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"It is a familiar truism that farmers learn more through practical demonstration than from any amount of literature" Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. Biodynamic Farming and Gardening
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Currently showing peer-reviewed literature

1: Aare Ane Kirstine, Jonas Egmose, Soren Lund, and Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen (2020) Opportunities and barriers in diversified farming and the use of agroecological principles in the Global North The experiences of Danish biodynamic farmers

2: Abasolo-Pacheco Fernando, Carlos Michel Ojeda-Silvera, et al (2020) Agronomic behavior of the turnip (Brassica napus L.) during the application of homeopathic medicines Terra Latinoamericana Numero Especial 38-1: 67-82.

3: Abasolo-Pacheco, F., B. Bonilla-Montalvan et al (2020) Effect of homeopathic medicines in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Terra Latinoamericana Numero Especial 38-1: 103-117.

4: Abasolo-Pacheco, F., C. M. Ojeda-Silvera, V. Garcia-Gallirgos, C. Melgar-Valdes, K. Nunez-Cerezo y J. M. Mazon-Suastegui (2020) Effect of homeopathic medicines during the initial stage and vegetative development of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) Efecto de medicamentos homeopaticos durante la etapa inicial y desarrollo vegetativo de plantas de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) Terra Latinoamericana Numero Especial 38-1: 165-181

5: Abidi SMH, Srivasta KM, Gupta RP and Singh BP (1977) Effect of some medicinal drugs on distortion ring spot virus of papaya. New Botanist, 4, 12-14

6: Abrami. G. (1972) Correlations between Lunar Phases and Rhythmicities in Plant Growth under Field Conditions Canadian Journal of Botany. 1972 No. 50. 2157-2166.


8: Aher SB, Lakaria BL, Singh AB, and Kaleshananda S (2019) Soil Aggregation and Aggregate Associated Carbon in a Vertisol under Conventional, Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture in Semi-Arid Tropics of Central India Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp 183-191 (2019)

9: Aher, Satish Bhagwatrao, Brij Lal Lakaria, Swami Kaleshananda & Amar Bahadur Singh (2022) Concentration and Uptake of Micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) in Soybean and Wheat under Organic, Biodynamic and Inorganic Nutrient Management in Semi-arid Tropical Conditions of Central India Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Volume 53, 2022 - Issue 17

10: Aishwath, O. P. (2007) Concept, Background, and Feasibility of Organic Agriculture and Biodynamic Agriculture Asian Agri-History, 11(2), 119-132.

11: Alaphilippe Aude, Sylvaine Simon, Laurent Brun, Frank Hayer & Gerard Gaillard (2012) Life cycle analysis reveals higher agroecological benefits of organic and low-input apple production Agronomy for Sustainable Development Volume 33, pages 581-592, (2013)

12: Alecu II, Alecu E (2015) Biodynamic agriculture versus organic farming Journal of Biotechnology Volume 208, Supplement, 20 August 2015, Pages S48-S49

13: Alfoldi, TH.; Besson, J.-M.; Dubois, D.; Mader, P.; Niggli, U.; Pfifner, L. (1996) DOC-Trial: Comparing farming systems. Oestergaard, T.V. Abstracts of the 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference, 1996 in Copenhagen.

14: Alfoldi, TH.; Besson, J.-M.; Dubois, D.; Mader, P.; Niggli, U.; Spiess, E. (1996) Quality of products from different farming systems (DOC-trial). Oestergaard, T.V. Abstracts of the 11th IFOAM Scientific Conference, 1996 in Copenhagen.

15: Alfoldi, TH.; Niggli, U.; Spiess, E.; Besson, J.-M (1994) Input and output of energy for different crops in bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional production systems in a long-term field trial in Switzerland.

16: Alfoldi, TH.; Spiess, E.; Niggli, U.; Besson, J.-M (1995) Energy input and output for winter wheat in bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional production systems Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture. 1993. Wye College, Kent

17: Almeida M A Z, Casali V W D, Cecon P R (2002) Response of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) to the application of homeopathic preparations. (Original: Resposta do manjericao (Ocimum basilicum L.) a aplicacao de preparacoes homeopaticas.) Dissertacao (Mestrado). Departamento de Fitotecnia. uFV-Vicosa. Minas Gerais.

