Ustilago Maydis
From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia(Double click section-headings below to reveal/hide data)
About the Preparation -
Preparation name
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Mother tincture made
Effect on Plants -
Named Issues
Smut, flag smut, bunt, loose smut, head scab. Found on oats, sorghum, wheat, barley, triticum and corn. (3)
General Appearance
In plants, the bark will loosen, and it may well prove to be another remedy like Sil, which arrests dieback. (3)
Long grey raised streaks on the leaves, shafts and stems. Affected leaves are twisted and split lengthwise. (3)
At maturity smutted heads can be seen, grey brown bunts replacing the grain, the balls forcing the glumes apart. Premature bleaching of a section or all of a head. Pink and orange fungal strands appear over the head. Infected areas are most often sterile. Seeds are shrivelled and have a pinkish colour. (3)