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Radish and sulphur

Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 12:14
by Mark
Effect of the homeopathic solution Sulphur on the growth and productivity of radish

Carlos Moacir Bonato and Eni Paulo da Silva

ABSTRACT. The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of the homeopathic solution
Sulphur on some radish growth variables. Five dinamizations of Sulphur were used (5 CH,
12 CH, 30 CH, 200 CH and 1 MCH) on a centesimal scale. Treatments were carried out in
vases outdoors and the homeopathic solution was applied weekly. The fresh and dry matter
mass of the shoot and the root system, the average length of the root system, the average
plant length, the length of the largest leaf and the root diameter were analyzed. The
application of Sulphur improved the general conditions of the plants in practically all the
studied variables, when compared with a control. The dinamizations 5 CH, 12 CH, 30 CH
and 1 MCH showed better responses. The control and the dinamization 200 CH were the
treatments that presented the most negative results. The results suggest that the
homeopathy Sulphur can be an alternative to improve the productivity and appearance of
commercial agricultural products, with substantial reduction in agricultural input.

Keywords: Dinamization, Raphanus sativus L.