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Commercial formulation

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Rigorous  
  Preparation category Commercial formulation  
  Manufacturer's name W.S. PHARMACY & RESEARCH CENTRE  
  Natural Order Various  
  Common Name Various  
  Latin Name  
  Chemical Formula  
  Mother tincture made Solution  
  General description Rigorous is a Homoeopathic & Natural based broad-spectrum pesticide against wheat Aphid. In Rigorous highly diluted & potentized homoeopathic medicines are used as active ingredients. These medicines are active against Wheat Aphid but not detectable in lab analysis. For detection, there are following mother tinctures are used in different ratio: 1. Mother tincture of Calendula. 2. Mother tincture of Ginkgo biloba One litre Rigorous is contains Mother tincture of Calendula = 1X. 100ml Mother tincture of Ginkgo biloba = 1X 50 ml BELLIS PERENNIS= 300 X 50ml STELLARIA MEDIA= 400X 200ml STIMATA MAYDIS= 400X 200ml BAPTISIA= 500x 200ml ASTRAGLUS MOLL=. 400x 200ml All Formulation prepared in 50 % Alcohol & 50 % distill water.  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Wheat aphid, wheat yield (419)
General Appearance
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
Generative organs
Notes and Academic Papers
The trials of "Rigorous" against wheat aphid were conducted under the directions of the worthy Chief Minister Punjab. The Secretary Agriculture desired that these trials must be conducted jointly by the Research and Pest Warning Wings. For this purpose he constituted a committee, and a protocol was developed by the committee for conducting the said trials. These trials were conducted at six different localities ie R.Y. Khan, Multan, Sheikhupura, Gujranwala, M.B. Din and Sargodha. The above said insecticide was tested at two different doses ie Rigorous @ 1 litre and 100 litre of water and @ 1.5 litre + 100 litre water comparing with simple water @ 100 litre/acre and untreated control, at the time when the aphid infestation was at its maximum, ie on reaching ETL. The Results ie average %are of mortality of aphid and wheat yield (maunds/acre) [1 maund is 40Kg] are very much convincing and are attached as Annexure-A. According to the data submitted by the research teams regarding the %age mortality of aphid and yield of wheat crop, the performance of Rigorous @ 1.5 litre + 100 litre water proved significantly effective against wheat aphid and it had no adverse effect on natural enemies ie parasites and predators, whereas the wheat yield is enhanced up to 4 maunds per acre as compared to control. (419)

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