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Quality of homeopathic preparations
Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 12:27
by Mark
Chris Trem posted this on the BdNow site and has given permission for Considera to submit it to the bulletin board.
Part 1 - How to make the best homeopathic preps
The quality of water used in making the potencies is the first important consideration.
To discover which waters have the best and worst effects on seed sprout growth, seeds were inserted into different types of water including:
· Well water
· Bottled spring water
· Primordial “M” water
· Holy water – samples of water that have been taken from holy shrines around the world
· “The Water”
· Distilled water
· Rainwater
Results showed conclusively that the water that had the poorest effect on plant growth was bottled water. Even so called “Purified” spring water can be very impure and it is a high probability that some of the molecules from the plastic bottle have leached into the water. Bottled water and tap water typically have weak hydrogen bonds as well. If bottled water is used to make potencies the value and energy of the preps will most likely be undermined due to the poor quality of the water. Any impurities in bottled water will also be homeopathically prepared with the preps and the Koliskos have shown the toxic and life threatening effects minute quantities of compounds have on mice (more on this in part 3).
Ground water, rain water, and even bottled water can be full of impurities which can range from disinfection byproducts, inorganic contaminants, pesticides & their byproducts to radionuclides, volatile organic compounds, particulates, and microorganisms. Some Ecofacts from the Surfrider Foundation:
· One quart of oil dumped in a storm drain contaminates 250,000 gallons of water.
· 14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped in the world’s oceans annually.
It is probably safe to say there are no naturally flowing water sources on the planet that are pure anymore.
It is known that the human body will potentise substances it absorbs and Mother Nature naturally potentises substances all the time. Waves pounding against the shore and rain drops smashing into the earth, etc. are forms of succussion (succussion being the standard method of homeopathically preparing a substance). Then could it be possible that filtered, purified bottled waters contain the homeopathic imprints of the toxins and poisons in the environment from which it came?
There is an individual who markets his homeopathic sprays for agriculture and personal health. What does this person use to make his sprays with? The label on the bottle says “Purified Spring Water”.
It is the opinion of this author that only good quality distilled water should be used to make potencies and I don’t mean the bottled distilled water you can find on store shelves. I have a machine that makes pure distilled water with strong hydrogen bonds and that is what I use to make potencies with. With good quality pure distilled water the effects of the preps should be pure and untainted, and prep quality should be maintained. Only reputable companies such as Weleda use distilled water to make their homeopathic preparations with.
Quality of preparations - pt2
Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 22:05
by Mark
Part 2: How to make the best homeopathic preps.
Derivation of potencies.
Which method should be used to determine the best potency or potencies? Steiner recommended a method that the Koliskos have used throughout their many years of scientific research. In Steiner’s own words addressed to L. Kolisko:
“Put plants to germinate in various dilutions. A curve will result. Study this curve, for it will reflect the vitalizing process achieved by the remedy in animal organisms.”
I might add that the growth curve also reflects the vitalizing process achieved by the substance in humans and plants not just animals. Seeds are inserted into each potency along with a water control. After a time the length of each of the seedlings is measured and an average taken. These averages are then plotted on graph paper. A growth curve now becomes visible. L. Kolisko states that this “graphic picture of the smallest entities on plant growth can be considered the reflection of the inner dynamic of the material which has undergone the process of potentizing.” A good deal of understanding and insight into the substance being potentized can be gained from the study of the growth curve. Hidden qualities become discernable. A substance can be seen to be harmonized or the lack thereof; a light or dark phenomena from within the substance may become discernable at various potencies; the strength of the influence the substance will have becomes evident; maxima (high points) and minima (low points) as well as rhythmical periods can be seen, etc. It is the maxima that gives us the best potency to use.
A good example of how the growth curve can give us an insight into the nature of a substance can be found on page 237 of Agriculture of Tomorrow. An un-named commercial fertilizer was prepared homeopathically and the growth curve of the fertilizer was plotted on graph paper. It is easy to see that the growth generated by each potency of this fertilizer was far below that of the water control. It literally stunted the growth of the plants which should have been at least twice as long. The growth curve itself is chaotic with no discernable maximum or minimum growth. The inner dynamic of this commercial plant fertilizer actually stands in opposition to plant growth.
