ExpO N&C

Translation of Dr Vreeds calendar – “proves more and more essential for our anthroposophical agricultural work.”

Herr Stegmanns article gives some figures from Marienstein – a farm of 500 acres, very intensively managed. Partly BD since 1922 and in a larger sale since 1924. “Out of the experience of seven years during which time Herr Stegemann followed Dr Steiner’s methods on his farm, one must come to the statement that the soil as well as the plant are more seriously ill as one expected. Therefore our work will go on slowly. But the results obtained in Marienstein justify all the efforts. A spiritual reality must be also a reality on Earth. The economic point of view ought not to play the first part in our considerations, but we cannot ignore it. The members of the Experimental. Circle must never forget the great task they are given by Dr Steiner to save the civilisation.” Sugar 1.5% above average fro the sugar beet factory. “The figures show that the biological dynamic methods prove applicable also from the economic point of view… The concluding remark of Herr Stegemann that he has not sufficient workmen on his farm, I know that it will need serious and long discussion how we can here in England solve this most difficult but also most essential question in accordance with the needs of our methods.”

Herr Voegele’s article re liquid manure – great nutrient value in urine. Use peat moss to soak this up and stack in layers in the manure heaps. Needs 6 months to ferment. Good for a spring top-dressing. Where possible the harrow or shallow plough should follow – ideally in damp weather.

Mentions visit of Drs Pfeiffer and Wachsmuth to London

During the agricultural show in Harrogate Mr Woods has invited us to meet at his farm – and an open evening on July 12th.

Let me know if you want these circulars.

Table of Contents form Mitteilungen – #11 and 12

“The application of Biological-dynamic Preparations to the Various Kinds of Vegetable” translation of lecture from Karl Lang at Dornach. Enlarged and edited by M K Schwarz – lots of compost and ‘homeopathic sand’ applied between Jan 15 and Feb 15. [A copy of the transcript is in the BDA office as of 2021]