Phos. is an excellent remedy for the effects of lead poisoning, seen so often on road verges both in the city and in the country. Phos. profoundly affects the nutrition and function of every tissue, notably the hardest (cambium and bark) and the softest (flowers and fruits). It causes an increase in growth whilst continuous use later causes degeneration. (3)
Right, worse in temperature changes. (244)
Tonic.Consequences of lightening, violent storms, cold, viruses and sunburn. (337)
The linked article shows that the remedy used was Phos 200c, Mycorrhizal inoculant 9x and early purple orchid essence. (1526)
The dynamization 9CH, in particular, interfered with plant growth, height, diameter of stems and total dry mass. 9CH treatment showed the highest yield of essential oil. The essential oil composition of V. gratissima varied according to the different dynamization used. Homeopathic Phosphorus provided the greatest amount of β-pinene, trans-pinocarveol, trans-pinocamphone and trans-pinocarvyl acetate in comparison with controls.... Plants exhibited phenotypic plasticity after the homeopathic Phosphorus treatments. The dynamization 9CH, in particular, interfered with plant growth, height, diameter of stems and total dry mass. 9CH treatment showed the highest yield of essential oil. The essential oil composition of V. gratissima varied according to the different dynamization used. Homeopathic Phosphorus provided the greatest amount of β-pinene, trans-pinocarveol, trans-pinocamphone and trans-pinocarvyl acetate in comparison with controls. (1653)
Through the regression equations adjusted were estimated increases in the P concentration (72%) and P accumulation (200%) in relation to the control by applications of homeopathy Phosphorus 30 CH. It can be concluded that linear increases in the P concentration and P accumulation in shoots of sorghum occurred by levels of dynamizations of homeopathy Phosphorus. (1715)
Although no statistical difference for variable number of sclerotia, some drugs such as Phosphorus 24 and 36CH and Calcarea carbonica 24CH, reduced this parameter up 45%, 37% and 32%, respectively, the number of sclerotia when compared to control water. (1720)
Dynamizations 24 and 30CH increased the fresh weight of shoots. Dynamizations 6, 24 and 30 CH increased total dry and fresh weight and dry mass of the root system. Phosphorus accumulation in sorghum root in relation to dynamizations were complex. However, the dynamization 12CH showed higher accumulation of phosphorus in relation to other homeopathic dinamizations, although, it had showed the lowest biomass accumulation. Thus, it is concluded that the dynamization of Phosphorus were generally more efficient at accumulating dry matter. It is suggested that, in general, the homeopathic medicine Phosphorus may have improved efficiency use of phosphorus because the same concentration of absorbed phosphorus the plants increased the total biomass. (1724)
Dry matter of shoot were not influenced by solutions, but proportion and content of phosphorus in plant tissues were increased by P6CH and P30CH. (1740)
In the development of analysis it was observed that in almost all parameters evaluated the medicine Carbo vegetabillis 6CH, followed by Calcarea carbonica 12CH, Silicea terra 12CH, Phosphorus 12CH, Pulsatilla nigricans 12CH and the preparation of Acai 12CH contributed to a better performance of the seedlings. (1757)
In vitro tests showed that the treatments Phosphorus 12CH, Phosphorus 48CH and Calcarea carbonica 48CH slowed down the mycelial growth. (1778)