Are there other ways to derive the best potency to use? To my knowledge the only one ever mentioned by Steiner is the scientific method given above. But one individual who markets his homeopathic sprays for agriculture and health told me he finds his potencies by dowsing and talking it over with spirit guides. With such methods there is no growth curve to study, no maxima or minima, no rhythmical periods etc. and therefore no insight into the nature of the substance being potentized. This person uses a certain potency in his sprays but is it a maxima? No one knows! Such short cut methods are unscientific and not Steiner agriculture and substances prepared outside of science are entirely inappropriate for use by the public.
Quality of homeopathic preparations - pt3
Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 22:07
by Mark
Part 3: How to make the best homeopathic preps.
Making other prepared substances for the garden.
If we wanted to add a prepared substance to the garden we should look for a healthy plant that is full of life and vitality, that promotes the health of other plants and all this before it has been prepared. If we had a source of seaweed from unpolluted waters then that could be a possibility but Steiner tells us the greatest benefactor of plant growth is the stinging nettle. Fresh leaves and stems from healthy BD nettles were chopped up, placed in an oak barrel and buried in the ground where a compost pile was recently; the barrel was filled with pure water, the BD compost preps were inserted, the lid put on. At this time capillary dynamolysis tests were done of the fresh nettle juice and the results were impressive. After the nettles had composted for about 2 months capillary dynamolysis tests were again performed. The results were profound. Burgeoning forms now appear that are not present in the stain of the fresh nettle juice. The forms look almost like rose petals with a hint of rosy pink color. The forms produced by the BD composted nettles are somewhat similar in shape to the forms produced by the Koliskos of 500 on page 172 of Agriculture of Tomorrow. The fresh nettle juice could represent the life of a caterpillar and the composting nettles represents its transformation into the butterfly. One life transformed into something far more wonderful. Now we have a marvelously harmonized substance capable of radiating its vital forces everywhere it is used.
Now, let’s take a look at a prepared substance that is currently used as an ingredient in a homeopathic spray that is being marketed for agriculture as well as personal care. The label on the bottle says seaweed but the seaweed comes from a commercial fertilizer called Maxsea and Maxsea is then biodynamically composted. According to the Maxsea label, Maxsea is derived from: seaweed powder, blood meal, urea, ammonium phosphate, potassium nitrate, sulfate of potash, sodium molybdate, sodium borate, copper, iron, zinc, and manganese EDTA.
Now, the Kolisko’s have tested dried blood or blood meal, one of the ingredients of Maxsea, by capillary dynamolysis using gold chloride. Their findings are “There is no life in this fertilizer; the gold has become brown and dirty, and looks burnt to death.” -Page 235, Agriculture of Tomorrow.
Potassium nitrate, another ingredient of Maxsea was homeopathically prepared by the Koliskos. The graph of their tests is on page 61 of Agriculture of Tomorrow. The graph of potassium nitrate reveals an inner dynamic that is chaotic and unharmonized when compared to the harmonized graphs of Steiner’s preps.
Another ingredient of Maxsea is copper. The Koliskos have also run experiments with homeopathic copper (copper sulphate) and if you look at page 102 of Agriculture of Tomorrow you will see a mouse with a tumor in its ear that resulted when treated with the 23rd potency of copper sulphate. Read on and you will see oversized gall bladders and livers and other damaged organs caused by other potencies of copper sulphate. Page 105 states: “These experiments seem to us quite convincing as to what happens if copper, even in a high potency, is taken for some time…The consequences are: liver shrinkage, gall-stones. Laborers in a vineyard who sprinkled the copper sulphate on the plants have kidney shrinkage and eczema behind the ears. The animals show pathological changes in the liver and kidneys, the cells are destroyed in these organs…It is not the substance in large quantities that causes the greatest harm – it is the ‘smallest entities’ which we have been taught to neglect as harmless, which produce those terrible effects, because the forces are stronger than the substance. They are imprisoned in the solid matter, and the more we dilute, the more we free the hidden forces. We cannot see them, we cannot touch them, we cannot put them on the scales – but they act with deadly certainty.”
