501Public domain preparation(Double click section-headings below to reveal/hide data) About the Preparation -Preparation name
Biodynamic 'field' preparation 501 - horn silica
Preparation category
Public domain formulation
General description
And if you use this mixture for spraying the plants (not pouring it on to them but finely sprinkling it) you will see, particularly in the case of vegetables and the like, that this has the effect of supplementing and reinforcing that which works out of the soil through the cowhorn manure [500].... then you would see how the cow-horn manure was pressing up from below, the other drawing from above, neither too weakly nor too strongly. And this could have a wonderful effect, particularly on cereals
Effect on Plants -Named Issues
Weeds (58) Brown rot in cherries (21) Fungi and insects if applied at the same time of day for three consecutive days and repeated after two or three weeks (35) Lice on Broad beans .. must be done at the right moment (38) Powdery mildew, brown rot, rust, blight, (44) Excess Ethylene exposure (29) Sunlessness, Roughage (57) Blackfly on broad beans (57) Peronospora (57) Yield (57) Allergy induction (57) Grazing (190) Bolting (190) Light deficiency (199) Frost (200) Corn ear worm (201) Flavour (294) Scab, Mildew. (298) Mildew (303) Bolting (304) Sprouting seed potatoes (442) Blight (632) Slugs (810) Too fast growth (957) Geotropism, heliotropism (1041) Prevents bolting (1049) Secondary metabolites (1829) Rust (1838) Mouldy courgette leaves (1838) Phytophthora (1838) Botrytis (1838) Disease resistance (7) Dry matter (1867) Slugs (1875) General Appearance
You can only apply it when there is a need for it, when the plants are too watery. .. brings in the light-form forces into the plant. .. you are bringing in more head development into the plant with 501. (21) Depending on the intensity and timing of applicaions, it will stimulate growth or maturation and help maintain a good balanced developmment of plant substance. (35) Control experiments show an increased harvest for different grains from 10 - 30%.... Silica has proved useful indeed for increasing plant growth in the garden as well as in the field. It is only applied to green plants. (38) As a general rule spray when that part of the plant which is to be harvested is beginning to develop, e.g. lettuce when the heart can just be discerned, pease when flower buds can be seen, potatoes when tubers begin to form, root crops when swelling starts.... the use of 501 not only increases the yeild of garden crops, it is also an important agent in enhancing their quality as expressed by aroma, taste, sweetness and keeping potential. (36) Horn silica sprayed in the morning encourages vegetative growth; sprayed in the afternoon before harvesting it helps the final ripening process, the development of valuable constituents and the keeping quality of the product. (34) Upright! (44) with regard to the quality of plants one gets teh best results when it is sprayed on a particular kind of plant on the appropriate day. this means one sprays cereals on fruit days, root crops on Root days etc. (28) In 1976, the yields of wheat were 5% greater after 4 applications of preparation 500, 4% greater after 3 applications of 501, abd 8.6% greater after a combined 4 applications of 500 and 3 applications of 501. (29) Morphological distortions and dystrophic activity from excess ethylene exposure [or dipping in Eosin solution (Vogele 1960)] is alleviated somewhat by 501 and 507, but especially by 503 and 504. (Lippert 1953) (29) Abele (1973) and Jost (1983) found that preparation 501 increased the tensile strength of wheat straw (29) Maize reacts well to repeated applications of horn silica; yields may be increased to a remarkable extent. (34) In comparing the results of spraying with 501 we have observed again and again that spraying in the forenoon brings about a stronger activity in the upper part of the plant even increasing metabolism, while in the afternoon it affects the growth below ground and leads to a kind of "fruiting" in the realm of the root, which is partly expressed by increased weight. (196) vegetables that threaten to bolt should be sprayed in the afternoon. (197) Its effect on all leaf vegetables is very marked. Brassicas that have received an application of 501 are noticeable for the upright growth of the leaves. (297) When [501] is applied the light and warmth metabolism of the plant is strengthened and this in turn results in an intensification of the carbon metabolism of the plant. (302) According to our experience the bio-dynamic preparation 501 increases all the processes in a plant which have a relationship to light. If there is a disturbance of the geotropism or phototropism, 501 can heal it. (1041) Roots
One can improve the quality of carrots by applying this spray in the afternoon on Fruit or flower days shortly before harvesting them (28) Dry matter in carrots was increased using 501 and 500 (Koenig 1988) (29) Root crops can be sprayed quite late in their development, even as late as early October, in the afternoon (with the light moving towards sunset). The property of 501 works then down into the root, and roots can grow an additional 30-50% after application, not to speak of the enhanced quality. (57) 501 should be used only when the root has started to set, a second time when it is in full growth and a third time shortly before it is ready. (57) Potatoes sprayed twice in June with 501 in the afternoon set much earlier thatn those not sprayed. Celeriac sprayed the same way were excceptionally large, white and tasty. Carrots treated similarly produced excellent roots and even spinach will be grateful for an afternoon spray of 501 (57) ... if we want to encourage root growth, and this applied to potatoes, scozonera, etc., use the silica preparation not only in the forenoon but also in the afternoon and evening. (190) In one case a potato crop was sprayed six times, all in the mornings, the last application being given just after flowering. Leaf growth continued at the expense of the tubers and yield was reduced. After tubers have begun to form it would better to spray the silica in the evening. (194) With roots like carrots or potatoes the silica should be applied in the morning until the plants are well developed above ground and then in the afternoon to stimulate the "fruit" in the soil. When 501 was used in conjunction with the sowing experiments these influences were enhanced and the effect was most marked when root crops were sprayed on root days ... This was shown in increases in yield, improvement in health and more vigourous germination and even more clearly in analysis. (196) Should planting be delayed, or sprouting progress too rapidly, an early morning application of 501 will help curtail the sprouting impulse to an appropriate point. (442) An ideal spray/cultivation treatment according to the Talhof farm practice would be as follows: 1 - First soil preparation on a fruit day. 2 - Final soil preparation during Root with evening application of 500. 