Permanent pasture improvement

Research publications concerning biodynamics
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Permanent pasture improvement

Post by Mark »

Improving soil conditions of permanent pastures using organic practices

J. Perez-Sarmentero, A. Molina, R. Colmenares, L. Suances and J.M. De Miguel

SUMMARY -To improve the sustainability of livestock farming systems in a mountain area very close to Madrid city,
central Spain, the response of permanent pastures soil conditions to the application of biodynamic preparations, was
studied after a three and a half years period. Up to sixteen soil parameters (chemical, physical and biological) were
measured in plots established in three commercial farms located along the altitudinal gradient present in the area.
Results obtained suggest that these preparations have a positive influence on soil conditions depending on
environmental conditions, being higher in more extreme environments, supporting thus, previous research done until
now only on tilled soils.

Key words: Permanent pastures, biodynamic preparations, soil conditions, environmental conditio