
Public domain preparation

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Preparation category
Public domain formulation
Manufacturer's name
<a href="" target="_blank">Hugo Erbe</a>
Common Name
Brick clay, wheat.
General description
To strengthen the forces which mediate between the calcium and silica processes. The Clay Prep should ideally be used on all B-D farms and gardens. Use about 10g of clay per 100L of rainwater and stir and spray as for the Calcium Prep. As already mentioned, both preps can be stirred and sprayed together. Again, the most favourable time for use is 21st March.

Effect on Plants -

Effect on Soil -

Soil surface

- to strengthen the forces which mediate between the calcium and silica processes (47)

Notes and Academic Papers

The calcium and cay preparations can be stirred and sprayed together at the spring equinox (47)

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