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Cina and Santonin and Meloidogyne

Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 10:39
by Mark
Amelioration of root-knot disease of lady’s finger plants by potentized Cina and Santonin

NC Sukul

Lady’s finger plants (Hibiscus escu/entus), grown in pots, were inoculated with the second-stage
larvae (76:t 6) of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, starting 7 days later they were
treated with Cina 30c, Santonin 30c or Ethanol 30c by foliar spray for 10 consecutive days. The
drugs in 90% ethanol were diluted with distilled water 1:1000 before application on plants. Thirty
days after the last treatment the plants were uprooted. Cina 30c and Santonin 30c reduced
nematode infestation of plants significantly in terms of root-gall number, root-protein content and
nematode population in roots. Santonin 30c reduced root water content. Santonin 30c may have
influenced the water channel proteins of root tissues thereby altering the water contents of roots.
The reduced water content in roots might have adversely affected the root-knot nematodes and
thus reduced nematode infestation. Ethanol 30c also has some effect on treated plants.
Keywords: Meloidogyne incognita; homeopathic drugs; root water; root gall