922 (start of conversion to biodynamics) - the soil is at least at this time sufficiently supplied with potassium and with phosphoric acid. 1934 - the soil is abundantly supplied with potassium and with phosphoric acid. (1041)
After 6 years [at a large-scale (16-ha), long-term trial at Roseworthy campus], significant differences between systems are apparent in economic returns and soil available phosphorus (P) levels. The biodynamic treatment has the highest gross margins, followed by conventional, organic, and integrated. Conversely, available P levels on the biodynamic and organic treatments have declined 12 and 9%, respectively, since the start of the trial, while both the integrated and conventional treatments have increased soil P levels. In summary, it is too early in the trial to state categorically that any one system is more sustainable than another, although trends are now emerging. Weed management remains the main impediment to high production levels on the organic and biodynamic treatments, while input costs, variable yields, and low returns for grazed pastures are major constraints to high economic returns on the integrated and conventional systems. (1523)
Species diversity was assessed using an amplicon sequencing approach in a long-term field experiment in the Rheingau wine region of Germany where integrated, organic and biodynamic management practices had been in place for 10 years. Fungal community composition under integrated management differed significantly from organic and biodynamic management, whereas fungal species richness remained unaffected. Soil under integrated management had a significantly reduced bacterial species richness compared to organic, but community composition was similar to organically and biodynamically managed soils. (1524)
.... recycling manure at a level of 1.4 livestock units per hectare permits maintenance of soil organic carbon (SOC) levels and that composting manure, as performed in BIODYN 1.4, helps to further increase SOC levels and improve biological soil quality. (1539)
When applied in apple orchards, biodynamic preparations (extracts) had the non-significant effect of reducing bacterial and fungal abundance in apple rhizosphere (4 months post-application), while increasing fungal and lowering bacterial Shannon diversity. One to four months after inoculation, individual taxa indicated differential abundance. (1555)
The findings show that some AMF (Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) species present in natural ecosystems are maintained under organic farming but severely depressed under conventional farming, indicating a potentially severe loss of ecosystem function under conventional farming. (1568)
... the percentage of root length colonized by AM [Arbuscular mycorrhizal] fungi to be 30-60% higher (P ≥ 0.05) in the plants grown in soils from the low-input farming systems [BD and organic] than in those grown in conventionally farmed soils. (1569)
The DOK trial... compares bioorganic (BIOORG), biodynamic (BIODYN), and conventional (CONFYM) farming systems at two farmyard manure intensities corresponding to 0.7 and 1.4 livestock units per hectare with a purely mineral fertilized system (CONMIN) and an unfertilized control (NOFERT)... After 42 years, we found SOC contents to be increased in BIODYN 1.4 and to a lesser extent also in BIOORG 1.4. CONFYM 1.4 showed stable SOC contents, while systems fertilized with manure of 0.7 livestock units and CONMIN lost SOC [Soil organic carbon]. SOC loss was highest in NOFERT. Enhanced biological soil quality under organic and particularly biodynamic management highlights the close link between soil biology and SOC changes. The impact of farming systems on SOC was detectable after 2 decades of continuous management. We conclude that recycling manure at a level of 1.4 livestock units per hectare permits maintenance of SOC levels and that composting manure, as performed in BIODYN 1.4, helps to further increase SOC levels and improve biological soil quality. (1575)
.... available P levels on the biodynamic and organic treatments have declined 12 and 9%, respectively, since the start of the trial, (1576)
No differences were found in soil quality in the first 6 years. (1577)
The physical, biological, and chemical soil properties and economic profitability of adjacent, commercial biodynamic and conventional farms (16 total) in New Zealand were compared. The biodynamic farms in the study had better soil quality than the neighbouring conventional farms and were just as financially viable on a per hectare basis. (1578)
