Allium Cepa

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Allium Cepa
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Natural Order
Common Name
Red onion
Mother tincture made
Tincture of onion or whole plant gathered in July August
General description
Allium will cure inflammations and increased secretions as in apple scab, downy and powdery mildews. Wounds, after damage, that do not heal. Not to be used on beans and peas, as it inhibits their growth. This is confirmed in the potencies. The roots of the plants have a bad smell. The plants are thirsty and seem to crave nutrients and fertiliser. Evaporation is increased or totally absent. Photosynthesis is impaired, respiration is diminished (oxygen meter at night to check), consequent development of mildews. Gangrenous spots.

Effect on Plants -

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