3- Cultivations (pre emergence) first in fruit, second in root and third in combination with an evening spray of 500. 4 - First application of 501 (early a.m.) during Root when tubers begin to form (plant about 6 inches high) 5 - Second application of 501 (early a.m) during Root at final cultivations. 6 - Third application of 501 (early a.m.) during Leaf when plant flowers. 7 - Fourth application of 501 (late p.m.) during fruit just prior to cultivation. 8 - An additional application of 501 could be considered as a post-harvest treatment to inhibit sprouting. (442) Potatoes were difficult to grow ... because in May when it was getting muggy blight would send in quite early. ... I used the horn silica preparations (501), Equisetum and Fuller's earth. I combined these three ingredients in the spray and from mid-May onwards I would spray every week or so onto the potato crop in advance of the onset of blight. In very muggy weather it can take just a day or two and you have it already. I was watching that carefully, and then sprayed them as often as I considered was necessary. I got good results. There was no blight at all by the time we dug them out in September. (632) When the BD preparation 501 was applied, the content of total phenolic compounds in the tubers of cultivars Blue Congo and Red Emmalie was significantly higher, 20.1% and 5.4%, respectively; the content of anthocyanins were significantly higher in the tubers of three tested cultivars. However, the application of this preparation did not have any effect on the content of total phenolic compounds and on the antioxidant activity of Vitelotte tubers. (1610) The use of both preparations (500+501) had significant effects only on anthocyanins accumulation in the tubers of Blue Congo and Vitelotte. (1610) It was shown that when sprayed with BD preparation 501, the concentrations of total phenolic compounds in the tubers of cultivars Blue Congo and Red Emmalie was significantly higher, 20.1 and 5.4%, respectively; anthocyanins were 59.8 and 10.4% higher, respectively and antioxidant activity was approximately 1.3 times higher in the two varieties. The use of both preparations (500 and 501) had significant effects on anthocyanins accumulation in the tubers of Blue Congo and Vitelotte. (1614) ... a field experiment examining the effect of the preparation on the ripening of carrot and white cabbage. Here, they were cultivated at two levels of fertiliser ('normal' and 'high'), and sprayed 0, 1, 3, or 6 times with the Horn Silica preparation. After harvest, an independent laboratory analysed the carrot samples for their content of free amino acids, which are found in the plant sap and have not been transformed into proteins. The results showed a systematic, inverse correlation between the growing number of Horn Silica sprayings and the content of free amino acids. Thus, the Horn Silica preparation promoted the ripening of the carrots, the content of free amino acids decreased, and in parallel the content of fully developed proteins increased. (1861) Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
This preparation has a kind of 'balancing' effect. That is to say, it preserves a nice balance in growth. It speeds up slow or retarded growth and assimilation, and slows down growth that is too rapid. Several doses need to be administered, therefore, in wet years when plants tend to shoot up too quickly. (957) It was found that in the case of variant V1 (product P501) there were negative increases, which shows that administered alone the product did not have a favourable effect on wheat plants, under the study conditions. The highest values of the increase in indices and the elements taken into account were recorded in the V4 variant, which was a combination of products (P500+P501). (1598) Leaves
My understanding re 500/501 is that 500 restructures soils (among other things) and 501 energises and strengthens plant tissues (again, among other things). For best effects Steiner recommended back-to-back application of these preparations (note that they weren't numbered 500/501 until 1933), 500 in the late afternoon/evening and 501 the following early morning no later than 10am "else this would burn (damage) the crop" (according to the literature I read). Bear in mind that the Steiner model dealt with European conditions, not Australian or yours. In 2005 during a Landcare project comparing biodynamic, natural and conventional methods during and immediately after drought I and a colleague tested spraying 501 at different times of the day and in different types of weather conditions including damp and sunless (that is, sunshine less). The aim of the exercise was to find a non-toxic method of eliminating noxious plants; the plant chosen was African Lovegrass. The spray was applied manually with a backpack sprayer directly on to the plants, not allowed to mist across them. Time of year was mid-summer (late December/January), there had been a 50mm fall of rain in early December, temperature range was in the region of 15C overnight to to a maximum of 35 to 38C at 3pm, location was SE NSW, and the plants were a vibrant green and growing lustily The results included the following: Bright and sunny day, clear blue sky, 9.30am, 30C, humidity very low, UV extreme - when the spray hit the plants they wilted and turned grey almost instantly. By the next morning they had recovered somewhat but during the remainder of the growing season never regained their vibrancy. Their growing season was shorter than normal. Heavy cloud, no sunshine, 9.30am, 28C, high humidity, UV extreme - it took a few minutes for the plants to wilt, otherwise the results were the same as above. Subsequently I repeated the tests independently on a range of plants at different times of the year. 9am seemed in general to be the make or break point during late spring and summer but the crucial element was always the UV rate. We concluded that the cause of the wilting etc was UV reacting with the 501. (22/12/2011) (58) .. increases the light in-taking ability of the plant. Never spray 501 unless your pasture is lush. It is essential to reach the young plant when it is just capable of taking in light (21) Horn silica can be sprayed on winter cereals in the autumn to strengthen the young plants. In spring it will help with the tillering of all cereal crops and benefit meadows and pastures.... It is applied to green plants as soon as there is