Vita Fons II for plants and soils

Commercial formulation

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Vita Fons II
Preparation category
Commercial formulation
Manufacturer's name
Vita Fons II Ltd
General description
Vita Fons II is a numinous energy which improves the interface between the spiritual aspect of all beings and the inherent, incorruptible Perfection which is the base of all created things. Available as a soil conditioner, foliar spray, dusting powder or rooting powder/seed dressing

Effect on Plants -

Effect on Soil -

Top soil

Norman Leech FRHS, F Inst PA, director of Blackpool Parks; "In my search for improved methods of organic gardening I have found [Vita Fons II] assists in restoring harmony and a state of equilibrium to the bacteria and the teeming life of the soil .. and enables them to function bountifully." (45)

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