Rudolf Steiner House with 50 members
All known BD outlets had been published in the Member’s Bulletin. List should also go to SnF. Contact had with Elm Farm Research hadn’t British Organic Farmers. George McCleod (homeopathic vet) had addressed the gathering at Broome Farm. Olga Holbek still in post with additional help from Celia Baldwin. The association planning to buy a Danish film about German BD farms.
Finances to budget and much like last year. Association would struggle without donations.
Roland Clarke, Tim Clement, Anthony Kaye, Steven Naumann, Walter Rudert and John Soper re-elected. Special meeting so that retiring officers Ould not be re-elected that year. Would require a special meeting and an adjustment to the constitution. Would happen in the Annual conference in July at Hawkwood. [Held with 14 members on 5th July 1983. Constitution paragraph 7c altered to “One third of the elected members of the Council shall retire annually in rotation and new members shall be elected in their place at each AGM of the association, and the retiring members of the council shall not be eligible for re-election until after the lapse of one year.” Passed unanimously]
Request put out for subjects of conferences
Mr Laurence Woodward of `Elm Farm Research: “Organic Farming in Britain.”