If the potencies of the BD composted Maxsea were tested as Steiner recommends, I’m sure we would find the growth curve lacking in harmonization. Capillary dynamolysis testing of both blood meal and Maxsea with silver nitrate have been performed by this author and the results of both are thoroughly unimpressive. Why anyone would want to try to bring life to a processed lifeless commercial fertilizer by BD composting it is unknown and after studying the documented works of the Koliskos and others it may be said that any life generated in the substance would probably be abnormal.
The lesson here is that we have to be knowledgeable enough to ask the right questions of those who market their homeopathic sprays to make sure they are safe to use in our gardens and especially on our own bodies. And if the right answers are not forthcoming, then far better to walk away than to risk possible organ degeneration and disease.
Quality of homeopathic preparations - pt4
Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 22:11
by Mark
Part 4: How to make the best homeopathic preps.
What happens to the molecules of a substance during potentization? Steiner said that the medium is stamped with something resembling a structure during the potentizing process.
He goes on to say that there is a threefold aspect to the potentization process. He indicated that potencies in the lowest range influence metabolism. Potencies in the middle range act on the rhythmical system – circulation, breathing, and potencies in the higher range influence the nervous/sense system. It is the rhythmical system that mediates between the other two. This is the threefold nature of a potentized substance. Where a range begins and ends can only be found by study of the growth curve that was discussed in Part 2 and the ranges will be different for each potentized substance.
Shwenk tells us that “when he was asked about the use of higher potencies, Rudolf Steiner indicated that the 30th potency, D30, represented a certain boundary beyond which a physician would be entering an area to explore which human insight was as yet too limited”. However, Steiner’s insight here is from the viewpoint of the physician and in my opinion is quite different from that of the farmer. The physician attempts to diagnose and heal a very complex physiologically being while the farmer is concerned with bringing formative forces and vitalizing energies to the farm.
The Koliskos tested to the 60th potency and by studying the growth curves they generated it can be seen that in many cases all three ranges were evident. Steiner compared the farm to a human being and showed similarities between the soil and what’s above ground to the functions of human organs. Can the threefold nature of the potentization process be applied to plants and to the farm? This would certainly seem to be the case since the Koliskos have proven that potencies in all three ranges have a profound influence on the growth of plants. Higher potencies help the plants grow larger and put on weight sometimes weighing as much as twice the water control. A combination of the best potencies in all three ranges should have a wonderfully balanced effect on the farm as a whole and especially on the plants grown there.
I know of no one who prepares Steiner’s preps or any garden remedies in all 3 ranges. It would seem that Steiner’s preps still have a long way to go before they are used to their fullest extent. There is still much more they can do.
Capillary Dynamolysis (CD).
Capillary dynamolysis can be very helpful. It can tell you quickly, within a day, whether or not a fermenting or composting substance is ready to be used or if any of the many commercial fertilizers are really worth using in the garden. It can show which methods of preserving foods is the best and it can even help diagnose diseases in humans and animals. The Koliskos developed this method to enable them to find the various forces hidden in a substance and this process they termed capillary dynamolysis.
Steiner said “So long as substances are in a solid state, they are subject to the forces of the earth, but as soon as they enter the liquid state, the planetary forces come into play”. Solid iron for example, is subject only to earth forces but when it is dissolved in water and in solution it is subject to earth forces and to the forces of Mars. Silver when dissolved in water is subject to earth and moon forces. The Koliskos discovered that to bring out the formative forces from a plant or other substance onto filter paper the action of a metal salt associated with a planetary force, dissolved in water had to be combined in a certain way with the action of a plant juice.
Seeds germinating in different potencies, discussed in Part 2, produce a growth curve that reveals the vitalizing process of the substance. Similarly, when CD testing is performed regularly on that same substance in the process of fermenting or composting, a growth curve of the formative forces is generated that reveals the growth of the formative forces to a point when they fully mature and peak, then begin to fade away. The formative forces of the BD composed nettles discussed in part 3, matured and peaked at about the second month and after four months, CD tests showed the formative forces were weak and faded. A substance should be used or prepared homeopathically once CD testing has found the point where the formative forces have fully matured. Once this has been accomplished, one can rest assured that the vitalizing process revealed by the growth curve of this substance will have also matured and reached its peak. Homeopathically preparing a substance at any other time would produce a remedy where the vitalizing forces are either immature or past their prime.