18: Almeida, A. A. de Galvao, J. C. C. Casali, V. W. D. Lima, E. R. de Miranda, G. V. (2003) Homeopathic treatments and population density of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in corn plants in the field. (Tratamentos homeopaticose densidade populacionalde Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em plantas de milho no campo.) Universidade Federal de Vicosa. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 2003, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-8, 23 ref

19: Almeida, Antonio Zopelar; Casali, Vicente Wagner Dias; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Casali, Vicente Wagner Dias; Cecon, Paulo Roberto: (2006) PATHOGENESY IN OCIMUM BASILICUM L. PLANTS: HOMEOPATHIC EXPERIMENTATION UNDER RANDOMIZED BLOCKS

20: Almeida, K.; Camara, F. L. A. (2012) Homeopathic preparations and green manure in control of Cyperus rotundus L. (Orig: Preparados homeopaticos e adubacao verde no controle de Cyperus rotundus L.) Revista Ceres, v. 59, n.3, p. 422-426, 2012.

21: Amaral MTCG (2008) Education in transdisciplinarity: the training of researchers

22: Ambrosano, E. J; Ambrosano, G. M. B; Guirado, N; Mendes, P.C.D; Melo, P. C. T.; Rossi, F; Schammass, E. A; Casali, V. W. D; Arenales, M.C. (2007) Application of homeopathic solutions on strawberry plants and chemical quality of the fruits. (Orig: Aplicacao de solucoes homeopaticas no morangueiro e qualidade quimica dos frutos. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia) Brazilian Journal of Agroecology, v. 2, p. 874-877

23: Ambrosano, E. J; Rossi, F; Guirado, N; Melo, P. C. T; Mendes, P. C. D; Brefere, F. A. T; Ambrosano, G. M. B; Beltrame, K. G. (2004) Beet production in systems with mineral, organomineral, organic and organic fertilizers with homeopathy (Phosphorus CH 100) (Orig: Producao de beterraba em sistemas com adubacao mineral, organomineral, organica e organica com homeopatia (Phosphorus CH 100) Brazilian Horticulture, v. 22, n.2.

24: Andrade FM, Casali VWD, Almeida AA (2006) Homeopathic preparations and adaptation of plants in degraded soil / Preparados homeopaticos e adaptacao de plantas em solo degradado 7th Seminario Brasileiro sobre Homeopatia na Agropecuaria Organica. Anais. Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), August, 6-7, 2006, pp. 217-238.

25: Andrade, F. M. C. Casali, V. W. D. DeVita, B. Cecon, P. R. Barbosa, L. C. A. (2001) Effect of homeopathy on growth and yield of coumarin in "chamber" (Justicia pectoralis, Jacq.). (Efeito de homeopatias no crescimento e na producao de cumarina em chamba (Justicia pectoralis Jacq.).) Departamento de Fitotecnia da uFV, Vicosa, MG, 36.570.000, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 2001, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 19-28, 37 ref.

26: Andrade, F. M. C; Casali, V. W. D. (2011) Homeopathy, Agroecology and Sustainability. Brazilian Journal of Agroecology, v. 6, no. 1, p 49-56

27: Andrade, F. M. C; Casali, V. W. D; Cupertino, Maria Do Carmo (2010) Selection of indicators, monitoring and systematization of experiences with homeopathy in units family farms. Brazilian Journal of Agroecology, v. 5, p. 61-73, 2010.

28: Andreu, V., Levert, A., Amiot, A. et al. (2018) Chemical composition and antifungal activity of plant extracts traditionally used in organic and biodynamic farming Environ Sci Pollut Res 25, 29971-29982 (2018)

29: Andrews, E (1960) Moon Talk. the Cyclic Periodicity of Postoperative Haemorrhage Journal of Florida Medical Assocn.

30: Anick DJ. (2004) High sensitivity 1H-NMR spectroscopy of homeopathic remedies made in water BMC Complement Altern Med. 2004 Nov 1;4:15.

31: Anju Bhatia Kapur, S. P. Cheema, S. S. Kang, S. S. (1999) Control of greening disease of citrus through trunk injection with homoeopathic drugs Department of Plant Pathology, Punjab Agricultural university, Ludhiana - 141 004, India. Plant Disease Research, 1999, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 177-178, 5 ref.