sufficient green leaf or, depending on species, when fruit setting begins. (35) Having stirred the silica into warm water, this liquid is sprayed or sprinkled on the top of the green plants. They are helped in their growth, they can produce more chlorophyll, they develop into strong plants. (38) If horn silica is applied at this early stage [as soon as first leaves appear] shoot and stem growth will be inhibited ... sufficient foliage must have been developed before it is applied. (34) If 501 is sprayed halfway through the plant's normal growth it will tend to bring about a premature flowering...Spray a hay [and silage] crop just after it has been shut up and then again after flowering which would be a few days before cutting. There is a sweet fragrance associated with hay sprayed with 501 (44) In some cases one can improve the storage quality by using this silica preparation; e.g. a final spray for cabbage plants on Flower days helps in their storage. (28) 501, 502, 503, 505 , and 507 stimulate respiration (Pfeiffer 1956) (29) Tegethoff (1988); following application of preparation 501.. busneans showed reduced leaf surface... reduced stomata openings and lower transpiration. Photosynthesis was not influenced but chlorophyll contents inreased. At low light 501 and 500 increased the number of stomata on the lower side of beetroot leaves by 30% and higher specific density of the leaf substance. (29) Leaves thicken and become waxy, and in some instances plants that normally have leaves in a downward facing nature stand upright [with excessive use of 501]. (48) The silica preparation 501 is very important in this context and tp spray it when the heads [of cabbage and lettuce] have almost finished forming, is of great advantage. At this stage it prevents lettuce from bolting (57) When broad beans develop their fourth to sixth pair of leaves it is adviseable to spray 501. If later on blackfly appear in spite of this treatment (as they will especially in sultry weather) spraying should be repeated. Quassia-soft soap may become necessary however. [E Riese} (57) A grass field which was sprayed with 500 three times in the course of the year got 501 after every grazing, and it was sprayed in the evening. The grass grew so well that the field could be grazed seven times in this year. Before it had this treatment it only yielded two grazings annually. (57) In the Bavarian Algau the cows are driven into the pasture during the summertime. There the cows could find where the silica [501] had been sprayed and where it had not. They grazed the sprayed section of the pasture until it was like a billiard table and only left their droppings on the unsprayed part.Only when the sprayed sction was grazed bare did they move to the unsprayed section and then did not graze it closely, leaving the grass and clover about 1 - 2 inches high. (190) The silica preparation was stirred in nettle-water and sprayed twice within one week. We had to wait about four 4 weeks before the deer got the scent of it. First of all they grazed bare that part of the meadow which had been sprayed. They even tried to hear out the roots with the cloven hoofs. A forestry worker reporting the incident to his boss remarked. "I think the deer have gone crazy." (190) When lettuce are still small the are sprayed in the morning, but by spraying in the afternoon or evening they can be stopped from bolting. (190) In work at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, spinach was grown in June at 50, 75 and 100% light intensity. 501, unprepared quartz powder and water were each sprayed twice at each light level, with an interval of 7 days. The field trial was grown in a split-plot design with three replications. Dry matter content on the leaves at harvest was significantly higher in the 501 treatment than for the other two treatments, which did not differ significantly from each other in this respect. There was no difference in fresh weight between treatments and although the content of oxalic acid was lower after 501 treatment this difference was not significant. The effect of 501 on dry matter content and oxalic acid was greatest at full light intensity. (199) Spinach lettuce cabbage meadows pasture clover etc - spray in forenoon, but if there is danger of bolting change to the afternoon. (196) The silica preparation alters the taste of clover. Red clover given as winter hay, having received the silica at the right stage of growth, was eaten by cows in preference to other clover hay which had not received silica owing to labour problems. They refused the unsprayed clover hay until they simply had to take it. Apart from the quality being improved in crops, it is possible to prevent caterpillar on cabbage if the spraying is done repeatedly after the middle of July, perhaps every fortnight. (197) After a frost in November 1965, the treated red cabbage showed no frost damage - in contrast to the untreated. (200) By spraying the growing plants on a dry day, at hte rightstage of their development, we can delay the flowering, enhance the crispness of the leaves of such plants as lettuce or improve the quality and flavour of fruit and cereals. (295) The etheric oil content [in thyme] is decidedly helped by the presence of silica in the soil and by preparation 501. (300) After planting broccoli and cabbage in the Spring, she had many problems and the pants were just dying. There were cut worms and there was a disease that looked to her like a mineral imbalance. Polly decided it was a holistic kind of problem and decided to spray 501 with valerian (507) added for the last 15 minutes of the stirring. She observed that it made a huge difference, even by the very next day. She said, "I could see that they looked a bit perked up ad they stopped dying so quickly..... I really noticed a difference right after the spray. (429) I sprayed 501 and the heavily infested lettuce were almost without slugs soon after. I was thinking about spraying the soil so the slugs won't hatch. The warmed water was filtered. (810) 501 on lettuce: when the heads are formed and there is danger of bolting, 501 will prevent this. We had a bed of lettuce stating for fully four weeks which otherwise would have been wasted. (1049) and the plants that received horn-silica had their photosynthesis development improved. (1648) Although lettuce yields were higher when the compost and plants were treated with biodynamically prepared silica sprays, the variation in lettuce fresh yield in the field was high (c.v. 28%) and the effects of the sprays were not statistically significant (p 0.05). Irrespective of fertiliser source, composts or soluble fertiliser, silica sprays produced lettuce at harvest (47 DAT) with higher dry matter content and crude protein in fresh leaves. However, application of silica spray had no statistically significant effect on lettuce fresh head yield, N uptake, plant sap nitrate concentrations, NO3 to TKN ratio, and amino acid content. (1805) We thought we'd lost the leek crop it was so brown with rust. At the end of August we added <a href="http://www.considera.org/materiamedicagricultura.php?remtype=3&rem=9">fermented equisetum</a> (only a week old) for the last 20 minutes of the stir. Sprayed on 3 different Thun moon-days. After three weeks the newest bright red rust was all gone but there were scars / spots still on the leaves. 