Carbo v and Nat m on growth

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Carbo v and Nat m on growth

Post by Mark »

INFLUENCE OF HOMEOPATHIC SOLUTIONS Carbo vegetabilis AND Natrum muriaticum ON THE GROWTH OF Salvia hispanica L.

CO Martendal; AC Tormena; B Reis, CRP Lopes; T Novello; KS Mourão; CM Bonato

ABSTRACT: This experiment aimed to study the influence of homeopathic solutions Carbo vegetabilis and Natrum muriaticum on some biometric variables of Salvia hispanica L. (chia). Chia plants were grown in pots (3L) in greenhouse conditions. Weekly plants received 250 mL of homeopathic solutions Carbo vegetabilis and Natrum muriaticum in different dynamizations (6, 12, 18, 24 and 30CH) in the proportion of 1 mL L-1 (control=water). Every 7 days, the plants were measured and determined the leaves and flowers number. At the end of the experiment the plants were separated into shoot and root system and determined the total length, fresh and dry weight of shoots, number and fresh and dry weight of inflorescences and number of leaves. The Natrum muriaticum 18CH reduced significantly the inflorescences number. The other homeopathic remedies were not significant for the remaining variables.

Keywords: high dilutions, chia, homeopathic drugs