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New Education Initiative

Posted: 22 Aug 2015, 10:12
by Cuttings
The BD Ag College

Please find the attached document that outlines the intention and direction forward of the BD Ag College.

Please join us if you see this as a valuable direction for Dr Steiner's work to develop.

Membership fees can be paid via

Please forward this email to anyone you know, anywhere in the world, who you think maybe interested in supporting this activity.

I am really looking forward to this adventure of bringing Conscious Biodynamics to the world.



Recently Peter Bacchus and Glen Atkinson decided that they would form an
associative group, whose primary intention is to explore and promote the worldview Dr Rudolf Steiner outlined within his medical and agricultural lectures, for the benefit of those working with nature. (3)

Part of the impetus for this group comes from there being no similar group, working from this basis. Also their intention is informed by their experience of what has gone wrong within similar groups. (1)

The primary intention seems best achieved by focusing upon education, research and consultation, all pursued and achieved in their own time.

Legal form
The legal form of the organisation will eventually take the form of a charitable organisation, with a threefold internal structure.

Trustees – The Head
A trustee board of three trustees will be appointed. (2) Their role is to maintain the primary intention. They have veto rights over all aspects of the organisation. The Governing committee – The Rhythmic system This group will initially have up to 5 members elected by the membership, and approved by the trustees. Trustees can be part of this group, with at least one
trustees always a member. This group runs the day to day business of the organisation, with its role clearly defined as serving the intention of both the trustees and the membership.

Membership – The Metabolic system
A subscription based membership is offered to interested parties. Members have voting rights for the committee, and access to the membership section of the website and other benefits. This part of the organisation also includes the student body who may not be members of the organisation.

Why a College?
A college fulfills several intentions
(a) It is a place of education and research and can have a outreach function
(b) It is a place where people come to meet, discuss and explore the pursuit of particular academic interests
(c) Colleges usually have the form outlined, with trustees holding the intention, a staff body and a student body.
(d) Colleges are often funded via endowments, donations and fees.

The Way Forward
A company has been formed – Bd Ag Ltd – whose shareholders will be the trustees. This provides a legal form by which we can immediately begin our activities. The trustees (Glen, Peter and one other pending) have passed a motion to establish an association of members, and membership will be offered with an initial subscription fee of $100 per annum, to fund its early developments.

Education is the obvious place to start. A series of weekend seminars are planned with various presenters. A web based education platform will be established, as a pathway for an international membership. Glen is making the web based resources of his company, BdMax, (online shop facilities) and organisation, Glenopathy, ( webpages ) available to the college until it can organise its own resources. This allows the college to have an immediate start to its activities.

The legal charitable organisation will be registered as funds and appropriate timings are achieved.

Education Program
The education program is envisioned to occur at four levels
1) Physical
This includes all basic activities of Biological management, Soil science, Composting, Permaculture design, and basic Biodynamic preparation application.
2) Etheric
Here the ‘context’ of Biodynamic agriculture is developed. The basis of the worldview and its the vocabulary is learnt. Goethean Perception and basic experimentation techniques are learnt.
3) Astral
The vocabulary and context are bought to life through studies of the medical and agricultural lectures and practical experimentation, providing the tools of the Art.
4) Spirit
Practicing the Art. Becoming the Adept at controlling nature through conscious control of its forces.

Courses and mentoring of all four levels will be offered as appropriate, however each level needs to be completed before the subsequent levels can be attended.

(1) Several lessons can be learnt, by observing the development and decline of
the Biodynamic organisations, around the world. (a) the way non elected employees
come to dominate the membership (b) individuals use the community resource for
their own financial security (c) the path of spiritual science devolves into stories of
faith and fairies (d) all members impulses for development are not honoured

(2) A very common ‘problem’ of similar organisations, is the manipulation and
control of the group by a very small number of individuals, who then use the public
organisation for their private goals, thus perverting the primary intention of the
group. This is often achieved by having non elected ‘secretaries’, who ‘outlive’ a
sequence of revolving committee members, thus becoming the paid repository of ‘all
organisational knowledge’. Paid staff are ultimately motivated by securing their
livelihood, and thus often have to control the group to feel secure.
To overcome this seemingly inevitable outcome, we will have a ‘head’ body who have
the ultimate decision making ability, and responsibility for the primary intention to be
served at all times. Secondary rules will be included to have all paid and non paid
employees positions reconfirmed annually by the membership and trustees.
While trustees will be initially appointed, a process of nomination of future trustees
from the membership will be included, however the final decision will remain with the
remaining trustees.

(3) This worldview is best summarised as - the four primary energetic activities
arising from the Stars, Solar System, Atmosphere and Earth, manifesting within
threefold physical bodies.