Rudolf Steiner House

No suggestions received for a new name – continue as BDAA.

Bavaria trip cancelled but a Conference in Hawkwood College in 1964.

More money in as Deeds of Covenant. Depreciation on new typewriter and addressograph. and £50 for depreciation on the Consultant’s car.

Retiring members all reelected – Miss Edwards, Lt Col Hanbury-Sparrow, Mr Rudel

A library list? – yes and to all new members including books reviewed in Star and Furrow.

Conference theme: find speakers from amongst ourselves. Also keep the distinction from organic.

Mr Bierman’s new farm and garden. Dr Schaumann would supervise their herd and soil, and this service available to others. Orchardist from German – Herr Leo Fuerst – visited.

Mrs Geuter’s ‘Herbs in Nutrition‘ selling well and a German edition may follow.


Mr Corrin: “Meeting the Challenge which confronts us”