Ammonium Muriaticum
From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia
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About the Preparation -
Preparation name
Ammonium Muriaticum.
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Common Name
Ammonium Chloride
Latin Name
sal ammoniac
Chemical Formula
Mother tincture made
General description
Amm. mur. is less sensitive to cold weather than Amm. carb. The capillary system collapses in rots, causing the plants to lodge. The flowers produce a sticky slime as in ergot, and Amm. mur. might prove to be a possible remedy for ergot. From the available information, this would only be applicable in the early stages. Photosynthesis is impaired with consequent low protein levels. Eruptions on the leaves like blotch.
Effect on Plants -
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