2 weeks later even these had disappeared and everything was becoming green again. Focussed cooperative intention whilst stirring. (1838) The white on the courgette leaves in September all disappeared with the 501 which has the <a href="http://www.considera.org/materiamedicagricultura.php?remtype=3&rem=9">fermented equisetum</a> added for the last 20 minutes of the stir. All new growth was a healthy green (1838) All new shoots were green after the 501/<a href="http://www.considera.org/materiamedicagricultura.php?remtype=3&rem=9">fermented 508</a> mix was sprayed in the greenhouses (1838) Leaves treated with BD-501 exhibited elevated concentrations of polyphenols and increased chitinase activity during the later phenological phases. In contrast, the untreated BD samples demonstrated high values primarily in the central phase of the observation period but not consistently throughout. (1847) .... cultivated at two levels of fertiliser ('normal' and 'high'), and sprayed 0, 1, 3, or 6 times with the Horn Silica preparation ... after five months' storage, the white cabbage samples were evaluated visually by three people for their marketability, based on the degree of microbial attack and 'fresh colour'. The results documented that the cabbages which had been sprayed 3 or 6 times showed less microbial attack and had a fresher outer appearance. Thus, the preparation promoted the storage ability, as an integrated aspect of ripening. (1861) Irrespective of fertiliser source, composts or soluble fertiliser, silica sprays produced lettuce at harvest (47 DAT) with higher dry matter content and crude protein in fresh leaves. However, application of silica spray had no statistically significant effect on lettuce fresh head yield, N uptake, plant sap nitrate concentrations, NO3 to TKN ratio, and amino acid content. (1867) Flowers
If you spray 501 on flowering fruit trees, the flowers die. ... Never, of course, spray 501 on vegetables or fruit trees which are flowering. (21) It is not advisable to spray when the [cereal] flowers are open, for experience has shown that this results in poor seed setting. (34) 501 was sprayed on one branch of an apple tree in bud. The next day all the flowers on the particular branch had opened whereas the rest of the tree was still in bud and came into flower later and, incidentally, during a period of frost. All but the one branch were spoiled. (57) On the other hand I have noticed that the lush and rich growth of tomatoes can be transferred to the ripening process by spraying the silica preparation very early in the morning, say, seven o'lcock. After four days it will be noticed that the ripening is beginning. (190) Rape buckwheat mint and balm etc - spray very early in the morning (196) Sanseveria and a hoya, a climber known as the "wax flower," which had never bloomed, were watered repeatedly with prepared silica water and responded with a surprising amount of blossom. The silica can be left in the water and stirred occasionally for a fortnight. Roses should received their first silica when they have started shooting, in the forenoon. During the last few minutes of stirring valerian can be added to good purpose. (197) Fruit
You can spray when the fruit is set and is very small ... but when that fruit is at that stage when it is suddenly really becoming fleshy .. if at that time you spray 501 you can over expand them and you can actually induce rot because you are making them too fleshy....If you again spray 501 when the fruit is already grown, then you are aiding the ripening process. You can .. increase the flavour. (21) When crops start to ripen it is advisable to spray in the afternoon. Repeated applications of horn silica improve yields, maturation, keeping qualities and promote a uniform quality of fruit (35) Both soft and top fruit are sprayed at teh flower bud stage and again when the fruit is ripening. (36) Fruit crops .. are normally sprayed when the fruit is about the size of a shelled walnut. Overspraying can sometimes make the skin of fruit or tomatoes tough. ... Note: spraying fruit trees before the fruit has reached full size will cause premature ripening. The sugar content of grapes can be dramatically increased with 501. In 1994 a New Zealand grape grower in Gisbourne recorded a Brix level of 64 [local average 25] after spraying 501. (44) .. the application of Horn silica influences the ability of the wheat to swell as well as the gluten content... the application of Horn silica at correct aspects increased not only the grain yield and the good bread making properties but also the regenerative forces [germination rate]. (28) An old grapevine growing up the length of the front of the househas shown signs of peronospora all summer and as aresult lost its leaves early in the Autumn. To heal it, the branches were taken down the same Autumn, stripped of old bark, washed with equisetum tea and tied up again. Before the leaves developed in spring the branches were sprayed with equisetum tea. This treatment was repeated fortnightly throughout the summer, 501 was sprayed during alternate weeks with 508. In Autumn peronospora was still present, but the leaves stayed on longer than the year before. The following year the treatment was repeated and proved highly successful. No traces of peronospora were found any more. In the following years normal treatment could be given; 501 twice in summer and 508 once or twice as a precautionary measure. Peronospora did not recur. (57) On strawberries 500 and 501 considerably helps the growth of strawberry plants as well as the development of aroma, colour and keeping quality of the fruit. 500 is best sprayed just before the first leaves unfold and again after picking. 