I have posted 11 capillary dynamolysis photos to the yahoo group BDNOW for all to see. You will see:
1. Juice of fresh nettles. Beautiful and rich with color.
2. Juice of fresh nettles again but done at a different time of the year
3. BD composted liquid nettles, flower petal-like forms
4. BD composted liquid nettles with silver & iron produced unexpected formations
5. 508 (horsetail herb) after 3 days fermenting, not quite ready yet
6. 508 (horsetail herb) after 3 weeks fermenting ready to use
7. 508 (horsetail herb) after many weeks fermenting, smelled very bad, formative forces have disappeared
8. The juice of an organic apple so very sweet and delicious.
9. The juice of a fresh garden tomato.
10. Juice of a fresh tomato done at a different time of the year
11. Maxsea, a processed commercial fertilizer
Here are directions from Allan on how to join the group if you need them and once you are in click ‘photos’ on the left side:
If you have pictures to share, and don't have your own digital photo facility, you can upload them to the yahoo group, BDNOW. You get there by going to and clicking on groups and then doing a find on "bdnow" You have to join the group, which, I think, takes about 1 minute. After that you can upload all the pix you want and then just tell those of us on the listserve that you've uploaded pictures there. Right now, there are a bunch of interesting files that Arjen has posted there earlier.
Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 01:12
by Greg Willis
The below reproduced letter recommending distilled water as a way of producing high quality homeopathic remedies first appeared in bdnow, then was copied to Considera by Mark Moodie. This is my response.
Abstract: The author’s conclusion and recommendation that distilled water produces the highest quality homeopathically prepared Steiner based remedies is completely false, misleading and does not hold up to reasoned scrutiny. In fact, distilled water is the worst possible selection for a carrier in homeopathic remedies, which work on the energetic level, because it lacks all life energy in it. Only filtered and purified natural spring water from a guaranteed pristine source should ever be used in making these remedies, especially if you are selling them to the public.
This is in reply to Part 1 in Considera regarding the selection of water to make homeopathic remedies authored by Chris Trem.
I have been making homeopathically prepared Steiner Preparations for nearly 6 years. Our products have been used on thousands of acres in the field and hundreds of people. They get excellent results.
The information given within this article by Mr. Trem, while appearing to be well reasoned and academic in nature, is, in fact, incomplete, misleading and for the most part, just plain wrong. These recommendations are at best, pure speculation from a man who does not make these products himself. That should be a consideration by the reader when evaluating the author's advice.
Many years ago, on bdnow, there was a discussion about whether or not stirring the preps in water “potentized” them, or not. My argument at the time, which is now pretty much universally accepted, is that the process of stirring the preps in water, by reversing the stirring causing order and chaos, released the etheric and astral energy from the preps into the water, which then carried it to the final application spot. Once done, the water had done its job and was devoid of this energy after contact.
Stirring does not “potentize” the preps. They are already potentized by the process in which they are made. The selection of a carrier for the preps is a major consideration. It forms the basis for a successful remedy, or a failure.
What we are discussing in this email is a response to the recommendation to use distilled water as a carrier to be used in making AND SELLING, homeopathically prepared Steiner remedies. It has to be the best possible AND do the job.
There are, as far as I know, three producers of homeopathically prepared remedies using Steiner's preparations as the base material. Two of us use water and the third uses alcohol.
I am not familiar with the type of water used by the other guy, but the water we use is purified natural spring water, purified with microfiltration, ozone and ultraviolet light. This water comes from a National Park in Arkansas, USA and has been awarded hundreds of gold medals for quality since 1889 when it was first tapped and bottled. It is considered the best spring water source in the country. We use only water delivered in glass containers to our facility. The water is solar treated before using it which increases its life force qualities.
All of our remedies are made up fresh before shipping to ensure the highest quality and potency.
The author failed to mention alcohol as a potential carrier. Weleda, which he says uses only distilled water, in fact, uses alcohol extensively. Since alcohol is poisonous to all living things, I don't use it since I see no purpose in adding any poison to a field. The other manufacturer, Garuda in New Zealand, believes it is fine. As far as I know, no comparative studies have been made between the three.
From what I know about Garuda’s products, they work quite well and maybe this is simply a matter of preference, or it may be more.
As to the selection of water, one certainly would eschew city water or polluted water.
But to make homeopathically prepared remedies out of distilled water is sheer stupidity.
