Classical Botanical experiment reevaluated

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Classical Botanical experiment reevaluated

Post by Mark »


Pongratz and Endler

An increasing number of studies report different effects of diluted substances, depending
on whether or not those were submitted to a "homoeopathic" agitation process during dilution
(see the examples discussed in this book). There is clinical evidence that even in very
high dilutions, when these were submitted to a special preparation process, specific information
can be stored [1,2].

In the background of such more or less therapy-orientated studies, important work has
been done in research on Ultra High Dilutions (UHD) on plant models [3-22]. In many of
these studies [e.g. 14,15], but also in other fields of UHD research [23], it was a.o.
claimed that, from a logarithmic ränge of dilutions (e.g. 10"24, 10"25, 10"2^), only certain
dilutions are able to exert biological activhy.

The aim of the study discussed here is the critical evaluation of the reliability of a test
System which has been quoted äs a basic model for the research on "homoeopathic" drugs,
and has been discussed fordecades [8,10,11,12,14,15,21].

The efficacy of a "homoeopathic" drug commonly used, namely silver nitrate, was investigated
in the model System of the germination and the development of leaves of wheat
grains. The study is based on the facts a. that silver nitrate in a common molecular dose
inhibits life processes [24] and b. that inverse - i.e. stimulating - effects of specially prepared
high dilutions of silver nitrate have been reported [8,10,11,12,14,15,21], especiaUy
from "homoeopathically" prepared dilutions log 24 and log 26 (but not log 25) [14].

In order to evaluate the respective protocol by Kolisko [14] critically, a study was performed
to compare the effects of different Steps of the dilution of silver nitrate, namely
log 24, log 25 and log 26. Unprepared solvent (distilled water) was used äs an additional
control (A).

Furthermore, the dilution log 24 was tested against analogously "homoeopathically" prepared
distilled water (B). Data from a respective study, organized by the biological editor
of this book and performed in three independent research Institutes (see discussion), have
been published earlier [22],

Furthermore, an additional approach was added; it concerned the evaluation of the exposure
to the test dilutions in a way that they were not mixed with the water the grains were
submerged with. For this purpose, the test dilutions silver nitrate log 24, log 25 and log 26
were applicated in closed glass vials (C).
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Re: Classical Botanical experiment reevaluated

Post by Mark »

It is interesting to see the effort that goes into germination experiments. See here for instance.
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Joined: 12 Jan 2006, 11:26
Location: Forest of Dean, UK

Re: Classical Botanical experiment reevaluated

Post by Mark »

Also being used for pharmacies ... link to file here.
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