
Commercial formulation

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Preparation category
Commercial formulation
Manufacturer's name
<a href="http://albios.it/en/pages/agri/agr.htm" target="blank">Eureka / l'Albero della Vita</a>
Common Name
Clay, gold, vinegar & bone
Mother tincture made
Other ....
General description
Enables the plant to come into closer contact with its ideal (or archetype) and thus benefit from the action of all the other products. The product is indispensable for all kinds of cultivation and helps eliminate residues of previous chemico-biological treatments. This preparation is used to enable all other Eureka preparations to act and should be used before all other applications to the land.

Effect on Plants -

Effect on Soil -

Soil characterisation

Artificial/chemical treatment of soils (88)

Notes and Academic Papers

The product is indispensable for all kinds of cultivation and helps eliminate residues of previous chemico-biological treatments (88)

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