Public domain preparation(Double click section-headings below to reveal/hide data)
About the Preparation -
Preparation name
Biodynamic 'field' preparation 500 - horn manure
Preparation category
Public domain formulation
General description
The manure inside the horn becomes pervaded with forces which gather and attract from the surroundings all that is ethereal and life-giving [and so] becomes inwardly alive. Thus in the content of the horn we get a highly concentrated, life-giving manuring force. It brings ego potentiality to the soil.
Effect on Plants -
General Appearance
It has primarily the task of enabling plants to orientate and find a connection with the soil. (28) H. Spiess (1978) "Conventional and Biodynamic Methods of Increasing Soil Productivity.".. preparations 500 (and 501) mostly has a positive influence on crop yields. If ... the yields are high anyway, then preparations may not cause an additional increase. (29) In 1976, the yields of wheat were 5% greater after 4 applications of preparation 500, 4% greater after 3 applications of 501, abd 8.6% greater after a combined 4 applications of 500 and 3 applications of 501. (29) Dewes (1981) observed (as have many others) that variants which received treatment with preparations show noticeably low values for standard deviation, i.e. treated plants show more uniform growth than the control. (29) Cereal crops which show signs of frost damage should be sprayed with 500 plus 507 early in Spring. (57) Of two lots of celeriac one was sprayed with 500 three times before the seedlings were planted out, once on the soil before sowing and twice on the growing plants. The two lots were planted along side eachother. The difference in appearance could be seen from 30 feet. The sprayed plants were dard green and showed luxuriant leaf growth. The leaves of the other were much lighter in colour and thinner and some had rust on them. (57)
If one sprays it at sowing then the plant can develop more roots. We also use it when replanting. (27) Horn manure primarily acts through the .. root system but also via the leafy region of plants where it strengthens growth. In symbiosis with micro-organisms, it enables plants to connect more strongly with mineral substances than would naturally be the case. ... Transplants and cuttings.. should all be dipped into stirred horn manure preparation just before planting out, to encourage root growth. (35) During a drought it may be sprayed on the soil between growing plants after sunset in order to increase their root system. (36) When it is sprayed at sowing time the plant forms a better root system and can supply the upper part much better with earthly substances and forces. (28) 13% increase in beetroot roots with 500 and 501 (29) 7.5% increase in carrot roots with 500 and 501 (29) 500 .... induces higher yields and increased nodulation in beans, peas, and vetch. (29) The humus preparation 500 should be sprayed in Spring and Autumn and every time root growth needs to be encouraged, especially in drought conditions. It has then to be sprayed repeatedly (twice a week) and late in the day when the dew begins to fall. Spectacular crops have been grown in such conditions, especially where garden crops are concerned as more concentrated efforts can be made than on a farm. The roots of beans can become like treeroots and have to be dug up. The small rootlets of root crops on one occasion looked like tentacles rather than roots. Needless to say such roots can support a plant and keep it growing. This particular result has been achieved on the very poor sandy soils of the New Forest in England. (No rain fell in July and August except for one thunderstorm. Otherwise there was blazing sun day after day. 500 was sprayed 2 to 3 times a week and, to our joy, the crops looked strong and kept on growing, whilst in the village gardens, the vegetables started wilting.) (57) Use 500 every time you prick out and again when you plant. (57) Sugar beet, tested in 1974 and 1975 showed a clear positive response to the sprays, giving increases of 8 to 14& in yield of roots and up to 26% yield of tops. No effect on sugar content could be demonstrated. (198) When transplanting or dispatching roses, bush or fruit trees it is good to dip the roots into a paste of cow dung, clay and 500. This is also recommended when transplanting cabbages and would probably be a protection against club-root. (300) One of the rapid results of the use of this preparation is the greatly increased root action of the plant, with its highly beneficial influence upon its whole life an growth. (302) An ideal spray/cultivation treatment according to the Talhof farm practice would be as follows:
1 - First soil preparation on a fruit day.