.. significant improvements were observed in drop test subsoil (p = 0.009), topsoil colour (p < 0.000), root penetration (p = 0. 017), structure of surface (stable aggregates, little encrustation, p = 0.006), structure of topsoil (p = 0.030), structure of subsoil (p < 0.000) and the colour change from topsoil to subsoil was at a greater depth (p = 0.049). Based on previously reported results showing significant changes in the microbial activity in soil from the BD+ treatment, using the same soil samples, it was thought possible that the observed differences in soil structure between BD+ and BD- were linked to the differences in the microbial activity. (1579)
Biodynamic plots had a lower bulk density and higher SOC concentration than the integrated ones, which is probably due to the species-rich cover crop mixture used in the inter-row. However, organic and biodynamic farming showed an accumulation of copper in the under-vine area and in the tractor track, which is problematic for soil fertility in the long-term. Therefore, alternatives for copper in plant protection are necessary to ensure sustainable soil quality through organic and biodynamic viticulture. (1581)
Fungal community composition under integrated management differed significantly from organic and biodynamic management, whereas fungal species richness remained unaffected. (1583)
soil from the biodynamical farmed parcels showed increased total amounts of the heavy metals iron (about 23.8 g/kg vs. ~22.5 g/kg), manganese (about 700 mg/kg vs. ~628 mg/kg) and zinc (about 105 mg/kg vs. ~95 mg/kg) compared to the integrated and organic farming. (1585)
..the total S content increased significantly in the order MIN [mineral fertiliser] < CM [Cow Manure] < CMBD [Cow manure with BD preparations] .... Neither the microbial biomass C to soil organic C ratio, the metabolic quotient qCO2, nor the respiratory quotient (mol CO2/mol O2) revealed any clear differences between the MIN and organic fertilizer treatments.... (1586)
Biodynamic preparations increased solely the Cmic-to-Nmic (soil microbial biomass C to soil microbial biomass N) ratio by 7% in the 0–10 cm soil depth. (1590)
In the third crop rotation period at normal fertiliser intensity soil organic carbon (Corg, w/w) in the plough layer (0–20 cm) of the BIODYN system remained constant and decreased by 7% in CONFYM and 9% in BIOORG as compared to the starting values. With no manure application Corg-loss was severest in NOFERT (22%), followed by CONMIN together with the systems at reduced fertiliser intensity (14–16%). Soil pH tended to increase in the organic systems, whereas the integrated systems had the lowest pH values. At the end of the third crop rotation period in 1998 biological soil quality indicators were determined. Compared to soil microbial biomass in the BIODYN systems the CONFYM soils showed 25% lower values and the systems without manure application were lower by 34%. Relative to the BIODYN soils at the same fertilization intensity dehydrogenase activity was 39–42% lower in CONFYM soils and even 62% lower in soils of CONMIN. Soil basal respiration did not differ between farming systems at the same intensity, but when related to microbial biomass (qCO2) it was 20% higher in CONFYM soils and 52% higher in CONMIN as compared to BIODYN, suggesting a higher maintenance requirement of microbial biomass in soils of the integrated systems. (1591)
Soil biological indicators are improved by ca. 70% in organic farming and biodynamic farming relative to conventional farming. 43% of soil bioindicators are improved in biodynamic farming relatively to organic farming. Soil conservation farming scores better than conventional farming for 57% of the indicators. Therefore, biodynamic farming displays the highest soil ecological quality, followed by organic farming, soil conservation farming and, last, conventional farming. Organic fertilisation and longer crop rotations are the most favourable practices, whereas pesticides and soil tillage are the most deleterious ones. (1593)
Low-intervention practices (organic and biodynamic managements) promoted densely clustered networks, describing an equilibrium state based on mixed collaborative communities. In contrast, conventionally managed vineyards had highly modular sparser communities, supported by a higher coexclusion proportion. (1602)
Our results showed that plots which received either prepared or non-prepared FYM (30 Mg ha−1 year−1) had significantly increased soil pH, P and K concentrations, microbial biomass, dehydrogenase activity, decomposition (cotton strips), earthworm cast production and altered earthworm community composition than plots without FYM application. (1604)
