BIODYNAMIC AGRICULTURE A phenomena coming of age!

Research publications concerning biodynamics
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BIODYNAMIC AGRICULTURE A phenomena coming of age!

Post by Mark »

A phenomena coming of age!

By Michelle Bell-Turner

Ideas introduced in the 20th Century by
Rudolf Steiner are now emerging as some
of the most original and timely
contributions to the modern world. In
addition to Biodynamic Agriculture,
examples of Steiner’s living legacy include
the Waldorf/Steiner school movement;
Anthroposophical medicine; the Camphill
movement for living and working with
developmentally disabled individuals; a
new freedom of design in architecture; and
original contributions to fields as vastly
distinct as the arts and economics.
Over the next four issues we will
investigate Biodynamic Agriculture – a
long practised but little publicised method
of organic agriculture, that is growing in its
recognition and use due to its ability to
produce exceptional quality produce with
minimal inputs!