2 - Final soil preparation during Root with evening application of 500.
3- Cultivations (pre emergence) first in fruit, second in root and third in combination with an evening spray of 500.
4 - First application of 501 (early a.m.) during Root when tubers begin to form (plant about 6 inches high)
5 - Second application of 501 (early a.m) during Root at final cultivations.
6 - Third application of 501 (early a.m.) during Leaf when plant flowers.
7 - Fourth application of 501 (late p.m.) during fruit just prior to cultivation.
8 - An additional application of 501 could be considered as a post-harvest treatment to inhibit sprouting. (442) E Pfeiffer and his collaborators have established the fact that a stronger root formation results if, for instance, potatoes, before planting, are moistened for two hours with a solution of preparation 500 (957) A variation of this method is to let the plants grow
directly in the corresponding dilute solution. In every experiment
performed in this way the result has shown that preparation 500
has a particularly stimulative effect on the root growth, and causes
the development of numerous fibrous roots. (1041) The use of both preparations (500+501) had significant effects only on anthocyanins accumulation in the tubers of Blue Congo and Vitelotte..... The application of preparation 500 significantly decreased the content of anthocyanins in the tubers of cvs. Red Emmalie and Vitelotte. (1610) The use of both preparations (500 and 501) had significant effects on anthocyanins accumulation in the tubers of Blue Congo and Vitelotte. However, preparation 500 had the tendency to reduce the concentrations of antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity in tubers of all potato cultivars. (1614)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
[Primary use is] on the trunks and into the crown of trees. On all crops during drought. (35) Tree paste which contains 500 heals frost damage in tree trunks [H Kabisch] (57)
22% increase in straw from 500 and 501 in wheat (29) 12% increase in beetroot leaves with 500 and 501 (29) 2% increase in leaves with 500 and 501 (29) 500 in excess encourages leaf development and inhibits the flowering tendency of the plant. (48) Preparations 500 and 501 have a role in handling meadows ... we have noticed especially good results during dry periods when we have applied preparation 500 immediately after the first cutting, and preparation 501 a week or two later. (1041) A field sown two years previously with a mixture of grass and clover: same day in March half manured with (a) prepared liquid cow manure, other half (b) with a solution of human manure. (a) then received 500 and 501 - (b) unsprayed. Within two weeks (a) looked green and fresh whilst (b) unchanged. Advantage lasted until harvest: (a) one third greater yield, with all grasses and particularly the clover strongly developed. Animals preferred (a), disliked (b) (1929) (1047) We often use Preparations 500 and 501 together as one spray and we give to plants as an all-round stimulant, where we want to further stimulate the growth... when outer conditions are not extreme, then 500 plus 501 is a very fine spraying preparation, furthering the grown the plants but only when they are well beyond the sprouting stage (1056) Leaves of the untreated [seed bath] spinach curled and discolored from hoop house temperatures reaching 86 degrees for six-seven days. The BD #500 treated .. plants did not suffer stress damage from the heat in the greenhouse; (1826)
Wheat yield from 2 - 21% increased compared to without 500 and 501. 9% increase in grains, (29) On strawberries 500 and 501 considerably helps the growth of strawberry plants as well as the development of aroma. colour and keeping quality of the fruit. 500 is best sprayed just before the first leaves unfold and again after picking. 501 on the leaves before the flowers appear, a second time during the development stage of the fruit and finally just before the fruit ripens (57) Horn manure application significantly increased total and marketable yield. Marketable yield, contents of macroelements, total carotenoids, single carotenoids (lutein + zeaxanthin, lycopene, ß-carotene) and antioxidants (catechins, total phenols, leuco-anthocyanins) were significantly increased by horn silica use. The combination of both biodynamic preparations had a significantly increasing effect on total and marketable yield, net photosynthetic productivity, dry matter content and total and single carotenoid contents (lutein + zeaxanthin, lycopene, ß-carotene). (1603)
