Rudolf Steiner House

David Clements in the Chair welcomed 35 members.

Mr Soper had withdrawn his deadline for resignation and more work handled in the office. With no new nominations Mr Rudel, Soper and Clements were re-elected. Demeter Trademark almost ready for introduction. Thanks to Marjorie Soper and G Corrin for their work.

De,eer trademark addressed by MR Brockman. It is essential to have a set of standards and defining them had been done to try and avoid conflict with the Soil Association and any element of competition. Christopher Budd was organising a circular tour of the country carrying produce from place to place and hoped this would stimulate local centres to emerge.

Summer conference theme: The Basic concepts of Biodynamics – designed to meet the growing demand for a more imaginative approach to work on the land. It be right after te Soil Associations Conference at Ewell Technical College. We might catch some of the delegates from the latter.

Mrs Helen Allan not present to give an account of working with the Duffy Stone Garden – all invited to come along.

The present Warden a Koberwitz was so impressed with the Star and Furrow recently sent to him that he had become deeply interested. As a result close contact now with Darmstadt.

More on the BD approach to beekeeping please.


Dr Koepf: stimulating talk on the progress on the BD movement in the world, especially in the USA.