501 on to the leaves before the flowers appear, a second time during the development stage of the fruit and finally just before the fruit ripens. (57) Tomatoes were kept growing by the afternoon spray and the fruit would not start ripening. Four days after an early morning spraying of 501 the started turning colour. (57) In fice consecutive years runner beans were grown with and without 501. The excess yield of those treated with 501 in 1952 was 34%, in 1953 - 32.1%, 1954 - 26.4%, 1955 - 27.3%, in 1956 - 25.3%. The 501 was sprayed three times, the first time just before flowering. (57) Mildew on gooseberries yields to a mix of 501 and 508, It can take 3 years to get rid of the mildew completely but no further treatment is needed after this. In wet years the quality of the produce can be vastly improved by 501. (57) In a garden, tomatoes were sprayed 8 times between June and October. I was surprised to din that the tomatoes could be eaten in October in their green state, because they were sweet ... solanceae respond well to the silica preparation. (190) Strawberries also respond. They should be sprayed before they blossom and then twice in one week. The plants will then blossom better the following year. (190) Runner beans sprayed on three afternoons in one week gave double the yield of the unsprayed section. (190) A B_D vine grower sprayed his vines several times to the middle of August hoping to improve the fruit. The grapes grew very big, but they had think skins and did not ripen properly; a much earlier application would have produced the desired effect. (194) Apples are also best sprayed early while the leaves are unfolding or even while the tree is in bloom; then the fruit will be a good colour and will ripen well. In the case of strawberries it was found that spraying directly after the crop was harvested led to lush new leaf growth and good fruit the following year without further applications. Application just before fruiting only led to an increase in leaf growth which shaded the berries and encouraged disease. (194) With broad beans we noticed that spraying in the forenoon encouraged an upright tendency while in the afternoon it stimulated the root to form a ball-like structure - a tendency to sell. (196) Experiments had been tried with tomato plants, spraying some in the morning, some in the evening - on the latter leaves were 20-30% longer, the stems were 25 mm thick and 2.5m tall and the crop was so heavy that the plants seemed to be one bunch from top to bottom. Tomatoes hsould not receive the silica preparation within 4 weeks of being planted out; the process of taking root must not be disturbed. All the fruiting plants, fruit trees, strawberries and tomatoes are sprayed in the forenoon. (197) It has a strong power to stimulate fruit and seed formation... It also has the virtue of improving the flavour and nutritional value of crops, as well as making them more resistent to diseases and insects. Repeated applications should enhance these effects. (294) In the case of fruit, the aroma can be improved to a not inconsiderable extent. Even the ripening of the fruit is promoted. Scabs that disfigure the fruit do not develop to the same extent as before. Very good results have been obtained in fighting mildew. (298) I began spraying with equisetum with the waxing Moon. ... The bushes were well doused and also the surrounding soil. The condition of the plants is now very good, and the fruit develops very well, and its healthiness was remarked upon by an experienced dealer, without any previous remarks from me [A Jungbauer]. One can certainly says that very good results can be obtained against gooseberry mildew by the use of equisetum tea combined with preparation 501. (303) ... identified as secondary metabolites, namely phenolic constituents belonging to the shikimate pathway. The level of most of the identified compounds increased in plants treated with 501 preparation. (1597) Horn manure application significantly increased total and marketable yield. Marketable yield, contents of macroelements, total carotenoids, single carotenoids (lutein + zeaxanthin, lycopene, ß-carotene) and antioxidants (catechins, total phenols, leuco-anthocyanins) were significantly increased by horn silica use. The combination of both biodynamic preparations had a significantly increasing effect on total and marketable yield, net photosynthetic productivity, dry matter content and total and single carotenoid contents (lutein + zeaxanthin, lycopene, ß-carotene). (1603) The grey mould on strawberries was addressed with 501/<a href="http://www.considera.org/materiamedicagricultura.php?remtype=3&rem=9">508</a> - the equisetum added for the last 20 minutes of the spray. Sprayed 4 times within 10 days on different Thun moon days. All new berries were fine even if resting against the old mouldy ones! (1838) At the time of harvest, chlorophyll concentration and quantum yield exhibited no statistically significant differences. (1847) Seed
... you should spray a wheat crop first at the four leaf stage and a second time after flowering ... spray a grain crop when the Moon is in Leo. (44) A field of rye was sprayed with 501 four times within one morning. As a result, the rye shot up fast and to a greater height than the unsprayed rye in the next field. Eversince the ryw descending from this seed ripens a week earlier than is normal. (57) Lands was sprayed with 500 before the beans were put in. In May and June, altogether three times, 501 was sprayed in the afternoon at intervals of 8-10 days. Another plot remained unsprayed. The yield of the sprayed beans was three tiems greater. (57) Dredge corn got 501 twice by mistake. That paret of the field showed up favourably right to the end. Experiments with peas indicated that it is best to spray them when about four inches tall and not to wait until shortly before they begin to flower. (57) When sprayed over cornfields gives a visible ripening effect, producing dark brown grains in wheat. Corn will not sprout in the ear in wet weather for some time after being sprayed with 501 wihch delays germination. (57) In a complex experiment at Ranischholyhausen plots of barley were grown with three different manurial treatments, partly under shade and partly in the open; half the plots were sprayed six times with the silica spray with the following effects on yields: Shade - no fertliser +12.4% Shade - Organic fertiliser +72.2% Shade - mineral fertiliser +35.1% Full light no fertliser -7.4% Full light organic fertiliser - 12.4% Full light mineral fertiliser -4.3% (194) Given a cereal which is ripening too slowly, to spray in the morning would stimulate new life processes and might lead to shooting of the grain. In this case it would be better to spray in the afternoon thus slowing down the life process. (196) Several years ago in a 'seat of the pants' seed bath experiment with corn (maize) which I never replicated, I felt that I obtained the best results with the plot that had been treated with a combination of preparation 501 and 506. That particular plot had a higher yield and almost no corn ear worm damage in comparison to the several other plots that had a variety