NZ research on pasture and orchard management

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NZ research on pasture and orchard management

Post by Mark »

A Review of New Zealand and International Organic Land management Research relevant to soil dairy pasture and orchard management in NZ

Until the mid-1980s organic agriculture struggled to gain scientific credibility in New
Zealand and elsewhere in the world. Internationally, the situation has changed
dramatically since then. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture
Movements (IFOAM) has developed into a highly credible organisation and one that has been
instrumental in setting minimum standards for organic practices and products. There are now
many research institutes dedicated to organic research, particularly in Western Europe, that
are funded by individual governments or the European Union and work collaboratively with
traditional research agencies. The biennial IFOAM conferences increasingly highlight the
multidisciplinary character of organic research, encompassing areas as diverse as soil ecology,
economics and sustainable development. Many New Zealand farmers and orchardists are
attracted to organic methods but seek the backing of scientific research. It is becoming
evident that organic 1 agriculture requires comprehensive research.