Vigorously stir for 1 hour prior to use as a seed bath for spinach. ... germination is faster. Growth is improved and compared to untreated controls these plants prove healthier and give better yields. They are able to cope better with poor weather conditions and develop a stronger and more extensive root system. (42) Preparation 500 has another special use ...Seeds can be emerged for an hour in a solution of it or can be sprayed with it and then dried again. This causes vigorous germination. (957) 208 of the BD #500 treated seeds germinated versus 171 seeds in the control... The germination rate was 21% higher for seeds grown in the BD #500 treated soil mix. (1826) For preparation 500 [seed baths], dissolve a teaspoon of the Horn Manure in lukewarm rainwater (or filtered water) and stir [for an] hour. (1879) [prepare seed bath for... ] Spinach, Perpetual Spinach, Swiss Chard, Beetroot, Fodderbeet (1879)
Notes and Academic Papers
It helps establish a good relationship between plant and earth forces. (27) It is sprayed out in large droplets over soil that is about to be, has recently been, or is in the process of being cultivated. It is done in autumn and at the start of the growing season in spring. A time should be chosen in the afternoon and with some cloud cover in the sky. It is applied on land with plant cover as easly as possible in spring and preferably during good growing weather ie as sson as pastures, meadows and winter grain can be walked on or driven over. (35) It works best of all when the earth is moved again after spraying. Horn manure should only be used when sowing or transplanting. (28) The horn manure and horn silica preparations can be seen as broad stroke preparations that pwerfully stimulate the two primary formative growth processes. Their activities are easily seen and, at times, work too broadly and on too many levels at once to be used as specific remedies. They act directly on enhancing one pole of the plant's activity or the other. This can inhibit their ability to be used frequency. (48) When planting fruit trees stir the content of 4 horns in 2.5 gallons of water and spray the holes very thoroughly. [H Kabisch] (57) Four groups of 6 cm sprouts of maize were compared. The first was put into Knop's solution which is 250mg/l of each of magnesium sulphate, potassium phosphate and potassium chlorate, 1000 mg/l calcium nitrate and a trace of iron chlorate. The second was the same minus the calcium nitrate but with an equivalent dose of nitrogen. The third was identical to the second but also contained 100mg/l of 500, 503 and 505 instead of the nitrogen. These latter contribute approximately 2.5 mg of calcium per litre. The final was identical to the third but had no 500. Results; Knop's solution gave 2.9g of shoot, 1.5 g of root. Same minus lime gave 1.1g of shoot, 0.6g of root. same with 500, 503 and 505 gave 5.3g shoot and 3.4g of root. The same minus 500 gave 2.6g shoot and 2.2g root. (57) My personal experience is that the first time a horn is used in making 500 it should produce good results .... If anything they may improve on the next use but after several burials they becomes too thin-walled to make good 500. Experiments with storing the borns in cellar over the summer with the 500 left inside and reburying them for a second or third winter indicate this is way of making an enhanced preparation. (294) Herr Voegele reported experiments in which he has tried to find out the right interval of time between the stirring of preparation 500 and the spraying of it. the best time was about 20-30 minutes after stirring. It was remarkable to see how much of the effectiveness was lost after one or tow hours. (301) 500 is applied to the soil before sowing or transplanting and each time you wish to enhance the connection with the forces of the Earth and stimulate the roots of the plant. .... The power of these influences is increased by spraying the 500 on Earth or Water days (283) Physically, the cow manure preparation activates the soil micro flora. These silent chemists liberate minerals from the soil to enhance root and general plant growth. Spiritually, the etheric or life giving forces of the Earth and plants are enhanced, thus allowing them to grow more lushly. This leaves the impression of a stronger vigour about the entire landscape. Used to excess however, symptoms of over fertilisation develop in plants. Leaves become watery, and begin to droop under the weight of their own mass. As 500 processes use humus as their 'plate' of activity, excess use can deplete the soil of organic matter through over activating the soil biological processes. It is therefore important to replenish organic matter at the same time as using 500. The more organic matter and humus in the soil the better 500 works.
