Plant Pathogenesis

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Plant Pathogenesis

Post by Mark »

Plant Pathogenesis

F. Rossi; E.J. Ambrosano; P.R.Righetto Rolim; E.M.M. von Atzingen; N.M.Azevedo Silva

The agrohomeopathy is one of the sciences that is based on the Vitalism and in agroecological
principles to know the nature, its biodiversity, its biological cycles, its interactions and mainly its
vital energy. The plant pathogenesy consists of the set of symptoms that a substance provokes in the
apparently healthy plant. However, the vegetable capacity to answer by means of the chemical
variability of defense compounds surpasses the visible manifestations of the primary actions, what
it don’t facilitate this type of experiment. To surpass this difficulty the use of plants with proven
allelopathic effect is proposed in plant pathogenesy experiment, as it is the case of the Rottboellia
exaltata L.f., that causes significant productivity losses in crop cultures. The vegetables and soil
response prove that it is not just a performance of induction of psychological effects. The role of
researchers in agrarian sciences is to develop plant pathogenesy and to form the material medical
for vegetables.