Soil carbon and BD

Research publications concerning biodynamics
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Soil carbon and BD

Post by Mark »

Soil C pools with different activity: Corg, POM, CO2. 1. Effects of composted manure, biodynamic preparations and mineral

Joachim Raupp, Meike Oltmanns

It has been observed under various site conditions that nutrient supply from farmyard manure
is normally weaker than from mineral fertilization in order to achieve a high yield level. Soil
organic matter formation, however, usually is better when manure is applied. With selected
parameters we investigated the effects of long-term use of farmyard manure and mineral
fertilization, particularly on soil organic matter fractions with long-term and short-term
turnover: organic carbon content (Corg), particulate organic matter content (POM) and carbon
dioxide development after re-wetting of air-dried soil samples (CO2 flush in 24 h).
In a long-term trial farmyard manure in two treatments with and without application of
biodynamic preparations is compared with mineral fertilization (calcium ammonium nitrate,
super phosphate, potassium magnesia), each applied at levels of 60, 100 and 140 kg ha-1
nitrogen. The treatments are practised in 4 replicates and on 4 adjacent fields where 4 different
crops have been cultivated. The results presented here refer to the spring wheat field.