Through the yellowing of the leaves, there is impaired photosynthesis, with low protein content. Drying out with waterlogging is a typical Nat. sul. feature. Many rusts are favoured by this condition (see Acon., Bell.). Some blotches require wet conditions for their development. (3)
Greyish white mould on leaves and stalks. Leaf curl (337)
Turn brown to black and wilt quickly. (water only the roots: you should never water the leaves of tomato plants.) (337)
Star-shaped spots on green leaves after warm humid weather (337)
20 varieties of rose from the patient's garden at the Garmisch Partenkirchen clinic were suffering from black spot in June. Some were in such a bad condition that we considered removing them completely. Due to the constant wetness, we followed Christiane Maute's advice (in Homeopathy for Plants) to water them 3 times at intervals of 3 weeks with Natrium sulphuricum 30 C (10 pellets in 10 L water). The roses, with the exception of one variety, recovered very nicely. The new leaves were healthy. (496)
I had unambiguous success last summer with Natrum sulph for bacterial wilt on cucumbers. I noticed the condition very early fortunately, only one vine was affected. Every year before I have lost all my cucumber plants to this problem: they grow well, then the leaves wilt, and within 2 weeks the plant is consumed, rotting. This time I gave Nat-s 30c in water, sprinkled on the leaves of all my plants (about 10 plants, two varieties) and a little to the roots. The one sick vine withered and died, but that plant and all the rest grew well with no sign of infection. One dose only in this case. Very productive plants as well. (1534)