Let me explain. The process of distilling exposes water to temperatures high enough to change the liquid into gas - 100 degrees Centigrade or 212 degrees Fahrenheit. This changes the water appreciably, as any high school student knows.
Dr. Steiner was very clear about one thing in his lectures on agriculture. In fact, he mentions this in the first opening comments. In order to completely understand anything, one must analyze it through the lens of both physical science and spiritual science. To do otherwise leads to incomplete analysis and incorrect assumptions and conclusions. This is precisely what the author did, which is why his conclusions and recommendations are misleading and false.
That the process of distillation strips all life force out of the distilled water, life force that must be there for the water to be compatible with plants and the soil, and most importantly, the preps and other ingredients.
Distilled water is incapable of accomplishing this feat and is to be avoided at all costs.
As far as I know, virtually all of the distilled water bottled in the US is drawn from chlorinated city water. Recent studies have shown that estrogen hormones from birth control pills, in urine, make their way to city water in many parts of the country and have been linked to developmental problems in young children, such as girls developing breasts at age 7 and 8, and the onset of menses by the same age. How much of this makes it through the distillation process is unknown.
The fact that virtually 100% of all distilled water is sourced from city water should be cause for pause, if nothng else. But there is more.
Dr. Steiner was very clear about not using "night soil" as a fertilizer (which includes human urine) since all of the life force necessary for human existence has normally been removed from the liquid and solid fecal matter during digestion. Moreover, there is a threat of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses in the fecal matter that could be transmitted to a garden, then to the food from that garden.
It is not a good idea to use water that may have human waste in it, which is frequently what we have with distilled water.
Reverse osmosis treated water, which is sometimes confused by consumers for distilled water, has reportedly been examined for hormones and found that this process will not remove them. Much of the bottled water today is treated by this method.
In traditional biodynamics, the raw preparations are stirred in water for one hour to transfer what is in the preparations into the water, the carrier of these forces.
Water is the carrier of life, or more specifically, oxygen in water is the "carrier of the living ether", according to Dr. Steiner.
Let me further quote from Dr. Steiner. "Because of the methods they [physicists and chemists] employ, the oxygen they know always has to have been removed from the ground, so all they ever see is dead oxygen. That is the way it has to be. But that is the case with any science that chooses to take into account only physical things: it only understands corpses."
Distilled water is a corpse. It’s been rendered dead by fire.
Dr. Steiner did not recommend that one use distilled water when applying the preps to a field, he only said "stir it into a whole bucket of water". No mention of anything else.
Dr. Steiner was, if anything, thorough. If he had wanted the preps stirred in distilled water, he would have said so. He did not.
So the question comes up, why recommend distilled water at all? The answer goes back to the fact that treating water with extreme heat, with pressure in the case of distilled water, destroys the etheric energy in it, rendering it unsuitable for use with these preparations.
The preps are alive with etheric and astral energy. That is their nature and that is their purpose. They do best with "water" that also has this life force in it.
There is a belief, just a belief, being bandied about that distilled water, because it is stripped of all elements other than oxygen and hydrogen, acts as a perfect “sponge” to absorb what is in preps and carry it on. This is also untrue because it is important to have the other 104 elements present to make it possible for hydrogen and oxygen to do their jobs, especially sulfur and carbon, as described by Dr. Steiner.
The recommendation that one use distilled water to make homeopathic remedies is utter nonsense. While to the author of this recommendation it appears to argue through physical science that it might be preferable, on further consideration through the lens of spiritual science, it fails to meet the standard.
I recommend that if you are going to attempt to make these remedies, that you select, as I have, water from a perfectly clean source, purified through any effective method other than chlorination, bromination, etc., contained in glass, not plastic. placed in the sun, or at least outside for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours, and handled with the respect it is due.
Rainwater might be appear to be a good selection, especially for application of the raw preparations on fields. But even here, there is a greater risk than solarized ground water. Today, there is so much pollution in the air that any rainwater is going to be tainted with pollution. And probably acidic. No good. And it ends up in our municipal water supply through holding ponds.
Don't use distilled water, water "purified" from a city water source, water from contaminated wells or any other water source where there could be dangerous or pathogenic artifacts in it.
