Rudolf Steiner House

David Clements in the Chair welcomed 25 members.

Increasing membership increased the responsibilities of the officers to who much thanks. Especially George Corrin.

£35 needed for a car prang but £100 given by Early Castle Stewart to promote the aim and objectives of the association. This was amalgamated into the Research adn Development Funds in the Trust.

No new nominations so Castelliz, Kaye and Obey re-elected.

Revised Statutes required by the Charity Commission. No major adjustments to the working of the association, merely a tighter legal format for the loosely worded predecessor.

1975 annual conference for Animal Husbandry and Bee Keeping?

Dr Meir went to Koberwitz again – the whole building was being restored. He .. “spent two days with Count Keyserlingk’s nephew “Ackie” who was still very active at the age of 84 and who was busily engaged in local Bio-dynamic Work.”


Rev Adam Bittleston: enthralling talk on “Elemental Beings and the Destiny of the Earth.”