Roses were watered 1x with Cimicifuga. As soon as the next day, there were noticeably fewer aphids. The remaining aphids seemed less lively. Four days later, all the aphids were gone. (496)
My "darlings" - David Austin's Crown Princess Margareta - were constantly infested with red and green aphids, which I repeatedly removed by hand. There were also a couple of caterpillars at work; it had a rather weak first flowering; it was treated with Cimicifuga 30C on June 25 (sprayed and watered). Today (July 7) completely free of aphids; strong growth can be seen; nicely sprouting again plus three completely new shoots from the base and lovely multiple buds. I'd really say this was a perfect example of how well the chosen remedy can work :-) (496) plant was covered in black aphids (buds and flowers), and the aphids were not repelled even by repeat doses of the poison capsules... When I got my homeopathic remedies, I put a few pellets of Cimicifuga 30 C in a sprayer, shook it, and sprayed my hibiscus. The next day I could scarcely believe my eyes - the aphids were gone. (496)