Larvicidal effect of eucalyptus - potentised and neat

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Larvicidal effect of eucalyptus - potentised and neat

Post by Mark »

Homeopathic and larvicide effect of Eucalyptus cinerea essential oil against Aedes aegypti

Patrícia Aparecida Mançano Cavalca; Maria Isabel Gomes de Assumpção Lolis, Bruno Reis; Carlos Moacir Bonato

Homeopathic and larvicide effect of Eucalyptus cinerea essential oil on Aedes aegypti is analyzed. The
larvicide (doses between 0 and 100 mg mL-1) and homeopathic (dynamizations 3CH, 6CH, 9CH, 12CH
and 30CH) effect of E. cinerea essential oil on Aedes aegypti development stages were investigated.
Essential oil had high larvicide effect respectively with LC50 and LC90 of 0.38 mg mL and 0.27 mg mL-1
As a rule, the homeopathy of essential oil affected the A. aegypti development stages. Dynamizations
6CH, 9CH and 12CH reduced the mean number of larvae when compared to that of control. Mean
number of mosquitoes decreased through homeopathic dynamization 30CH. Results show that E. cinerea
essential oil is highly promising and may be used in public health policies for the control of A. aegypti.
Essential oil homeopathy interfered in the biology of A. aegypti and shall be focused in future
experiments on the subject.

Key words: ultra-diluted; secondary metabolism; biomass; homeopathic drugs.