Pfeiffer emigrates

Pfeiffer emigrates to the USA

Despite requests for him to come to the UK from Lords Portsmouth and Northborne, Pfeiffer feels he has a better offer and goes to Hawthorne Valley near Philadelphia – an arrangement which lasts for a short time before he buys his own 300 acre farm in NY state. (Malcolm Gardner, translator of the Agriculture course, has made a timeline of the first 25 years of BD in the USA which he has made available to us.)

Portsmouth really tried:  “We would require to find you, or build you a suitable dwelling house close to the farm. It is of course quite possible that we might find an even more suitable farm for you than this … If it could take place, naturally we should like it to be a long-term demonstration and as permanent as possible a centre for the diffusion of bio-dynamic knowledge of farming and of farming practice”

(Portsmouth, 1944a, p.1).