32: Armond, C. Casali, et al (2005) Essential oil and antimalarial compounds in plants of Bidens pilosa L. treated with the China homeopathy. (Teor de oleo essencial e compostos antimalaricos em plantas de Bidens pilosa L. tratadas com a homeopatia China.) Departamento de Fitotecnia da uFV, Vicosa, MG, 36570-000, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 2005, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 18-24, 22 ref.

33: Atanasova D, Bozhanova V, Biserkov V & Maneva V (2021) Distinguishing areas of organic, biodynamic and conventional farming by means of multispectral images. A pilot study Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment Volume 35, 2021 - Issue 1

34: Athmann, M., Bornhutter, R., Busscher, N. et al (2022) An update on image forming methods: structure analysis and Gestalt evaluation of images from rocket lettuce with shading, N supply, organic or mineral fertilization, and biodynamic preparations Org. Agr. 12, 307-323 (2022).

35: Aubert Michael, Damien Banas, Manuel Blouin, Cristian Bolzonella, Karine Bonneval et al (2020) Organic Food 'Yes', Organic Food 'No' A Discussion between Specialists with the Italian Parliament The Fray Austin Anthropology, 2020,4(1),pp.1012. 10.26420/austinanthropol.2020.1012 hal-02499526

36: Aubert, Claude (2009) Organic Farming and Climate Change: Can organic farming mitigate the impact of agriculture on global warming? September 28 - 29, 2009 Sofia, Bulgaria

37: Auquiere, J.P., & Moens, P (1981) Recherche de l'action de dilutions homeopathiques sur les vegeteaux: I. Action du CuSO4 sur ble intoxique au CuSO4 1% .J. Pharm. Belg. 36, 303-320.

38: Auquiere, J.P., Moens, P. and Martin, P.L (1982) Recherche de l'action de dilutions homeopathiques sur les vegeteaux: II. Action du CuSO4 sur la Moutarde blanche (Sinapis alba L. var. dialba) intoxiquee au CuSO4 0.1 et 0.2 %. J. Pharm. Belg. 37, 117-134.

39: Baars T, Jahreis G, Lorkowski S, Rohrer C, Vervoort J, Hettinga, K (2019) Short communication: Changes under low ambient temperatures in the milk lipodome and metabolome of mid-lactation cows after dehorning as a calf

40: Baars T, Wohlers J, Rohrer C, Lorkowski S and Jahreis G (2019) Patterns of Biodynamic Milk Fatty Acid Composition Explained by A Climate-Geographical Approach Animals 2019, 9, 111;


42: Baluska F, Mancuso S, Volkmann D, Barlow P (2009) The 'root-brain' hypothesis of Charles and Francis Darwin: Revival after more than 125 years Plant Signal Behaviour 2009 Dec4(12):1121-7. doi: 10.4161/psb.4.12.10574.

43: Balzer-Graf, U (1987) Vitalaktivitat von Nahrungsmitteln im Spiegel bildschaffender Methoden Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 46, 69-92.

44: Banerjee P, Sukul S (2013) Cuprum Sulphuricum - a homeopathic drug can combating toxic effect of Cu, promote seed germination and peroxidase activity in Vigna unguiculata Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12(44):129-130`

45: Banerjee S, Mondal P, Sukul NC, Singh RK, Chakraborty I, Sukul A (2021) Effects of Ultra High Dilution of Paraquat 30 CH on Growth, Chlorophyll Content and Yield of Rice Crop International Journal of High Dilution Research 2021; 20(2-3): 16-23

46: Baranski Marcin, Dominika Srednicka-Tober, Nikolaos Volakakis, et al (2014) Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: A systematic literature review and meta-analyses

47: Barberi,P. G Burgio, G Dinelli, A C Moonen, S Otto, C Vazzana, G Zanin (2010) Functional biodiversity in the agricultural landscape: relationships between weeds and arthropod fauna Weed Research 50, 388-401

48: Barbosa IS, Tayna SV, Camila MS, et al (2012) Evaluation of the effects of homeopathic medicines on the germination seeds of Brassica oleracea l. var. Italica Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11(40):213-214

49: Barlow PW, Mikulecky Sr M, Strestik J (2010) Tree-stem diameter fluctuates with the lunar tides and perhaps with geomagnetic activity Protoplasma Volume 247, pages 25-43, (2010)

50: Barreto CS, Homsani F, Holandino C, Silva NCB (2016) The effects of ultra-high diluted giberelic acid on in vitro lettuce seed germination. Proceedings of the XXX GIRI Meeting; 2016 Sep 09 - 11; Netherland.