The results showed that significantly higher amounts of P (respectively 106 and 79 mg kg-1 CAL), K (149 and 106 mg kg-1 CAL), nitrogen (5.41 and 3.21 mg kg-1), ammonia- cal nitrogen (9.38 and 3.45 mg kg-1) and mineral nitrogen (7.97 and 5.67 mg kg-1) were measured in the plots where the horn-manure preparation was used. A higher activity of the soil enzymes (urease activity was 1.93 times higher and the saccharase activity was 1.05 times higher) were identified with horn-manure. The average soil CO2 flux (Fc) value, when using horn-manure preparation (from 56 till 70 day), was significantly higher by 5.32% in the middle of the growing season. The yield of pumpkin was signif- icantly increased by 18% with horn manure treatments. Significant positive correlations were identified between pumpkin yield and urease activity, and saccharase activ- ity, as well as soil P and K. (1608)
Relative to the organic treatments, root dry matter increases associated with the use of preparations varied from 12% to 39% and root length differences varied from 10% to 37% depending on the experiment, crop, year, and preparation application. The biodynamic + NCP treatment also induced substantial, positive yield compensatory effects for maize and wheat under stress condition years. The response slopes were practically identical for wheat and maize, indicating that the effect is of the same magnitude for both crops. Results were higher average grain yields and gross financial returns than for organic grain. The greater root production and root health stimulated by preparations is probably linked to greater vegetative growth, enhanced yield under stress conditions, and increased soil quality and carbon in soils. (1609)
Long-term application effects of cattle farmyard manure (CM) without and with biodynamic preparations (CMBD) on basal respiration, 0.5 M K2SO4 extractable C and the relationships of microbial biomass C (MBC) estimates by chloroform fumigation extraction (CFE) and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) were evaluated down to 1 m depth. The contents of total N, K2SO4 extractable C and MBC-CFE declined with depth from 0–25 to 90–100 cm by −82, −47 and 86%, respectively. The contents of these three soil properties were always 17% lower in the mineral fertilization (MIN) treatment than in the CM and CMBD treatments. However, these differences were not always significant. The MBC-SIR/CFE ratio varied around 1 and did not show a significant depth gradient, due to the strong layer-to-layer variation within each treatment, although this ratio was generally 25% lower in the subsoil than in the topsoil. The metabolic quotient qCO2, i.e. the ratio of basal respiration to MBC, was positively affected by the MBC-SIR/CFE ratio, soil pH and K2SO4 extractable C and negatively by total N. Long-term application of farmyard manure, especially in the CMBD treatment, resulted in a subsoil microbial community with a more efficient use of SOC and glucose. (1611)
We find that the method of management significantly affects communities in soil, on plant structures, and on the developing crop in subtle but importantly different ways in terms of number, type, and abundance of species. However, management approach has no effect on communities in the final harvested juice, nor on product traits aligned with quality. This shows that while management approach impacts different habitats in the environment in different ways, this does not automatically flow onto the harvested crop. (1615)
Distinctions with respect to management were associated with differences in pH and soil resource pools: total carbon and total nitrogen of the (1620)
Results obtained suggest that these preparations have a positive influence on soil conditions depending on environmental conditions, being higher in more extreme environments, supporting thus, previous research done until now only on tilled soils. (1629)
Biological health of soil was assessed to understand the effect of varingly managed organic cropping systems under field conditions. Twelve treatment combinations comprised two cropping systems (CS1-Basmati rice-Chickpea-Sesbania green manure;CS2 -Basmati rice-Vegetable pea-Maize (green cob & Fodder) + Green gram (residues incorporation) and six organic nutrient manangement practices- T1: Farmyard manure + Vermicompost + Enriched Compost + Neem Cake, T2: Biodynamic Preparations, T3: Farmyard manure + Vermicompost + Enriched Compost + Neem Cake + Panchgavya, T4: Farmyard manure + Vermicompost + Enriched Compost + Neem Cake + Biodynamic Preparations, T5: Farmyard manure + Vermicompost + Enriched Compost + Neem Cake + Biodynamic Preparations + Panchgavya, T6: Control. The highest activity of different soil enzymes viz., dehydrogenase, acid, alkaline and total phosphatase; and aryl sulfatase was assessed to the tune of 1311.02 μg Tri Phenyl Formazan 24h−1g−1 soil at flowering in ‘spring’, 26.99 μg p-nitrophenol h−1g−1 soil, 35.19 μg p-nitrophenol h−1g−1 soil, 62.18 μg p-nitrophenol h−1g−1 soil and 77.75 μg p-nitrophenol h−1 g−1 soil at harvest of ‘rabi’ crop, respectively receiving the organic nutrient package through T5. Significantly enhanced microbial population and their biomass facilitating the enhanced mineralization of nitrogen to the tune of 150.10 μg NH4+-N g−1 soil with nutrient management practices employed through T5 was observed. (1637)