of different treatments. (201) Used before the flowering stage and after the fruit has set ... it is ... indispensable in the production of seed. (296) 501 can also be used to check the tendency of cabbages and beetroot to bolt. (297) For farmers the use of the silica-preparation 501 begins every spring with rye. As a northern plant of the long days it needs the light-forces that flow in from the cosmos to be especially strong and early. The silica-preparations is generally used when the plants begin to shoot. The young stalk usually gives notice of the right time by a swelling of its underparts. This extending and stretching of the knots in the stem when it is ready can plainly be detected if one lets the young stalks slip through two fingers. Generally speaking, the first days of May should be chosen for applying 501 to rye. Wheat begins to sprout later: when it does so - in the middle of May - it, too, should be given preparations 501. Special attention should be given to barely, as it pushes up its shoots very quickly. It often begins to sprout several days before the wheat. Barley is a plant of continental climates and needs therefore besides fertile soil-conditions, much light and warmth. It stands on that account in special danger in wet years. (298) When one has gained some experience, one can even use it for retarding the going to see. In spinach and lettuce, eg, it has often been possible to postpone bolting for a fortnight or three weeks. (304) I used to think that 501 was instrumental in the seed/bolt process but now view it quite differently. It's the other way around. Lack of it causes the condition while excess moisture/hydro pushes the seed process - not vegetative. (BdNow on 23/06/2010) (58) Allen also likes to use the 501(5x) just prior to harvest. Generally he applies the 501(5x) the evening before harvesting. He observes that BD#501 seems to slow down the bolting. (429) General effects to be noticed are that plants stand more upright and are able to respond to dry/ wet changes more readily. Flowers are of a deep colour and scent and the fruit will ripen more sweetly and earlier. There is greater resistance to fungal problems. Excessive use can be noticed after two successive applications, in close time proximity, causing sunburn of crops and desert like conditions. Fruit size can also be reduced. It is best to spray this preparation generally before 11 in the morning. More recently afternoon spraying has been suggested if the contractive aspects of 501 wish to be enhanced. (48) Notes and Academic Papers
501 in Australia is not as essential.. as in europe. I saw plenty of evidence of these .. over-rich conditions in Europe and England ... and am certain that people over there aren't sufficiently aware of the lack of light in their plants and of the effect also that the horrifying air pollution there has on plant-light-intake. (21) Enhances the forces emanating from the cosmos and constellations, so it should be sprayed on the days best suited to each particular type of plant. (27) As a rule, horn silica is sprayed as a fine mist early in the morning and ideally when the dew is still lying on the ground. It increases the plants' ability to connect more strongly with cosmic forces - and in particular sunlight - than would naturally occur. Clear days help efficacy while hot periods around midday and days with drying or cold winds should be avoided. (35) Silica has the capacity to mediate the cosmic influences of light, but it is also closely connected with warmth. The right way of stirring the silica is to use only warm water... It should also be used for leguminous plants, and for carrots, beetroots, turnips and potatoes in soil lacking silica. (38) In some cases we can also use the "prepared silica" 6th potency to obtain the same results [as 5x of 508]. For instance lice on broad beans can be attacked successfully with a spray of prepared silica. Only it must be done at the right moment. Here it is suggested that prepared silica and not equisetum should be used, because these lice do not appear because of too much "moon" in the soil; they appear at the time when growth of the beans is checked perhaps through cold weather or drought, and if we can stimulate growth in time, we help the plant to resist the attack of lice. .... Moon and water belong together as do silica and warmth. (38) Horn silica enhances the plant's ability to make effective use of the dynamics of light..... The first application of horn silica is usually made when the fruiting part of the plant is just beginning to develop; cereals when they begin to tiller .... roots when the tops are about a hnd high and the root is clearly thickening ... fodder crops when an even carpet of leaves has developed and is 10 cm high ... on cabbages when the inside leaves begin to turn in ... on fruit when it is at the bud stage before the flower opens. (34) Spray 501 only very early in the morning, at sunrise [501] increases photosynthesis, strengthening the plant and encouraging the development of fruit and seed ... it strengthens the plant and the quality of the plant product and the health of the animals which eat the fodder.. Spraying 501 in an ascending period when the moon is in a particular constellation will impart the properties of that constellation to the crop. Spraying 501 when the Moon and saturn are in opposition has been found to be very effective in bringing healing and strengthening qualities .. against specific fungus attack. For instance powdery midew in Tamarillos, brown rot in peaches, rust on oats, blight on greenhouse tomatoes, and mildew on courgette plants (44) In the morning the spray works more strongly in the upper part of the plant and in the afternoon it works more on the root region. (28) The horn manure and silica preparations can be seen as broad stroke preparations that powerfully stimulate the two primary formative growth processes. Their activities are easily seen and, at times, work too broadly and on too many levels at once to be used as specific remedies. They act directly on enhancing one pole of the plants activity or the other. This can inhibit their ability to be used frequently. (48) In sunless years the repeated application of 501 is essential. It is particulary important for cereals with their high silica content in ear and straw, and for grass which provides roughage for stock. (57) Really striking results with 501 are achieved only when the quartz had been really ground to dust. It does not do to stir 501 in a darkish room. The light, better still, the sun itself should shine onto the barrel. The longer it waits before being sprayed the less effective it is. The correct nozzle on the sprayer allows 501 to emerge as a fine mist. 501 sprayed