I like the water that comes from Mt. Shasta also as it's just a little bit below the Arkansas water we use, but still head and shoulders above all the rest.
There is also a subtle difference between these two as well. The water from Arkansas comes through a limestone layer into the surface. The water from Mt. Shasta comes to the surface through granite. The first is loaded with calcium and the second is loaded with silica.
If I was to really refine the process, I would select the silica based water from Mt. Shasta in my air and leaf sprays and the calcium element water in my ground sprays. Actually, this is EXACTLY what I do.
Once again, the recommendation for making Steiner preparations into homeopathic remedies using distilled water is, from a spiritual science standpoint, stupid, from a physical standpoint, risky since you can't guarantee the source and the life has been stripped out of it.
Now, the argument that through capillary dynamolysis, one can determine the presence of life force and the quality of life force is, at best inconclusive. While many sincere people have struggled with finding a way to measure life force, not much has been found in the way of accepted science. Capillary dynamolysis is not science. It takes an expert years of training to interpret these “photos” and then, it’s neither sure nor accepted by mainstream agriculture, OR scientists. Hanging one’s hat on something so specious and spurious is tentative at best, completely misleading and perhaps fraudulent at worst.
Let me put another point of view on this one. By the application of Steiner preparation field sprays to to anything, the life force is radically changed in that thing. Yogis from India know that just the thought applied to ANYTHING can alter the life force.
The outcome of any analysis by capillary dynamolysis can be altered by the thoughts of the tester, in the same way the direction of the subatomic particle can be altered by the thoughts of the researcher in a linear accelerator. Think left, and it goes left. Think right and it goes right. Who’s to say that because of the obvious bias of this author that his stray thoughts had no effect on the outcome. Were are the followup analyses by at least two other highly qualified researchers.
One must be extremely careful when using pseudoscience or nonrecognized science to lead one to a conclusion, especially when the conclusion is so dogmatic. In any event, even Dr. Steiner emphasized the importance of proving it by conventional science. This author does neither.
One last point of correction. The author states: "There is an individual who markets his homeopathic sprays for agriculture and personal health. What does this person use to make his sprays with? The label on the bottle says “Purified Spring Water”.
Well, that is a disguised reference to me. In actual fact, my labels say "Purified Natural Spring Water" which is an entirely different animal. "Purified Spring Water" can be processed water, such as city water, drawn from a spring or well. "Purified Natural Spring Water" is defined as water drawn and bottled directly from a natural spring. This is just one more misleading statement made in this misleading and biased article.
Greg Willis
Part 1 - How to make the best homeopathic preps
The quality of water used in making the potencies is the first important consideration.
To discover which waters have the best and worst effects on seed sprout growth, seeds were inserted into different types of water including:
· Well water
· Bottled spring water
· Primordial “M” water
· Holy water – samples of water that have been taken from holy shrines around the world
· “The Water”
· Distilled water
· Rainwater
Results showed conclusively that the water that had the poorest effect on plant growth was bottled water. Even so called “Purified” spring water can be very impure and it is a high probability that some of the molecules from the plastic bottle have leached into the water. Bottled water and tap water typically have weak hydrogen bonds as well. If bottled water is used to make potencies the value and energy of the preps will most likely be undermined due to the poor quality of the water. Any impurities in bottled water will also be homeopathically prepared with the preps and the Koliskos have shown the toxic and life threatening effects minute quantities of compounds have on mice (more on this in part 3).
Ground water, rain water, and even bottled water can be full of impurities which can range from disinfection byproducts, inorganic contaminants, pesticides & their byproducts to radionuclides, volatile organic compounds, particulates, and microorganisms. Some Ecofacts from the Surfrider Foundation:
· One quart of oil dumped in a storm drain contaminates 250,000 gallons of water.
· 14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped in the world’s oceans annually.
It is probably safe to say there are no naturally flowing water sources on the planet that are pure anymore.
It is known that the human body will potentise substances it absorbs and Mother Nature naturally potentises substances all the time. Waves pounding against the shore and rain drops smashing into the earth, etc. are forms of succussion (succussion being the standard method of homeopathically preparing a substance). Then could it be possible that filtered, purified bottled waters contain the homeopathic imprints of the toxins and poisons in the environment from which it came?