An excess however, would seem a physically impossible feat, as a two inch diameter sphere of this preparation - physically just cow manure - is applied to 1 acre of land. Symptoms of excess however, can be observed in some cases after three or four applications. (48) The HMP bioactivity appeared to consist of a compensatory mode of action regarding the stress factors water overdose and gravistimulation, and a synergetic interaction with fluorescent light exposure. The HMP seems to interact with the plant sensory systems, likely stimulating the plant’s adaptability to its environment by increasing self-regulating processes. (1572) The yield increase was ... 27% ... (1573) It was observed that the preparation (cow dung) harvested after a period of 6 months from the cow
horn was significantly better in terms of physical, chemical and biological properties when compared with the
preparation (cow dung) harvested from bull horn, buffalo horn and mud pot. The BD-500 harvested from the
pits had a heavy texture with the characteristics of soil. (1628) The preparation... displayed a strong auxin-like effect on plants. (1695) I had a few slugs this spring, which I have never had before. But as soon as I started using the 500 and 501 and tea made from nettles and comfrey and hay, they seem to have disappeared. (1875)
Effect on Soil -
Soil surface
It is sprayed out in large droplets over soil .. being cultivated (35) Under drought conditions, application of a fine mist of horn manure to the crops in the late evening or early morning will reduce or prevent damage. (34) Preparation 500 will accelerate the breakdown of DDT (44) It should also go on with stubble or green manures, and its use then enables many of the detrimental effects of green manure to be avoided. (197) spraying 501 along with 500 on the soil of a winter afternoon in big droplets is an absolutely wonderful thing to do as it really builds up the silica forces for a great spring start (3/3/2010) (58) My soil has improved tremendously; generally all over the garden the soil is taking on a better structural quality whereas before it was like the soil had no structure at all. (429) ... but the ground I've really noticed improvements in, is the new ground; it has changed dramatically. It has a new colour to it. Everyone notices it and they comment on how good it looks and what good soil I've got. I can really see the difference. (429) After the reactor accident in Chernobyl in 1986 .... we immediately treated the arable land with horn manure (BD 500) and horn silica (BD 501) ...... Three weeks later two scientists came with various instruments to measure the radioactivity. All fields and pastures were tested, all animals and all our products (including the milk) were tested. The results showed no real increase of radioactivity over natural radiation which is always present. Measurement of our neighbour's farm showed a radiation in crease of 13%. The result on our farm was unbelievable for the scientists. One of them kept returning to find out how this could be explained. He observed the extraordinary effect of our spray preparations, and started to experiment with them himself, confirming their efficacy. (953) Also for an example of how well it works. A farmer prepared a large piece of land on a friend's farm to grow vegetables. But then he moved to a new farm and left. I then spread one biodynamic preparation 500 on the land. Then he came back about 5 or 6 months later to visit and he checked the soil and nearly fell over he said in his whole 20 years of working in conventional farming he'd never seen such a change in soil quality like this. (1869) The stable organic matter content of the soil increases. Soil structure rapidly improves and the roots penetrate more deeply. Within six months of a vineyard being treated (18th April – 11th December) with preparation 500P (horn manure to which the six compost preparations have been added), the soil became darker, more crumbly, was less sticky and held water better. Our results have been steady and reliable. (1870)
Top soil
It is designed to work only underground on three factors ... microbial activitty, humus formation and root growth. (21) [Primary use is ...] during soil cultivation, on grassland, pastures, winter cereals ie before any new crop; before sowing or planting out; on freshly grazed or cut grassland. (35) Its purpose is to promote root activity, to stimulate the soil micro-life, to regulate the lime and nitrogen content of the soil, and to help in the provision of trace elements (36) .. an immensely concentrated fertilising power for the soil; root growth and primary shoot development are specifically enhanced. (34) There is an increase in structure, water holding capacity, humus formation, and generally in all micro-organisms such as rhizobium ... mycorrhizal fungi, algae, actinomycetes and protozoa .. and macro-organisms such as nematodes, springtails, mites, ants, millepedes and earthworms. Soil pH rises to the range of 5.8 to 6.5 then stays at that level. This improvement takes place whether it is clay, peat, sand, colcanic or silty loam. (44) Controlled tests show that 500 brings an increase of organic matter in the soil, and a decrease of acidity. On Dr Pfeiffer's farm in Chester NY there was in 1944 an acid soil everywhere, with organic matter less than 3% in 23% of the area, and between 3% and 4% on 47% of it. Now (after 4 years) where 500 has been applied, there are no fields with less than 2% organic matter and more than half of those that formerly ranked as poor have increased to good; there is an increase in the area showing 4-5 %, over tow thirds of the farm now being better than 4% of organic matter. But this happens only where 500 is applied properly. One would be a fool not to use it[!] It use amounts to doubling the effect of the manure ... two thirds of this is produced by life in the soil. (197) Preparation 500 is sprayed in high dilution upon the soil with the object of enlivening it, of stimulating the life processes in the soil and thereby increasing its humus content. (302) We have had severe drought this last year. We have sandy ground yet we had no need to water this last year. We gave 500 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then rolled the ground. After 5 days it had become hard below, but not on the surface. With our preparations we can bring about a proper regulation of the moisture required by the plants. (1039) The effect of treatment 500 shows statistical results for humus percentage. In the 6 years interesting was the level of humus that was decrease by 500 on 3 sites; only 1 showed an increase. What can tell us? Is against the Bd theory literature! In fact only one site
apported green manure, manure or Bd compost and this let us conclude that 500 need an organic substrate to grow and increase soil respiration. So we had an effect, and in the others 3 sites the 500 mineralized the humus-organic composition of the soil! To confirm this hypothesis the results on soil aggregate and microbial activity follow this "red line" in sites analyses showing results just for one site. (1502) The bacterial diversity was significantly higher in biodynamic manures compared to compost without discernible differences in abundance. Fungal diversity was not significantly different while abundance was increased in biodynamic manures. The microbial communities of biodynamic manures and plant preparations were specific for each production site, but all contain potentially plant-beneficial bacterial genera..... When applied in apple orchards, biodynamic preparations (extracts) had the non-significant effect of reducing bacterial and fungal abundance in apple rhizosphere (4 months post-application), while increasing fungal and lowering bacterial Shannon diversity. One to four months after inoculation, individual taxa indicated differential abundance. We observed the reduction of the pathogenic fungus Alternaria, and the enrichment of potentially beneficial bacterial genera such as Pseudomonas. (1574) The research revealed that significantly the highest concentrations of available phosphorus, available potassium, nitrogen and mineral nitrogen in the soil throughout the growing season were identified on the 14th day after soil application of BD preparation 500 (before potato planting). As well as, soil spray application of BD preparation 500 resulted in higher enzyme activity (urease and saccharase). (1610)
The water penetrability and moisture holding capacity of the soil will be increased over the years, to a point where some farmers claim at least 25% less irrigation requirement.
Tests for water infiltration (Livick 1991) were carried out in comparison between biodynamically and conventionally managed orchards in New Zealand... In the biodynamic orchards water soaked away between 2 and 4 times as fast. (44) A further effect of 500 is a change in structure of the soil, with an increase of porosity. This effect of 500 has been shown by laboratory tests, It is produced by compost too, and also by the preparations 502-507 if diluted and used as sprays. This was discovered in the laboratory incidentally. It is a remarkable discovery. (197)
Notes and Academic Papers
The effect of 500 last longer than 501 (21) Afternoon and evening are .. the right time for spraying horn manure. Applying the horn manure preparation at this time [November and Decemeber], weather permitting, has proved particulalry effective. The soil should not be frozen or covered with snow. (34) Apply the 500 in the afternoon .. in a descending period of the Moon rhythm .. 25g of the preparation in 13 litres of water per acre within an hour of stirring. This can be reduced proportionately for larger acreages.