The organic treatments resulted in a higher soil fertility capacity... (1640)
Moreover, earthworm populations and biomass were highest and on a similar level in the BD and ORG systems in all three crops investigated, (1643)
The biodynamic field sprays (500, 501 and barrel compost) were not shown to have any effect on soil quality. (1645)
When earthworms were presented with biodynamically sprayed or unsprayed soil, significantly more worms migrated to the biodynamically sprayed soil. (1645)
Soil phosphorus increased after cropping but only with 'biodynamic' (20%) (1755)
Physical soil conditions were not affected by the farming systems. Soluble phosphorus and potassium availability in the biologically treated soils were 40% lower than in the conventional treatment reflecting the differences in potassium and phosphorus input. However, differences in fixed element fractions were much smaller .... Soil microbial biomass, activity and diversity of earthworms, carabids, spiders and staphylinids in the biological treatments was higher than in the conventional treatment. (1831)
These attributes confirmed John Cashmore's observations of the soil on 'Nyonger' following 14 years of biodynamic best farming practice in the cereal wheat growing region of Western Australia: his soil was very delicate and required great care; his best farming management practice ensured it did not 'blow'; his crops remained greener for two to three weeks longer than his neighbours; in heavy rain 'Nyonger' no longer experienced overland flow and his soil was responsive to nature. (1863)
The humus content was not only concentrated at the surface, as in the minerally-fertilised plots, but reached much further down in the profile. (1871)
Between 2019 and 2022, soil microbiology analyses were carried out on 150 vineyard plots, a third of which were conventional, a third organic and a third biodynamic. This work, carried out in Burgundy and Alsace, showed that "all indicators improve when plots are managed biodynamically", even when agronomic practices are less than ideal. Some indicators are even surprising, such as the interaction networks between micro-organisms, which are much more abundant in biodynamic viticulture which results in more stable and functional communities than in other agricultural practices. (1896)
AMF colonisation of grapevine roots was influenced by vineyard management independent of the season. Higher mycorrhizal colonisation was detected in organic/biodynamic grapevine soils (20 − 35%), compared with conventional soils (6 − 31%). Twelve AMF species were identified in vineyards, belonging to five Glomeromycota families. Interestingly, organic/biodynamic vineyards showed higher AMF diversity. The three predominant morphotypes were Funneliformis verruculosum (GL1), Septoglomus sp. (GL4) and Septoglomus constrictum (GL5). Molecular analyses of AMF spores highlighted the occurrence of Septoglomus, Acaulospora, Pacispora and Cetraspora genera in vineyards. (1898)
in heavy rain 'Nyonger no longer experienced overland flow and his soil was responsive to nature. (1863)
Recently, three years of water testing have been completed at a B-D institution in Illinois, U.S.A. It was demonstrated that organic manuring as such reduces the nitrate concentrations in drainage run-off, from 40-50 ppm NO, under chemical treatment to less than 10 ppm NO, under compost treatment. (1892)
the soil ... held water better (1908)
Pettersson and Wistinghausen (1979) surveyed soils after 19 years of Bd compost and field sprays. The subsoil which had received the field sprays and the BD compost had 31% more organic matter than the subsoil which has the BD compost alone. (29)
After 6 years, significant differences between systems are apparent in economic returns and soil available phosphorus (P) levels. The biodynamic treatment has the highest gross margins, followed by conventional, organic, and integrated. Conversely, available P levels on the biodynamic and organic treatments have declined 12 and 9%, respectively, since the start of the trial, while both the integrated and conventional treatments have increased soil P levels. (1537)
Soils from the low-input farming systems had a greatly enhanced capacity to initiate AM [Arbuscular mycorrhizal] symbiosis. The relative differences in this capacity remained similar when propagules of the AM fungus Glomus mosseae were experimentally added to the soils, although overall root colonization by AM fungi was 2.8 times higher. (1569)
Higher concentrations of PLFA [phospholipid fatty acids] and PLEL [phospholipid ether lipids] in BIODYN and BIOORG indicated a significant influence of organic agriculture on microbial biomass. (1570)