There is an individual who markets his homeopathic sprays for agriculture and personal health. What does this person use to make his sprays with? The label on the bottle says “Purified Spring Water”.
It is the opinion of this author that only good quality distilled water should be used to make potencies and I don’t mean the bottled distilled water you can find on store shelves. I have a machine that makes pure distilled water with strong hydrogen bonds and that is what I use to make potencies with. With good quality pure distilled water the effects of the preps should be pure and untainted, and prep quality should be maintained. Only reputable companies such as Weleda use distilled water to make their homeopathic preparations with.
Potentised preparations
Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 22:57
by kaviraj
Dear Greg,
while the arguments you put forward regarding the idiocy of using distilled water seem valid from the 'spiritual' viewpoint, you fail to address the enlivening energy of the remedy made with it, which from the potentising process receives 'dynamisation' and a release of spiritual energy.
this is by itself sufficient to enliven the 'dead' water and make the remedy entirely viable for whatever purpose it was made. If you deny this, you are faced with the conundrum of explaining how for 200 years those very same remedies have been so successfully applied on humans.
moreover, my own experience with plants - over a period of 15 years - has shown that they work.
if your contention were true, then all of homoeopathy has been nothing but a hoax. I can accept that humans may have collectively been duped by placebo for 200 years, although i have to severely stretch my imagination to do so. however, plants cannot be fooled with placebo - vide 'The Secret Life of Plants'. hence my experiences - and those of several hundred clients - with plants cannot be negated. how do you explain that? or explain it away?
Posted: 21 Dec 2006, 11:01
by Mark
[This is cross posted from the
BdNow discussion list with permission]
Well, I don't believe a word you say. So, just now, I spoke with the Overlighting Deva of the Plant Kingdom. Here is what he/she said.
The question at hand is whether or not alcohol is a good or bad thing when applied in homeopathic form to the Plant Kingdom. The answer is that it is NOT, definitely NOT the preferred method. Water is. Neither is polluted water, liquor, distilled water, processed city water, polluted rainwater or anything else unnatural. Alcohol is definitely on that list of the ingredients no one should never use when applying homeopathic sprays.
The success that Sharon believes she sees is not real and we shall have a discussion with the Devas whom she says have guided her to do it that way. Alcohol is completely unnatural to the plant world. What it does is separate the astral from the etheric bodies and then from the physical body in the material world. This separation causes the plant to grow in odd ways.
To prove this, she should make a pure alcohol remedy in her preferred dilution liquid and apply it directly to her plants. She will see the results.
If she, in fact, does make her remedies through succussion and dilution, then if she takes them to ANY level of potency, she will see negative results.
That is the ONLY way you are going to convince her that she is wrong. Never use alcohol in homeopathic form, or in straight form. It is an anathema to the Plant Kingdom in its entirety.
You have your Devas, I have mine. Please. Don't go throwing these things around like confetti.
I suspect that any success you've seen or had using alcohol in your products that are made with the preparations and applied to plants are a result of the preps overriding the effects of the alcohol. The preps trump alcohol. On balance though, you will make far better products for plants if you get rid of the alcohol and go with natural spring water.
If you want to get into a fight over this, take it elsewhere. I'm not interested. But I'm not going to back down from my statement that alcohol is never, never, ever to be used in sprays on plants, regardless of whether or not it is prepared homeopathically, diluted with water or applied full strength. Alcohol kills plants. That's why hospitals use it as a disinfectant and preservative.
I'm giving my best advice to the people on this list. If you don't like it, that's too bad. You may be a perfectly wonderful person, but you are completely wrong about this. If you want to claim to be an expert in your field, that's fine with me. But you should know that I am an expert in the Plant Kingdom. That's MY world. And I know as much or more than anyone in the world about Dr. Steiner's preparations and what they do, don't do and can do.
For 15 years, I've kept a running, written dialog with the Devic Kingdom. I've written two books on the subject. During this time, I've never, ever been advised to use alcohol on plants. Always the opposite. Stay away from it like the plague. If you check with Findhorn and Peralandra, I think you'll find the same advice.
Maybe now is the time when you should progress to the next level. So. Why don't you just do this. Ditch the alcohol in your blends and substitute something natural like natural spring water and make a better product.
You too, Hugh. Glen, keep making yours with alcohol. It makes my products better by comparison.
Greg Willis