Rust with bright red colouring and yellow margins. Hard red swellings of the leaves, bloated and hot and bright red. Red spots, swollen and shiny and broad. Sudden wilting. Interveinal chlorosis is the first sign of the yellow dwarf. The colour is yellow/orange and there is less pronounced reddening of leaf tips. (3)
Roses already affected by rose rust were watered in 3 separate groups: the 1st group were given Aconitum (3 pellets in a watering can of water), the 2nd group were given Belladonna, and the 3rd group were given pure water (on the soil). Each group was treated once only. Result: the group that were given pure water without a homeopathic remedy largely died off and had to be strongly cut back. The other two groups lost the affected leaves but they retained the less affected and newer leaves, so that they did not have to be cut back so strongly next spring. (496)
This year I watered once a month with Acon. 30C and Bell. 30C, very large flowers, stronger plants and so far very few rust spots on the leaves. (496)
In February we had a sudden cold spell over nearly 4 weeks. Many plants suffered from it. Most of my roses had severe problems. One "died" and I had to replace it with a stronger version. If I had known that aconite is the remedy to give even during winter after a very cold period on sunny day's maybe this rose would have made it as well. My neighbour has a cherry tree. The leaves would not grow properly and the bloom died, dried and turned black. This was due to a second very cold and wet period beginning of April.
I started with Aconite C200 once. It seemed that some new leaves started to grow. 1 week later I gave kali-c. C200. Many new leaves started to grow, but a fungus was on nearly every leave even the new ones. So I remembered that red dots ask for belladonna and secondly that belladonna is like a hot tea for a tree!
So I gave the cherry tree a bell C200 - and only 2 days later the fungus on the leaves started to dry out and the red dots would turn brown and fall out of the leave. This is the second time that I can witness this. So the leave stays on the tree and looks like an Emmenthal cheese.
Picture here (339)
Turn grey due to cold wind and storms or intense sunlight after cold nights (337)
Leaves turn grey or silvery after frost (337)
I recently saved a prize bonsai which suddenly dropped 90% of it’s leaves. Turns out the kids had left it out in the cold wind while caring for my plants. I used homeopathic Aconite and Silica together in a spray bottle – 2 sprays, 3 days apart and suddenly there were new leaves everywhere. I wish I had taken a before and after photo because you wouldn’t believe the luxurious foliage 8 weeks later. The wonders of homeopathy!! (1529)
We applied Aconitum from the second year, before the frost, which saved almost all the plants. (1759)