The highest germination values corresponded to SiT-7CH and PhA-7CH (100%), surpassing the control group (83.5%). The PhA-7CH and NaM-31CH treatments stimulated stem growth in the germination stage (3.40 cm) and NaM-7CH root growth (4.07 cm) in the emergence stage. (1535)
The variables evaluated during vegetative development were: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, weight, leaf area and productive yield. Significant differences were recorded in all the variables and stages of development studied. The highest germination values corresponded to SiT-7CH and PhA-7CH (100%), surpassing the control group (83.5%). The PhA-7CH and NaM-31CH treatments stimulated stem growth in the germination stage (3.40 cm) and NaM-7CH root growth (4.07 cm) in the emergence stage. During the vegetative development, the plants with the highest production were those treated with NaM-7CH. (1655)