after 11 am in the suuny weather often results in burned leaves. If 501 and 508 are tp be sprayed together, stir 501 in the 508; do not mix the two after stirring. (57) A person allergic to strawberries .. tried some biodynamically grown ones which had just been sprayed with 501... none of the usual effects showed themselves. The new growth that had no 501 caused the usual problems but when they too had the 501 the problems were not apparent. (57) I have found that the afternoon and evening hours are also favourable for spraying the silica preparations. White clover responded particularly well to this treatment. (190) It was found in Central Germany that if the silica preparation was sprayed too soon it had a serious retarding effect, but on moist, reclaimed land in Holland the best effects were obtained when the first application was made before the third leaves had started to develop; wheat grew vigourously and was dark green. IN Denmark, on the other hand, where the soil is sandy and light, early application had a retarding effect on growth and carrots became woody. This effect was probably connected with the strong intensity of the light in the North in early summer and the crystal clear air. Leaf growth there is not as vigourous as in Holland, the leaves have a finer texture, their colour is often a light green and the ears of corn are often blind at the tip. The retarding effect of the silica preparations can be overcome if it is stirred with the cowdung preparation. This practice is widespread amonst B-D farmers in Denmark. How can these contradictory effects of silica be explained? In the First phase of plant development the elaves unflod and if the humus in the soil and its moisture content are favourable then an increase in light and warmth promotes vegetative growth; this seemed to be the case on the reclaimed land in HOlland. Teh same would apply to spinach and lettuce in the earlier vegetative stage,, but if there is an intense light-warmth working of the sun combined with a dry spell the vegetative stage is halted, the fructifying phase sets in and the plants bolt. The silica application at this stage would accelerate this process. (194) In order to get the desired effect from the silica application, namely the intensification of the light-warmth activity of the sun, both endogenous and exogenous factors must be considered; that is, both the phase of plant growth and the surrounding growing conditions. If conditions are humid and plants are growing vigourously, the effect will be to promote growth. If the climate is dry and the leaf growth weak then growth will be checked and hardened but at the same time aroma may be intensified. (194) Especially good results have been obtained by spraying in accordance with the position of the MOon in the constellations of the zodiac, three to six times in the trigon corresponding to the plant; eg earth trigon for potatoes, warmth trigon for grain. The time of day must also be taken into consideration. During the morning hours the plant stands more in the vegetative process and if this needs help it is better to spray earlier in the day. However, if there are to be a number of spraying, later ones might be better applied in the afternoon. (194) Experiments have been done to discover how often the silica should be applied for maximum effect and it has been found that three or four sprayings are enough; more make no appreciable difference. (196) The use of the homeopathic potency D7 of preparation 501 (designated SiD7) was found practicable for experiments in which stirring for one hour each time was not feasible. (SiD7 might also be useful for small vegetable plots or very large extensive areas of land. Remer gives exhaustive details of the method in his book. The treatments were given once a week) SiD7 gave 150% aspartic acid, 164% glutamic acid, and 267% alanine in savoy cabbage compared to untreated. Various carrot experiments gave 177%, 146%, 121% and 120% of the sugar of untreated carrots. Iron was increased in swedes (+27%), curly kale (+10%), carrots (+33%), endive (+9%), sugar loaf (+19%), and celeriac (+14%) [Silica, it's importance for animal, plant and soil - B Saunders-Davies] (200) BD 501: Basic silica polarity-photosynthesis, blossoming, fruiting and ripening. Good for flavour and keeping quality. Maximizes sunlight and atmospheric organization. (7) ... they have done marvels in Australia with #500 .... Why? Because they are bringing the earthly force into a continent or an agricultural situation where it is very, very weak. now, what I postulate for myself, is that the task for North America is exactly the reverse. We have to use more #501 and #508 because those preparations are the cosmic force carriers. We have a great need within the earthly hemisphere, the North American continent, to bring in these cosmic forces. (259) One of the ways you will know the 501 is working is whether insects and disease becomes less of a problem and crops taste better. <br> As far as homeopathic dilutions go Lily Kolisko's work indicated the 5th and 28th potencies were generally the most effective. (294) Biodynamic agriculture uses the horn silica preparation (501), to strengthen the astral and reduce the etheric. Homeodynamics uses PRO FLOWERING or FRUIT PLUS (the latter bringing the forces of light and those of warmth). (737) 501 is applied to the plants at the moment when that part of the plant which we harvest is first formed and each application corresponds to approximately 5 days of sunshine.The power of these influences is increased by spraying ... 501 on days of Air or Fire. (283) Preparation 501 increases the assimilative activity of the plant, (1041) the bio-dynamic preparations show the same effect with any concentration; that is, the high dilution is just as powerful as the concentrated dilution. This shows clearly that we have here a dynamic effect, because it is independent of the number of molecules present. The bio-dynamic preparations react as true bio-catalysts. (1041) Preparation 501 is applied following the usual procedure: 1. With the development of the second leaf. 2. With the beginning of more intensified growth, e.g. with the third stem development. 3. Toward the end of developing new stems. 