Ferrum Metallicum
From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia(Double click section-headings below to reveal/hide data)
About the Preparation -
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Mother tincture made
Effect on Plants -
Named Issues
Chlorosis. Pale, sickly plants that nearly fall over. Imperfect assimilation, impaired photosynthesis, protein content low. Fruit and vegetables have no taste. Bacterial blights, waterlogging, head-tipping, blasting, orange bug. (3)
General Appearance
"Pale sickly looking plants; no strength to stand upright. Chlorosis, low protein content, juvenile plants refuse to grow. Paleness of a dirty white or yellowish appearance." (3)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
systemic collapse of capillaries, paralysis of the capillary system (3)
Flowers have increased pollination, yet are sterile. (3)
No fruits, or incomplete fruit setting. Immature fruit drops too early. (3)
Notes and Academic Papers
Ferrum must be used with care. In general, Ferrum phos. or Ferrum sulph. are better suited. (3)