

The Conference is over and the presentations recorded:


Mark Moodie - Introduction and history (no slides)



Dr Iftikhar Waris - Pakistan and The Waris Shah response - (download slides)



Marios Dessyllas - Greek results using the homeodynamic approach - (download slides)


Nuria Cuch - orchards in Catalonia with agrohomeopathy- (download slides)


Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj - some results with photos - (download slides)


Miquel Angel Latorre - citrus orchard transformation - (no slides)


Claudia Scherr - using plants to test potentised preparations - No presentation available


Victor Sims - agricultural use of patterns and vibrations- (download slides)


Marina Portugal - Research at Belo Horizonte botanical gardens in Brazil - (download slides)


Radko Tichavsky could not join us in the end but prepared a film for the event [which is no longer available]