Calcarea Carbonica

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

Preparation name
Calcarea Carbonica
Preparation category
Homoeopathic remedy
Common Name
Calcium carbonate
Chemical Formula
Mother tincture made
Trituration of the middle layer of oyster shells
General description
It is essential to have an intimate acquaintance with the Calcium preparations, as they are pivotal to the understanding of homoeopathy as a whole, and its application in agriculture in particular. Calc. preparations have a wide range and a deep action. Handle with care is not an unnecessary precaution. Too much dosing can set up severe aggravation in the crop and it is difficult to counteract it, as Calc. carb. is an important constituent in the plant body. Calcium, being a building block in plants, has a consequent low mobility. (Epstein 1972)

Effect on Plants -

Effect on Soil -

Top soil

Good fertiliser for lime-deficient soil (337)

there was decrease of OE ... Calcarea carbonica 47,5%, (1747)

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