Salicylicum Acidum

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Salicylic Acid
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Common Name
Salicylic acid
Chemical Formula
Mother tincture made
Solution from phenol derivative
General description
In infected leaf salicylic acid accumulates at the site of infection. When salicylic acid is not available to plants, the systemic acquired resistance does not work. In addition, when Sal. Ac. has been given, it shows increased resistance build-up. Most research has concentrated on tobacco mosaic virus. Only a small number of diseases and crops have been studied. Further testing is certainly warranted, but in this case, with potencies of Nat. sal. and Sal. ac., considered under a separate heading in this book.

Effect on Plants -

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