51: Barreto CS, Homsani F, Holandino C, Silva NCB (2016) Plant Tissue culture and Ultra High Diluted studies: suggesting a novel model using in vitro techniques Proceedings of the XXX GIRI Meeting; 2016 Sep 09 - 11; Netherland


53: Basak BB, Jat RS, Gajbhiye NA, Saha A & Manivel P (2020) Organic nutrient management through manures, microbes and biodynamic preparation improves yield and quality of Kalmegh (Andrograghis paniculata), and soil properties Journal of Plant Nutrition, Volume 43, 2020 - Issue 4

54: Basak, BB (2023) Soil Phosphorus Dynamics and P Uptake by Medicinal Crops as Influenced by Locally Available Organic Amendments in Light-Textured Soil of Semi-arid Western India J Soil Sci Plant Nutr 23, 2190-2201 (2023)

55: Basold, A (1968) Potenzforschung als Weg zum Erfassen der Substanzbildekrafte Elemente der Naturwissenschaft 8, 32-43.

56: Bastide, M (1998) Information and Communication in Living Organisms Fundamental Research in ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy. J. Schulte and P.C. Endler (Eds.). Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 229-239.

57: Bauhofer A (2007) Wheat seedling development and the influence of highly diluted agitated giberellic acid (10e-23) Thesis (MSc), Interuniversity College Graz; 2008.

58: Baumgartner S, Betti L, Binder M, Heusser P, Wolf U (2014) Spatial allocation effects within a potentization basic research model - evidence for field-like effects of homeopathic preparations? Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2014

59: Baumgartner S, P Doesburg, C Scherr, J Andersen (2012) Development of a biocrystallisation method for examining effects of homeopathic preparations on germinating cress seeds Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, 12(Suppl 1):P17

60: Baumgartner S, P. Heusser, A. Thurneysena (1998) Methodological Standards and Problems in Preclinical Homoeopathic Potency Research

61: Baumgartner S, Shah D, Schaller J, Kumpfer u, Thurneysen A, Heusser P (2008) Reproducibility of dwarf pea shoot growth stimulation by homeopathic potencies of gibberellic acid. Complement Ther Med. 2008 Aug;16(4):183-91

62: Baumgartner S, Thurneysen A, Heusser P (2004) Growth stimulation of dwarf peas (Pisum sativum L.) through homeopathic potencies of plant growth substances Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2004 Oct;11(5):281-92

63: Baumgartner Stephan, Lucietta Betti, Peter Heusser, Tim Jaeger, Claudia Scherr, Vera Majewsky, Ursula Wolf (2012) Use of plant bioassays in homeopathic basic research - a systematic review Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11(40):140-141

64: Baumgartner, S, Ph.D (2005) Reproductions and Reproducibility in Homeopathy: Dogma or Tool?

65: Baumgartner, S, Ph.D (2014) Homeopathic basic research: state of research and quests for the future

66: Baumgartner, S, Ph.D (2010) What can we learn from basic research about homeopathy? European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2(4):166-166

67: Baumgartner, S. M. Shah, D. Heusser, P. Thurneysen, A (2000) Homoeopathic dilutions: is there a potential for application in organic plant production? Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 28 to 31 August, 2000., 2000, pp. 97-100, 27 ref.

