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Tannins after Sulph 4C

Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 09:38
by Mark

Fonseca, Maira Christina Marques; Casali, Vicente Wagner Dias; Cecon, Paulo  Roberto 

Medicinal plants  like Porophyl um ruderale are more suitable  to pathogenesic tests,  for
example tannin changes, because they were not disturbed by genetic selections for yield or for
dependence to agrochemicals. A pathogenesic trial under randomized blocks design of three 
replicates,  eight  tannin determinations  (each 48 hours) and a  control (distiled water) was 
conducted in the double blind procedure. Only one application of Sulphur 4CH was done over
the soil of pots containing one plant. Tannin was quantified through Chemist A. O. method in
leaves of the same plant position. Tannin content of control plants remained about the same 
from zero to 13 days period (y = 1,4768). Tannin of Sulphur treated plants decreased from the 
day of application up to 48th hour but reached minimum value by 96th hour and by 192th hour
it was equal to control plants reaching maximum value by 288th hour decreasing then on until 
the end of the trial, what means, 336th hour/13rd day (ŷ = 1,50182 – 0,00921X + 0,00008X 2 –
0,00000015X 3;  R2 = 0,95).  The adjustment  through regression analysis alowed the 
interpretation of the data along the short period.