The biodynamic treatment has the highest gross margins, followed by conventional, organic, and integrated ... (1576)
This paper summarizes data from previous studies, both published and unpublished (theses), that have compared biodynamic and conventional farming systems with respect to soil quality or profitability. These studies have shown that the biodynamic farming systems generally have better soil quality, lower crop yields, and equal or higher net returns per hectare than their conventional counterparts. Two studies that included organic management treatments with and without the preparations showed that the preparations improved biological soil properties and increased crop root growth. (1630)
Three-year results show a markedly lower ecological footprint of the ORG and BD systems in production of both crops, mainly due to non-use of external production factors. When yields are added to the equation, the ORG and BD systems also have a lower overall footprint per product unit and ecological efficiency of production. (1643)
Effects on Compost and Manure -
The bacterial diversity was significantly higher in biodynamic manures compared to compost without discernible differences in abundance. Fungal diversity was not significantly different while abundance was increased in biodynamic manures. The microbial communities of biodynamic manures and plant preparations were specific for each production site, but all contain potentially plant-beneficial bacterial genera. (1555)
Alpha diversity was found to be maximum in BD506 with 868 OTU (operational taxanomic units) and minimum in BD507 with 254 OTU. At phylum level, the most abundant phylum was Ascomycota as recorded in 7 BD preparations with exception in the BD 500 (Unassigned). At genus level highest percentage of OTU abundance was observed for unassigned genus in all BD preparations, except Mortierella in BD 500 and BD 502; Microascus in BD 501 and BD504; Gymnoascus in BD503, Scedosporium in BD 505, Mucor in BD 506 and Hyphopichia in BD 507. On the basis of species diversity, BD502, 503 and 506 showed high percentage of OTU abundance for Mucor racemosus, while Mortierella oligospora was abundant in BD500, Dipodascus geotrichum in BD 501, Kernia pachypleura in BD504, Petriella setifera in BD505 and Hyphopichia burtonii in BD 507. (1599)
Effects on Climate -
.... since my most recent visit to India, I am entertainingthe idea that weather itself may be positively influenced by[the preparations], too. In late October 2016, I arrived in the mountains of Tamil Nadu near Kodaikanal to start Prep-making as usual. Tough it should have been the rainy season, the region was facing its’ worst drought in living memory. With rivers dangerously low, crops withering, no grass for the cows and little drinking water, the locals were despondent. We began to notice that when the odd downpour did occur, it often coincided with significant Prep activities and lasted for days. It rained as we buried the last of over 8,000 horns for our BD Horn Manure. In March when the air was so dry it was almost painful to breath, a few wispy clouds appeared the first day we made our Prepared 500* and by the third and final day the sky was black. It rained for a week. I have never witnessed rain in that area at that time of year though admittedly it has been known to happen. Perhaps I would not have taken these and other such coincidences seriously had it not been for an epiphany just before returning to the UK. We had decided to try a sequential spraying with the express intention of attracting rain to the farm. As soon as the stirring of BD P500 commenced, I had an intensely strong sensation that the vortices were powerfully sucking huge clouds laden with rain towards the epicentre of the barrel. About 40 minutesin, the hitherto blue sky darkened and the heavens opened.We had beautiful drenching rain. This serendipitous event has really got me thinking! (1907)
Results demonstrate that biodynamic production implies the lowest environmental burdens, and the highest environmental impacts were linked to conventional agricultural practices. The main reasons for this strong decrease in environmental impacts for the biodynamic site is related to an 80% decrease in diesel inputs, due to a lower application of plant protection products and fertilisers, and the introduction of manual work rather than mechanised activities in the vineyards. (1632)
The energy balances of the cropping systems were compared in order to describe their efficiency in the use of energy. In order to produce one crop unit, the energy use in the biological systems was 15-30% lower, except for potatoes. This difference was mainly caused by a lower input of indirect energy for fertilizer and pesticide production. (1831)
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