68: Bavec M, Bavec F (2015) Impact of Organic Farming on Biodiversity From: Biodiversity in Ecosystems Linking Structure and Function

69: Bavec M., Turinek M., Grobelnik-Mlakar S., Mikola N., Bavec F (2012) Some Internal Quality Properties of White Cabbage from Different Farming Systems Acta Hortic., 2012, 933, 577-583

70: Bavec Martina, Matjaz Turinek, Silva Grobelnik-Mlakar, Ana Slatnar, and Franc Beaver (2010) Influence of Industrial and Alternative Farming Systems on Contents of Sugars, Organic Acids, Total Phenolic Content, and the Antioxidant Activity of Red Beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris Rote Kugel) J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010, 58, 22, 11825-11831

71: Bavec Martina, Michael Narodoslawsky, Franc Bavec, Matjaz Turinek (2011) Ecological impact of wheat and spelt production under industrial and alternative farming systems Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems , Volume 27 , Issue 3 , September 2012 , pp. 242 - 250

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76: Bellavite P and Betti L (2012) Homeopathy and the science of high dilutions: when to believe the unbelievable Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11(40):107-109

77: Bellavite P, Conforti A, Piasere V, Ortolani R (2005) Immunology and homeopathy. 1. Historical background. Evidence Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005 Dec;2(4):441-52

78: Bellavite et al: (1999) Homeopathy in the perspective of scientific research [Article in Italian] Ann Ist Super Sanita. 1999;35(4):517-27

79: Beluhova-Uzunova R, Atanasov D (2019) Biodynamic agriculture-old traditions and modern practices Trakia J Sci 17(1):530-536

80: Berchtold, A.; Besson, J.-M.; Feller, U (1993) Effects of fertilization levels in two farming systems on senescence and nutrient contents in potato leaves Plant Soil, 154, 81-88

81: Berner A., Hildermann I., Fliessbach A., Pfiffner L., Niggli U., Mader P (2008) Crop yield and soil fertility response to reduced tillage under organic management Soil Till. Res., 2008, 101, 89-96

82: Besson, J.-M.; Spiess, E.; Niggli, U (1995) N uptake in relation to N application during two crop rotations in the DOC field trial Biol. Agric. and Hort., 11, 69-75

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84: Betti L, Lazzarato L, Trebbi G, Brizzi M, Calzoni GL, Borghini F, Nani D (2003) Effects of homeopathic arsenic on tobacco plant resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Theoretical suggestions about system variability, based on a large experimental data set Homeopathy. 2003 Oct;92(4):195-202.

85: Betti L, Trebbi G, Kokornaczyk MO, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Brizzi M (2013) Effectiveness of ultra high diluted arsenic is a function of succussion number as evidenced by wheat germination test and droplet evaporation method Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12(44):127-128

86: Betti L, Trebbi G, Kokornaczyk MO, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Dinelli G, Bellavite P, Brizzi M (2017) Number of succussion strokes affects effectiveness of ultra-high-diluted arsenic on in vitro wheat germination and polycrystalline structures obtained by droplet evaporation method Homeopathy. 2017 Feb;106(1):47-54

87: Betti L, Trebbi G, Majewsky V, Scherr C, Shah-Rossi D, Jaeger T, Baumgartner S. (2009) Use of homeopathic preparations in phytopathological models and in field trials: a critical review. Homeopathy. 2009 Oct;98(4):244-66.

88: Betti L, Trebbi G, Nani D, Majewski V, Scherr C, Jager T, Baumgartner S (2008) Models with plants, microorganisms and viruses for basic research in homeopathy Signals and Images, Springer, Heidelberg; 97:111.

89: Betti L, Trebbi G, Olioso D, Marzotto P, Bellavite P (2013) Basic Research in homeopathy and ultra-dilutions: what progress is being made? Conference Report. Homeopathy (2013) 102, 151-154

90: Betti, L., Brizzi, M., Nani, D. and Peruzzi, M (1994) A pilot statistical study with homoeopathic potencies of Arsenicum album in wheat germination as a simple model British Homoeopathic Journal 83, 195-201.

91: Betti, L., Brizzi, M., Nani, D. and Peruzzi, M (1997) Effect of high dilutions of Arsenicum album on wheat seedlings from seed poisoned with the same substance British Homoeopathic Journal 86, 86-89.

92: Betti, Lucietta - Grazia Trebbi, Michela Zurla, Daniele Nani, Maurizio Peruzzi and Maurizio Brizzi (2010) A review of three simple plant models and corresponding statistical tools for basic research in homeopathy The Scientific World Journal, annual 2010, pp. 2330+

93: Bharatan V (2023) Homeopathy and systematics: a systematic analysis of the therapeutic effects of the plant species used in homeopathy.

