Betteshanger Summer School

Betteshanger Summer School

Lord Northbourne brings Pfeiffer to his estate and invites people along to learn about Pfeiffer’s approach to husbandry. He said:

“The purpose of the School is to give some British farmers the opportunity of meeting Dr. Pfeiffer and his colleagues, and of learning something of their work. The chief feature of this work has been the practical application of every-day farming problems of a remarkable insight into the processes of nature, and sympathy with living things … The School will have primarily a practical basis”

Interestingly enough, because of the split in the Anthroposophical world not even the BD people in the UK knew about the meeting. David Clements wrote about this in 2002: 

“An unfortunate consequence was that we did not know of a conference held shortly before the war at which Ehrenfried Pfeiffer was present. It was a meeting held by several big landowners who were greatly concerned at the way farming was developing. George Stapleton and a number of other interesting people were there. We only heard about it some years later from Mr Rasmussen of Denmark who was himself present.”*


John Paull paper on Betteshanger