Ferrum sulph and fungus

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Ferrum sulph and fungus

Post by Mark »

FUNGITOXIC EFFECT OF HOMEOPATHIC Ferrum sulphuricum ON Alternaria solani

M.V. Toledo; J.R.Stangarlin; C. C. Meinerz

ABSTRACT: The tomato is one of the most consumed vegetables in Brazil and presents different problems with pests and pathogens. One of the most important diseases that reduce the production is the early blight. Thus, homeopathy has been potentially useful in controlling some diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluated the in vitro fungitoxic activity against A. solani by homeopathic drug Ferrum sulphuricum in 32 dynamizations from 3CH to 99CH compared with controls treatments water-etanol solution and distilled water. The results for mycelial growth rates of A. solani indicated that Ferrum sulphuricum 12, 21, 72, 75, 78, 81 and 96CH statistically different from controls, with values of 15% (75CH) to 38.5% (81CH) smaller than distilled water and 9.3 to 35% the hydroalcoholic solution 70%, respectively. For the inhibition of sporulation A. solani by Ferrum sulphuricum, it is observed that all potencies differed from the control distilled water except 57CH. The results indicate the potential of the drug Ferrum sulphuricum for alternative control of tomato diseases.

Keywords: homeopathy, early blight, tomato, alternative control