94: Bhattacharyya SS, Mandal SK, Biswas R, Paul S, Pathak S, Boujedaini N, Belon P, Khuda-Bukhsh AR (2008) In vitro studies demonstrate anticancer activity of an alkaloid of the plant Gelsemium sempervirens.

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97: Birkhofer K., Bezemer T.M., Bloem J., Bonkowski M., Christensen S., Dubois D., et al (2008) Long-Term Organic Farming Fosters below and Aboveground Biota: Implications for Soil Quality Biological Control and Productivity Soil Biol. Biochem., 2008, 40, 2297-2308

98: Blanco, P.; Rodriguez, I.; Fernandez-Fernandez, V.; Ramil, M.; Castrillo, D.; Acin-Albiac, M.; Adamo, I.; Fernandez-Trujillo, C.; Garcia-Jiminez, B.; Acedo, A.; et al. (2024) Physicochemical Properties and Microbiome of Vineyard Soils from DOP Ribeiro (NW Spain) Are Influenced by Agricultural Management Microorganisms 2024, 12, 595.

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104: Bonato, Carlos Moacir, Gentil Telles de Proenca and Buno Reis; (2004) Homeopathic drugs Arsenicum album and Sulphur affect the growth and essential oil content in mint (Mentha arvensis L.)

105: Bonfim, F. P. G.; Casali, V. W. D.; Martins, E. R. (2012) Seed germination and vigour of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, MILL) pelleted with homeopathic preparations of Natrum muriaticum, subjected to saline stress. Biosphere Encyclopedia, v. 8, p. 625-633, 2012.

106: Bonfim, F. P. G.; Casali, V. W. D.; Mendonca, E. G.; Martins, E. R (2012) Water-sressed bean plants (Phaseolus vulgares L.) treated with homeopathic preparations of Arnica montana. (Orig: Estresse hidrico em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgares L.) tratado com o preparados homeopaticos de Arnica montana.) Biosphere Encyclopedia, v. 8, p. 530-538, 2012.

107: Bonfim, F. P. G.; Dores, R. G. R.; Martins, E. R. M.; Casali, V. W. D (2010) Germination and vigor of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) pelleted with homeopathic preparations Alumina and Calcarea carbonica subjected to toxic levels of Aluminum. International Journal of High Dilution Research, v. 33, n. 9, p. 138-146, 2010.

108: Bonfim, F. P. G; Dores, R. G. R; Casali, V. W. D; Martins, E. R; Dias, L.A.S. (2009) Alumina Homeopathy, Germination and Vigor of Lettuce Seeds, Submitted to Level Toxic Aluminum Paper Solution. (Orig: Homeopatia Alumina, Germinacao e Vigor de Sementes de Alface, Submetidas a Nivel Toxico de Aluminio, em Papel Solucao.) Brazilian Horticulture (Printed), v. 7, p. 2877-2881, 2009.

109: Bonfim, F. P. G; Martins, E. R; Dores, R. G. R; Barbosa, C. K. R; Casali, V. W. D; Honorio, I. C. G. (2008) Use Of homeopathic Arnica Montana for the issuance of roots of Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Lippia alba (Mill) N.E.Br. International Journal of High Dilution Research, v. 7, p. 72-76

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111: Bosco L, Siegenthaler D, Ruzzante L, Jacot A and Arlettaz R (2022) Varying Responses of Invertebrates to Biodynamic, Organic and Conventional Viticulture. Front. Conserv. Sci. 3:837551

112: Botelho Renato Vasconcelos, Roberta Roberti, Paola Tessarin, Jose Maria Garcia-Mina and Adamo Domenico Rombola (1996) Physiological responses of grapevines to biodynamic management

113: Botelho dos Reis AC and Julia Ronzella Ottoni (1906) Antifungal activity of homeopathic medicines against the white mold causing agent Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

114: Boudali G, Ghnaya T, Ben-Abdallah S, Chalh A, Sebei A, Ouirghi Z & Chaffei-Haouari C (2022) Zincum Metallicum, a homeopathic drug, alleviates Zn-induced toxic effects and promotes plant growth and antioxidant capacity in Lepidium sativum L

115: Boujedaini N, Terzan L, Khuda-Bukhsh AR (2012) Summary of four scientific studies on Arsenicum album high dilution effect against Arsenic intoxication in mice

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