Natrum Muriaticum
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About the Preparation -
Effect on Plants -
Scald, halo blight, stripe blight, salination, salt water bores, chlorosis. Black peach aphid (3)
Nutritional deficiency or excess of phosphorus or potassium, malabsorption of nutrients. Dropsy and oedema. Salt stress and excessive draining of salinity in soil and plants. Pseudomonas syringae pv.phaseolica / svastanoi pseudomonas pv. Phaseol, na Pseudomonas tabaci, Pseudomonas syringae pv. striafaciens, (244)
Salt (334)
Salinity (1702)
Salt stress (1732)
Germination (1535)
Salt stress (1771)
Dehydrated and demineralized, chlorotic plants, reduced growth (1837)
The capillary system is disturbed, resulting in chlorosis, which in turn affects photosynthesis and protein levels. Capillaries are congested and constricted. (3)
Stem growth (1535)
The NaM-31CH ... treatment stimulated stem growth in the germination stage (3.40 cm) (1535)
The variables with the highest response were ... stem and radicle length with 35% above the control treatment in plants treated with NaM-7CH. (1814)
... NaM-13CH longer stem length (107.07 cm) during vegetative development, compared to the control group (78.63 cm). the largest stem diameter, ... were obtained with NaM. (1865)
I used Nat-Mur, also a 30C on a tall Thuja hedge that had suffered from salt splashing during the winter. The council had put salt down on the roads and the rain/melting snow/salt residue had been splashed up by traffic onto its lower growth, which had resulted in blackening and thinning. Once I saw new growth, I put down 'its constitutional' (Thuja!) to consolidate. The hedge is fine now. (ARH 19-8-10) (334)
yellowish-brown discolouration after heat (337)
the increase in ... fresh leaf biomass (BFH) were greater even when the plants were in salinity stress conditions (75mM NaCl) (1771)
necrotic areas and drying leaves .... wilting at the tip of the leaves. (1837)
the largest... number of leaves ... were obtained with NaM. (1865)
the largest .... number of flowers were obtained with NaM. (1865)
it was determined the relative growth rate (RGR) of the bean population treated for 6 weeks and subdivided into 4 groups (5 vases each): P1 (control) treated with 30% alcohol solution only; P2, treated with aqueous 5.0% NaCl solution; P3, treated with Nat-m 6 CH; P4, treated with Nat-m 30 CH. Results: it was seen an increase in the salinity of the soil that caused the inhibition of the development of the bean population P2. In addition, the use of Nat-m promoted a significant increase in vegetable growth, chiefly in dilution 6 CH (P3), causing a significant increase in the RGR of the bean population. (1752)
The variables with the highest response were germination percentage, with values up to 44% (1814)
Increased thirst, swelling, congestion, premature or excessive pollination, poor planting, chlorosis high salinity, burns. Aggravation by the sun, or heat in the morning. Improvement in the wind, spraying with cold water and for irrigation in general. (244)
Aphids caused by neglect or too much fertliser (337)
The Phos-ac-7CH and Nat-M-31CH treatments stimulated stem growth in the germination stage (3.40 cm) and Nat-M 7CH root growth (4.07 cm) in the emergence stage. During the vegetative development, the plants with the highest production were those treated with Nat-M 7CH. (1535)
The variables evaluated were germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot length, leaf area, number of leaves, root volume, root dry matter, and shoot dry matter. The treatments pelleted seeds/talc Nat-m 5cH and pelleted seeds/talc Nat-m 7cH increased all variables evaluated. They differed statistically from the controls, with a positive response for the development of tomato seedlings under disequilibrium conditions. (1654)
The variables evaluated during vegetative development were: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, weight, leaf area and productive yield. Significant differences were recorded in all the variables and stages of development studied. The highest germination values corresponded to SiT-7CH and PhA-7CH (100%), surpassing the control group (83.5%). The PhA-7CH and NaM-31CH treatments stimulated stem growth in the germination stage (3.40 cm) and NaM-7CH root growth (4.07 cm) in the emergence stage. During the vegetative development, the plants with the highest production were those treated with NaM-7CH. (1655)
Natrum mur 200c increased the rate of seed germination, seed water content and growth of seedlings. The drug also enhanced chlorophyll, soluble and insoluble sugar, rubisco and total protein content as compared to the untreated salt stressed group. Treatment with Natrum mur 200c increased salt tolerance in the seedlings as compared to the untreated salt stressed group. All the data were analyzed by ANOVA and the significance level was not less than 1%. (1660)
...the use of Nat-m promoted a significant increase in vegetable growth, chiefly in dilution 6 CH (P3), causing a significant increase in the RGR [regrowth rate] of the bean population (1690)
The treatments consisted of the pelletization of tomato seeds with six dynamizations of Nat-m (3cH, 5cH, 7cH, 9cH, 11cH and 13cH). Coated or uncoated seeds (controls) were placed in phenolic foam blocks, kept in plastic trays previously moistened with 50 mM NaCl saline solution (2.922 g.L-1 of NaCl, electrical conductivity = 4.5 dSm-1) and nutrient solution (0.15 dS.m-1) at half the ionic strength, containing 4, 1, 2, 1, 0.5 and 0.5 mmol.L-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, and 17.5, 9.5, 10.5, 2, 0.45 and 0.35 mmol.L-1 of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Mo, respectively. The variables evaluated were germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot length, leaf area, number of leaves, root volume, root dry matter, and shoot dry matter. The treatments pelleted seeds/talc Nat-m 5cH and pelleted seeds/talc Nat-m 7cH increased all variables evaluated. They differed statistically from the controls, with a positive response for the development of tomato seedlings under disequilibrium conditions. (1702)
This research aimed to evaluate the action of potencies of Natrum muriaticum in detoxification of seeds of Solanum lycopersicum after salt stress. ... After 14 days it was evaluated the germination percentage (G%), germination speed index (IVG), average length of root (CR), average length of shoot (CPA) and dry matter (MS). Salt stress interfered in all variables differing from the other treatments, the procedure of detoxification by homeopathic doses proved effective, especially in %G and IVG, and did not differ for MS and CPA, while the average for CR treatments detoxified by N. muriaticum were superior to treatment with water. Treatment of tomato seeds with N. muriaticum after stress is feasible and efficient. (1732)
The Natrum muriaticum 18CH reduced significantly the inflorescences number. The other homeopathic remedies were not significant for the remaining variables. (1738)
The plants with the highest production were those treated with NaM-7CH. (1535)
In general, the assessed morphometric variables were favored with the application of the homeopathic treatments NaM 7CH and NaM 7+13CH; the increase in root length (LR) and fresh leaf biomass (BFH) were greater even when the plants were in salinity stress conditions (75mM NaCl). The TF reached the highest value when the plants in saline medium were treated with NaM-7CH, and an increase greater than 50% in PR was observed with respect to the (AD) control treatment. (1771)
Effect on Soil -
... crops in saline soils. (1837)
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