The practice in Europe is to apply 500 only on bare land. However, New Zealand and Australian farmers have found that it is also effective when sprayed on grass - even on long grass.
Sometimes bloating stops as soon as you start to use 500 on the pastures. (44) This stirring Rudolf Steiner said must be done first one way round then the other, holding the stirring stick in the right hand when stirring clockwise and in the left hand when stirring anti-clockwise so that one always stirs from the heart outwards. The stirring must be vigourous enough to form a funnel or vortex almost to the bottom of the bucket, you then change hands quickly and stir the other way around. The changeover is important as it brings a moment of chaos into the substance which allows the entry of cosmic forces. [Karl Lang - "The Early Days"] (195) To begin with 500 should be applied twice yearly, in spring and autumn. Later, once a year. It should not be applied on dry soil, tfor then there is no active soil life. The life in the soil shows a maximum about April-May, and another on October-November. The best time to apply 500 then is about `March when the frost is out of the soil and again in the Autumn before the temperature is low enough to inhibit soil life. (197) BD 500: Basic lime polarity-calcium, nitrogen fixation, digestion, nutrient elaboration and transformation. Builds a healthy soil foodweb and maximizes soil organization. (7) Lily Kolisko's research on which potency yields the best results suggested the 6th or 29th potencies might be best. (294) A compensation for calcium has been sought through the application of bio-dynamic preparations 500, 503 and 505. These preparations strengthen the resistance of a plant against calcium deficiency. (1041)
Effects on Compost and Manure -
Notes and Academic Papers
The cow horn manure contained highest amount of nitrogen (2.08, 2.12 and 2.17%), recorded on 90th 105th and 120th day, whereas the phosphorus (0.64 %) and potassium (0.47%) contents were high on 90th day. (1567) The fermented manure derivative known as Preparation 500 ....was found to harbor a bacterial community of 2.38 × 108 CFU/g dw dominated by Grampositives with minor instances of Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. ARISA showed a coherence of bacterial assemblages in different preparation lots of the same year in spite of geographic origin. Enzymatic activities showed elevated values of β-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, chitinase, and esterase. The preparation had no quorum sensing-detectable signal, and no rhizobial nod gene-inducing properties, but displayed a strong auxin-like effect on plants. Enzymatic analyses indicated a bioactive potential in the fertility and nutrient cycling contexts. The IAA activity and microbial degradation products qualify for a possible activity as soil biostimulants. Quantitative details and possible modes of action are discussed. (1589) * Horn quality, as evidenced in the weight/ volume aspect, appears to be very determinative of final quality. Poor horns give results nearly identical to artificial (non-horn) controls.
* Initial manure characteristics do not appear to exert a major influence on the apparent quality. There are large decreases in odor, anaerobic conditions and ammonia during the prep 500 process.
* Favorable preparation results are associated with lowered CO2-activity and a higher nitrogen retention in the prepared manure. (1646) Across multiple experiments we observed significantly higher total nitrogen, higher nitrate, lower pH, and lower respiration in manure buried in horns compared to jars. Furthermore, there was an inverse relationship between nitrate and pH, possibly due to the stoichiometry of nitrification. In one experiment, a mass balance calculation indicated no significant loss of nitrogen in the horns compared with 37% loss in the jars. (1696)
Effects on Climate -
Notes and Academic Papers
As far as the preparations can do anything in relation to the ozone hole use the BD preprations, especially 500 .... (48)