4. After blossoming. (1041) 501 should be given at the moment when the plant starts its full development, sufficient root system having been developed. If 501 is given too early, then the plant will develop a strong, juicy, thick root at the expense of the upper parts. This effect, however, could be eliminated through a second spraying with 501 later on. Even if applied at the proper moment, its effect is augmented by a second spraying. Indeed this is especially advisable in wet seasons with little sunshine, and after winters with much moisture and little sunshine. Evidently, in such cases, 501 is a substitute for sunlight. To a certain extent it wipes out the bad effect of too much moisture. In greenhouses where part of the light is absorbed by the glass 501 should be sprayed at regular intervals. If the first dose of 501 is given too late, it forces the plant to mature too early, a thing which does no harm in a wet year but which nevertheless should not be done to lettuce, spinach and other green-leafed plants inasmuch as it causes them to blossom. (1041) 501 shown highest effects on the photosynthesis activity of treated plants and a better status of the plants that shown a strongly highest level of phytoalexins. Those are stimulated when plants are under disease pressure, so we can conclude that 501 help the plant in a better healthy status and prevent to disease attack. (1502) The yield increase was ... 59% (1573) In this study, the microbial load in BD 501 manure was enumerated and evaluated for its antagonistic properties against selected rice pathogens. Three predominant bacterial isolates, BD (A)S1, BD(A)S2 and BD(A)S3 were isolated, purified, characterized and identified through microscopical, biochemical and 16S rDNA sequencing methods. These bacterial isolates were identified as Bacillus spp. based on the microscopic observation, Gram staining and biochemical tests. At species level, BD (A)S1 and BD(A)S2 isolates were identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and isolate BD(A)S3 was identified as Bacillus toyonensis. These 3 isolates were tested for their antimicrobial activity against rice pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani, Pyricularia oryzae and Xanthomonas oryzae, the causal organism of sheath blight, blast and bacterial blight of rice plants respectively. The bacterial isolate Bacillusamyloliquefaciensrecorded for a strong antifungal activity against R.solani and moderate activity against Pyricularia oryzae. This study provides a basis for confirming/ understanding the beneficial effect of BD 501. (1622) The discriminant compounds related to the 501-treatment were annotated on the basis of accurate MS and fragmentation and were identified as secondary metabolites, namely phenolic constituents belonging to the shiki- mate pathway. The level of most of the identified compounds increased in plants treated with 501 preparation. (1829) BD-501 triggered a distinct response in terms of potential defense mechanisms (elevated polyphenols and chitinase activity) during the veraison phase. However, conversely, lower levels of chlorophylls and carotenoids were observed. (1847) Spraying with Horn Silica (BD 501) at Moon opposition Saturn tends to strengthen plants' resistance to diseases and insects (7) I had a few slugs this spring, which I have never had before. But as soon as I started using the 500 and 501 and tea made from nettles and comfrey and hay, they seem to have disappeared. (1875) Effect on Soil -Soil characterisation
Mineral release (58) Soil surface
It is of no use spraying silica on the bare soil before the green leaves are there. (38) 501 has a number of effects on soils including release of locked in minerals and stabilisation (9-2-10) (58) spraying 501 along with 500 on the soil of a winter afternoon in big droplets is an absolutely wonderful thing to do as it really builds up the silica forces for a great spring start (3/3/2010) (58) After the reactor accident in Chernobyl in 1986 .... we immediately treated the arable land with horn manure (BD 500) and horn silica (BD 501) ...... Three weeks later two scientists came with various instruments to measure the radioactivity. All fields and pastures were tested, all animals and all our products (including the milk) were tested. The results showed no real increase of radioactivity over natural radiation which is always present. Measurement of our neighbour's farm showed a radiation in crease of 13%. The result on our farm was unbelievable for the scientists. One of them kept returning to find out how this could be explained. He observed the extraordinary effect of our spray preparations, and started to experiment with them himself, confirming their efficacy. (953) Top soil
Normally it is used as a foliar spray permeating the region of the leaves and the atmosphere above the plant. It may also be applied to the soil, as in the case of the freshly cultivated land following an application of 500. There is even the possibility that it might be beneficial to inject it as much as 6 to 8 inches deep during cultivation, perhaps to dry out tight, wet soil. (294) Notes and Academic Papers
Preparation 501 has a favourable effect only when it is used after 500. If the 500 has not been applied, it is better to miss 501 for that year. Tests have shown that plants grow weak where 501 has been applied without 500. In fact to miss 500 or to use 501 when 500 has not been applied are two proceedures equally bad. (197) After the BD500 has been applied, the 501 can be applied the very next day. I believe the sooner after the 500 the better as this has a wonderful balancing effect on the land and atmosphere. <br> For some reason here in North America there has been much ider application of BD500 than BD 501. Yet, because of the lush nature of our continent, and especially becuase of the cloudy, rainy and forested nature of much of the American east, southeast and northwest, 501 can be especially beneficial and should be applled, if anything, more frequently than the 500. Undoubtedly this is much less true in the hot, dry and intensely sunny regions of the midwest, and south west. (294) Effects on Climate -Visual symptoms
in 1986 we had this terrible summer drought which lasted from May to September. All the fields were burned out. There was no grass for the cows to eat. ... a fine old lady said, "If it's really dry, you can spray 501 in the evenings, this will help the plants to stand up to drought conditions. Every evening in a three day rota I sprayed the field. YOu could not see anything happening to the grass, but these cows did not complain... they were not unhappy. They did not lose condition nor did they lose milk. The the manager of the feed mill asked me what I was doing. "The cows don't complain as any other would." He said, "the best you can do is to carry on with it." (632) Notes and Academic Papers
As ozone depletion and greenhouses take effect its use will need to be reduced. (48) Since the influence of preparation 501 is on the assimilative processes, it is not applied until the plant is growing well. As long as the risk of night frosts lasts in spring it must not be used. As a rule May is the earliest month for its use. [N Hemisphere!] (957) |